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Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


I have fond memories of the one-off humour issue - as someone who always preferred DC, for me, the gag on 'what if Wonder Man was a woman and Power Man was a girl?' was a gem (complete with its threat of legal action by the Distinguished Competition).


Marvel actually asked for ideas for a follow-up at the end of that issue and I sent some to them: the one I thought best was 'what if Janet van Dyne became Giant-Woman?' and had a fifteen-foot-tall Jan in an expensive boutique, a dress draped over one pinky and her asking the stunned salesgirl, 'I love this one, but do you have it in a bigger size?'

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


What if... I liked too many of them to choose. Lets go with just a few.


Dr Strange was the disciple of Dormammu

Baron Mordo became Sorcerer Supreme

Spider-man joined the Fantastic Four

Korvac killed the Avengers

Daredevil was the disciple of Dr Strange

The whole Time-quake 5 parter

Namor joined the FF

#105 -Introducing Spider-Girl, I really liked the M2 line for some reason

#125 -what if the heroes never returned from the Secret Wars

'cause those kids were pretty cool characters, esp. how Cap's daughter can lift Thor's hammer while his own son can't.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


V1#22: What if Dr. Doom had become a hero?

V2#52: What if Doom became Sorcerer Supreme?

V2#51 What if the Punisher became Captain America?

(I loved what Cap said to him about being human.)


V2#18, V2#19, V2#27, V2#35, V2#78, V2#79, V2#89, V2#97, V2#100

:thumbup: Just because Dr. Doom makes an appearance. :king:

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


I was a fan of the funny issue as well. Especially the Punisher gag:




If they'd switched to the Punisher looking like that? Well, I'm just shallow enough, and honest enough about it to say I'd probably still be reading Punisher. ;)


Bullets the Wonder Pup!!!

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Probably "What if the Hulk went Berserk". His rage doesn't stop' date=' and he becomes exponentially stronger. Several big-name heroes wind up dead, and Thor winds up snapping his neck.[/quote']


Is that the one where the Hulk punches Power Man through a few buildings?

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Is that the one where the Hulk punches Power Man through a few buildings?


Um...I don't think so. The Hulk has a psychic link with Rick Jones, who is killed. That drives the Hulk into an uncontrollable rage that never stops. He kills Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, The Human Torch, and Iron Man before Thor stops him.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Um...I don't think so. The Hulk has a psychic link with Rick Jones' date=' who is killed. That drives the Hulk into an uncontrollable rage that never stops. He kills Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, The Human Torch, and Iron Man before Thor stops him.[/quote']

Hmmm... so that's what I have to do to finally destroy that elastic simpleton and his cohorts :sneaky:

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


I liked Iron Man becoming Sorcerer Supreme because it gave a great example of technomancy.


What I liked about What If in general was they COULD kill heroes, destory the world, doom the universe etc and explore different aspects of a character. Like with Venom/Punisher, when Castle said he would kill himself if Venom took control again, it emphasised his strength of will. They also remind us how tough it can be to be good and how easy it is to slip up.

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Cheezy as it was, I think I'll have to plump for "What if Wolverine was an Agent of SHIELD?".


Not because it was particularly good, but because it's just about the only one I can remember that didn't have one of the two standard endings:


1) Oh no! Everyone died! :eek: The standard 616 continutity was much happier than this alternative!

2) Yay! Everything turned out pretty much the same! :celebrate The standard 616 continuity is the template that all alternatives try to emulate!

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


I don't remember all that many. What I have in my collection (somwhere) are:

What If the FF had gotten different powers?

What if the the Invaders had stayed together after WWII?

What if the Avengers had been pawns of Korvac?

What if Conan had been stranded in the 20th Century?

What if HUMOR ISSUE. Probably the comic I reread the most as a kid for its supreme silliness. Willie Lumpkin, Herald of Galactus, delivering an eviction notice to the FF. Blackbolt as a rock star.

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


I just remembered an early one drawn by Scott Shaw! and, I think, written by Roy Thomas- What if a radioactive human had bitten The Spider? It was a funny animal equivalent of the Spidey mythos, with corresponding analogs of his foes - the Green Gobbler, Octo Doctorpuss- the Cat O' Nine tails, Culture Vulture and the Kingpig. Pretty funny and creative.

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Cheezy as it was, I think I'll have to plump for "What if Wolverine was an Agent of SHIELD?".


Not because it was particularly good, but because it's just about the only one I can remember that didn't have one of the two standard endings:


1) Oh no! Everyone died! :eek: The standard 616 continutity was much happier than this alternative!

2) Yay! Everything turned out pretty much the same! :celebrate The standard 616 continuity is the template that all alternatives try to emulate!

Yes, I've always felt that was a cop-out. None of the What If? worlds were so much better than 616. The idea that 616 is the best of all possible worlds is kind of depressing.

Imagine if a 616 character discovered this...

"Uncle Ben, Captain Stacy, Gwen Stacy and all the other people you loved had to die, betray you or turn against you, Peter in order to make the world a better place."


One thing I enjoy about Spider-Girl and the whole M2 world is that they show an alternate world where many things *are* better than the standard 616.

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Black Knight - The heir to the mantle of "The Black Knight" in King Arthur's court. He is a relative of the original who meets Reed Richard's time traveling family member "Merlin" and his "Apprentice" Morgana. They join forces to reclaim Camelot from King Victor Von Doom.


It was great.



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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


Yes, I've always felt that was a cop-out. None of the What If? worlds were so much better than 616. The idea that 616 is the best of all possible worlds is kind of depressing.

Imagine if a 616 character discovered this...

"Uncle Ben, Captain Stacy, Gwen Stacy and all the other people you loved had to die, betray you or turn against you, Peter in order to make the world a better place."


One thing I enjoy about Spider-Girl and the whole M2 world is that they show an alternate world where many things *are* better than the standard 616.


Not always. The one where Iron Man sold plans for his armor had potential to stand out on its own as "underpowered" non-armored heroes fought against enhanced versions of armored villians.


Then you have the Punisher/Venom where everyone involved was better off IMHO (Punisher got cool and Spider-man rid himself of an enemy who got static after a while).


Of course the "best" of all worlds where heroes aren't needed anymore. The High Evolutionary continued to evolve humanity to where they reshaped the universe. Spider-man, with the power cosmic, connected with everyone telepathically for a brief moment leading to a greater understanding of each other and a more peaceful planet. Rogue gained the power of Thor and left the X-men with one less angst-filled mutant. (Of course anyone leaving the X-men is a good thing IMHO.)

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


I always liked the 'What if...?' concept, and a few were very interesting. Some where high holy hell stinkers, though. Most any with the Fantastic Four would have been my favorites, but a different one stands out to me. "What if Professor X of the X-Men had become the Juggernaut?" Knowing that Xavier was there right next to the Ruby of Cytorrak, this one seemed like a very good question, and it was handled well. On the other hand, there's "What if Wolverine was lord of the vampires?" This one always made me wonder "Who the hell is curious about this? Anyone?" This epitomized Wolverine oversell at its worst to me. On the other other hand, Tony Stark: Sorceror Supreme sounded like a ridiculous idea, and I really liked that one.

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


It's funny, when I saw the thread topic, I was thinking about V2 #13 where Prof X becomes the Juggernaut- one of the best comic book stories I'd ever read at that time. TGhe end is priceless: As they blow Xavier into deep space from Asteroid M, the narrative goies something like: "Nothing can stop the Juggernaut, and nothing ever will." It gave me the same eerie feeling I get when I watch the best Twilight Zone episodes.

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Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


What if Marvel enforced continuity?

How? By making some stories part of Earth II, Some on Earth 17, Some on Earth Pink, and the rest on a Planet-sometimes-known-as-Parallel-Earth and then somehow magically meld them all together?


Heck, that's a great idea!


Then someday they can try to put it all back to normal.

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