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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing Bethesda's new game, Starfield, as part of the Early Access program (It officially launches on September 6). I'm about 7 hours in and I'm having a really good time. One review I saw said that it was "Skyrim in space", and that's mostly correct. I bought my copy, but Game Pass subscribers will be able to play for free on September 6. Most of my time has been spent playing it on my gaming PC, but I did switch over to the Xbox Series X for about an hour (buy once, play on either). Game saves are cloud-based, so it was the same character on both. Space combat is a lot of fun, but there's a bit of a learning curve. 


Because I'm susceptible to motion sickness, I usually play Skyrim in third-person. I've been playing Starfield in first-person, however, as the video's much smoother and it doesn't seem to trigger my motion sickness. Third-person does trigger my motion sickness, and I think that it's because the character wobbles a bit while you are walking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the way back from having my glasses repaired (screw loose on one of the arms) popped into a discount store and found a detective fiction book just released on sale for half price. As mum has the other three by the same author, I got it for her (having checked the price in the main bookstore where it would have been $8 more expensive). Also broke the scone drought again by getting scones from Marks and Spencer.


Also there has been a sighting of one of the old timers, "V".

Edited by death tribble
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to Reading and gamed. King of Tokyo was particularly brutal with 4 players taken out in one foul swoop. Tried Rivers of London Role Playing Game and we located a genus loci in a book shop and found a way to placate it. Apples to Apples went badly as I did not even get one right. Judge Dredd was as sadistic as ever.. Did not win but enjoyed the brutality. Tried Isle of Cats and that was complicated. Goof but complicated.

Dished out pressies to the birthday boy (not me) and the late present that was forgotten in May.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been involved in the snowball fight on Deviantart. Last year I came third in catching and was in the top 25 throwers. So I wanted to just get involved and get on the catch list and maybe the throw list. It starts on December 1st and ends on the 31st.

Each week I get 50 fragments which I can pay for a snowball badge. 3 fragments pays for a snowball. If you get hit by a snowball you get 2 fragments.

You throw a snowball by awarding a badge to a piece of art or comment. You can throw more than one snowball at a particular piece of art or comment but for the leaderboard only the first one counts. You still get the fragments.

So I have about 2000 odd fragments going in. I was going to budget myself to about 150 snowballs a week so I would have something at the end. I end up using more than that but I am being hit as well.

I get onto the catch board and throw board even though there are those with  more fragments who easily outclass me. One of these gets removed for unknown reasons, (spamming maybe) but the account is not deleted. This moves me up the board and I get back to being third from fourth.

One of the catcher accounts is removed although it is not taken off the leader board so people have to reach 355 to surpass it.


I am involved in drawn out battles with several people so that I hit their comments and galleries and they hit comments I leave lying around. One of these is stopped because we did the same last year so we are stopped from giving each other snowball badges. The others I am able to continue with much to our joint benefit.

Another guy gets above me on the catch board and is constantly harping on about wanting to be first. But he is not throwing a lot and this is annoying not just me but others who can throw. So when he gets within 80 odd of the leader I throw 10 at the leader to keep him ahead. And I ask others to keep the current leader ahead because we are not going to catch him.

It settles down to three of us ahead of the rest by a couple of hundred and we get above 1000 apiece.


Meantime I start highlighting where people are and asking people to hit particular people in order to get them above thresholds like 250, 300, 500 etc.

We get updates from the site saying who the top 25 throwers and catchers are. The last update is Friday and we are 13,000 short of 300,000. And some people can get to thresholds so I cajole the majority to throw and target certain people while I throw what is supposed to be my last as I run out of enough fragments to do anything.

The leader is now nearly 300 ahead of second place. I have reached 1100 and am 37 short of second place.

At this stage I think the guy in second place gave up as i saw little activity from them. I still think it is unlikely that I can catch them and concentrate on getting another guy who fell off the catch leaderboard back on.


Several others have stalled completely on the catch side and I fall out of the top 10 throwers as I cannot sustain the volume of fire due to lack of resources.

I ask several people to concentrate fire on particular targets as I can no longer benefit but they can have an effect.

While we do have an effect late entries on the catch side skew the catch leaderboard. Bearing in mind they have to get past 300 and the last entry on the final catch board is 454.

Sadly this means two people I have been helping drop off. One of these is the top thrower who ends up with 9,000 snowballs thrown but had around 400 caught. His gallery is a tad odd in that it has fat creatures. So people might throw multiple snowballs at one picture but little else. I helped get him on the catch board by doing one snowball a comment or artwork.


I ask some people if I can feature their work as it will draw people to look at their work. I get one refusal but quite a few others say yes and it lets me draw attention to them as well as getting me an odd snowball as well. I also end up with several diamond badges which gets me 100 fragments a piece. This with several Hype badges and about 20 quartz badges all help me.

I do manage to ring lead snowballs onto one guy who ends up with 600 putting him in the middle although we lose several others on the catch board who just drop off at the death.


Me ? I end up with 1196 caught. 2200 thrown. This makes me 11th in the throwers but I come second on the catchers. I overtook the other guy by ten. The winner was nearly 400 ahead of us. He works out in the Far East, Vietnam way. But I conspired with him to keep ahead of the other guy.


I end up by writing a long thank you to all of those who helped me. I name them all which was more involved than I thought.


It has not been that good a year so this was a nice surprise to end it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was cleaning a bit, and I found my stash of Gamecube games, so I decided to buy an HDMI adapter for my old Gamecube, and it arrived today. This is the one I bought:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09TR1LM9H


I've tried a couple of games so far, and the results are more positive than I expected. It's obviously not as clear a picture as a modern console, but it's good enough. I'm looking forward to playing Metroid Prime 2, which I was surprised to find was still factory sealed.



The clock battery probably needs replacing, as the system time was very close to midnight on March 4, 2019. That's only really an issue for games like Animal Crossing, though. And while I have that game, I'm afraid of launching it and seeing all of the weeds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, Cancer said:

:think:  I've only been summed for jury duty once, and they seated no juries that day so I got off free.  I may be on the "scientist" blacklist (no one wants intelligent, rational jurors who are smarter than the lawyers).


I've served on two juries, a criminal trial, and a civil trial. The criminal trial resulted in a not guilty verdict.


I was surprised to be selected for the civil trial. It was a minor fender-bender, but the plaintiff was claiming severe back injuries. I figured that the plaintiff's attorneys would reject me, but that didn't happen. When they asked if I would have any issues with a large judgement, I briefly included the words "tort reform" in my answer, which got a smile from the defendant's attorney, but only a slight look of confusion on the plaintiff's attorney's face.


Talking after the trial to the defense attorney, he assumed that jury foreman was either going to be me or the high school science teacher. In deliberations, I had turned it down, and the science teacher became foreman. The case involved a medical component,and I was also surprised that they left a retired nurse on the jury. Plaintiff was asking $12.5 million, we deliberated over initial medical costs (a little less than $8000), or nothing. We went with nothing.


The plaintiff's attorneys were far from the smartest in the room. I found out that they were the seventh legal team on the case, and that they turned down a half a million from the defendant's insurance. The original medical bills had already been paid,and if we had chosen that, the plaintiff's lawyers would have been able to get their legal fees paid by the defense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Grailknight said:


I have never heard of a doctor saying "Eat more salt." Did they say why?


One of my tests came back with me just slightly under the accepted guidelines for sodium.  A normal blood sodium level is between 135 and 145 milliequivalents/liter (mEq/L) (taken from here: https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/hyponatremia).

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Two things.

Candy Crush is working again after several weeks when it just would not load and kicked out.

Was watching a film called Out of Bounds. Kid goes into a club where a band is playing. Siouxsie and the Banshees. The actual band. Playing Cities in Dust. I was gobsmacked and delighted.

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