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Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


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The game would be a generational game spanning over a century. It would begin in the Victorian Era with the players portraying heroic characters of the time, perhaps with some low level powers much like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It would progress over time with PCs playing the descendants or inheritors of their previous PCs abilities, or even completely new character in different eras of Superheroes. Pulp Mystery Men, Golden Age War World 2 Nazi busters, etc. with a overarching metaplot that could take them into a Star Spanning Galactic Champions setting.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


Pretty darn cool.


I have my doubts about the longevity of ANY PBeM (enough so that I'm reluctantly shelving some plans that I was enthusiastic about), but hope springs eternal. :)

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


Sounds interesting. I like the idea of the game being generational. This of course would require the players to create several different characters. This might the only problem. I know myself that if I create a character that I enjoy playing, I tend to dislike giving the character up.


I can see a character having a family heirloom that grants thier powers. Like the Starman or a familial Green Lantern-esque ring. It might work for a power-armored hero. The first design could be a huge clunky steam-powered power suit... as time goes by the suit gets smaller and more efficient. It could end with a suit capable of galactic battles.


I say go for it.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


We had a World of Darkness game like that, though it started way back in Troy.


The players with Vampires got to play the same character every generation baring violent death. In that case they got to play one of their progeny in the next game.


The Lupines were all inspired by the heroic deeds of their ancestors, 'cause it's cool hearing the Galliards recount things that your character did hundreds of years ago (last session).


Mages were either near immortal or simply reincarnated every generation or so.


I miss that game :(

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


I think it sounds like a brilliant idea for a game. I was in a generational fantasy game back in the day, and it was loads of fun. it really gives a different perspective on things when you're trying to accumulate a legacy to pass on to the next generation. It's a very interesting thing when you're used to playing "live for the day" heroes.


The only caution flag I would throw up is that such a game requires tremendous commitment from players, and an awful lot of work from the GM -- by an order of magnitude, it was more work than any other game I've been involved in. That was why mine died, in fact, because people just didn't have the time to put out the effort necessary to keep it going.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


The game would be a generational game spanning over a century. It would begin in the Victorian Era with the players portraying heroic characters of the time' date=' perhaps with some low level powers much like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It would progress over time with PCs playing the descendants or inheritors of their previous PCs abilities, or even completely new character in different eras of Superheroes. Pulp Mystery Men, Golden Age War World 2 Nazi busters, etc. with a overarching metaplot that could take them into a Star Spanning Galactic Champions setting.[/quote']

As a consideration, generational does not necessarily mean linear gameplay. If you can convince the players to make up all required characters ahead of time, you can bounce around the different "ages"; dropping clues here and there that advance the metaplot. This would, of course, require a bit more control to keep things moving along without spoiling any surprises...

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


The game would be a generational game spanning over a century. It would begin in the Victorian Era with the players portraying heroic characters of the time' date=' perhaps with some low level powers much like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It would progress over time with PCs playing the descendants or inheritors of their previous PCs abilities, or even completely new character in different eras of Superheroes. Pulp Mystery Men, Golden Age War World 2 Nazi busters, etc. with a overarching metaplot that could take them into a Star Spanning Galactic Champions setting.[/quote'] I did this as a 3-episode intro for my current campaign at 7th Sea. it worked fine.


But, with Champions, be careful about players who completly re-create their characters from a era to the other. be firm on the parts that could be changed and the others. Be also careful about abilities Ok for a genre but not the others - cool abilities in a victorian horror setting but useless in a Golden Age setting etc...- or make them immortal

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


Its a neat concept. I'm not interested in a joining a PBEM, but I think the concept is solid.


It is similar to my current game, except I choose a single time to concentrate on. The PCs are reforming an older team that had collapsed. The PC background requirement was that the PCs had to either be an original member (with extended life), or a legacy character from an original member.


Since its a Silver Age game I plan on using time travel on occasion to take the PCs to different eras.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


I have played in the few games that span a long time. The longest being a vampire game that ran for 1000 years. Of course vampires done die of old age and I got a new character when my guy was put out in the sun. It does take alot of work from the gm and players but with a good group it can be very rewarding.


Good luck it will be a daunting but hopefully very rewarding.



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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


This is exactly what I've been trying to create for the past couple of years. The 'Shadow Avengers' Timeline never got off the ground. I was calling the whole shebang: Annals of the Mask. I got some character applications and a story started. My game fell through with a misconception of what the 'LXG' game would be like.


I wanted a clear-cut, game mechanic difference between what Mystery Men were capable of compared to 'true' Metahumans could do with 'powers'. The reason for this was a thinly veiled meta-arc defining what powers were.


Anyways, if it wasn't Yahoo, or strictly PBeM, I'd be interested. (HeroCentral/Myraid Realms)... Hint, hint.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


Sounds like a great idea! One of the things I like about the CU setting is the chance it gives you to play ancestors and descendants of your current characters, as well as of various NPCs. Having some NPC be a villain one time around and a hero the next would make for some confusion among the PCs.


Myself, I'd be looking for an overarching villain/threat with that campaign idea. It'd provide a theme if nothing else, and enhance the connection of all these characters (they face the same menace). In the CU, the Elder Worm would probably be perfect for the role.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


The game would be a generational game spanning over a century. It would begin in the Victorian Era with the players portraying heroic characters of the time' date=' perhaps with some low level powers much like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It would progress over time with PCs playing the descendants or inheritors of their previous PCs abilities, or even completely new character in different eras of Superheroes. Pulp Mystery Men, Golden Age War World 2 Nazi busters, etc. with a overarching metaplot that could take them into a Star Spanning Galactic Champions setting.[/quote']


That'd be cool. Reminds me a bit of "troupe" games which I read about in Pyramid.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


I think this approach can work. I think it would work best if you decided to advance and age the characters at about 5 or 10 times the normal rate. Let them grow powerful and yet old quickly, allowing you to play through many generations quickly.


Maybe every session would cover about 10 years, with the actual game time being a few days or weeks but the next session picking up 10 years later.

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Re: Just testing interest:Would you would you be interested in this game?


I'd like to thank everyone for the positive feedback and suggestions. Right now I'm just at the rolling the idea around in my head stage. I haven't really decided if should try to undertake it. It would take a lot of work and research to pull off well and a great deal of commitment from myself and the players.

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