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Re: Mjolnir


My suspicion is that Marvel editorial(and some of the DC counterparts) feel like latecomers to the big Iron Age party and want to wield some of that jaded iconoclast mojo to see if it works for them(well, for the most part, it doesn't).

I mostly like the Ultimate books, though.


I just want Thor back.

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Re: Mjolnir


Oh, BTW, I'd like to note that even in the fight Thor lost, he'd taken so much out of Superman that Supes was then cold-cocked by a coordinated attack from Iron Man, Wonder Man, and Warbird -- three people who normally shouldn't have been able to do more than nudge him.


So even in a fight where Thor had no idea of Supes vulnerabilities and never got a chance to launch his most devastating attacks, he *still* took Superman down to the 'just barely on his feet' level before dropping.


Thor didn't do too badly at all.


Actually, it was Iron Man, Wonder Man, She-Hulk, Vision, and Hercules (using his mace, which he was hitting Supes with so hard that chips were visibly flying off it). And they were all written as being pretty p.o.'d that Superman had beaten Thor down, so they weren't holding back.


I'd say that several of those folks could do more than nudge Superman, and I seriously doubt that even he would have been able to stand up to all five in close combat on his best day. But as you say, he was clearly already pretty wasted after his tussle with Thor, which was why he dropped so quickly.

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Re: Mjolnir


Umm' date=' note, Adam Warlock usually smokes Thor -- even pissed-off Thor -- fairly regularly, it took 'Thor with Warriors' Madness *and* the Power Gem' to make Adam Warlock do the crying thing. This goes beyond even "Ultron, I would have words with thee." Just a detail. The rest of what you said, 99% accurate.[/quote']


Really? I missed that, when did that happen?


All I remember along those lines is one of Warlock's first appearances, as "Him," when he tried to kidnap Sif IIRC to be his bride. Thor kicked his butt.

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Re: Mjolnir


Actually' date=' it was Iron Man, Wonder Man, She-Hulk, Vision, and Hercules (using his mace, which he was hitting Supes with so hard that chips were visibly flying off it). And they were all written as being pretty p.o.'d that Superman had beaten Thor down, so they weren't holding back.[/quote']

That whole "Not him!" sequence was just odd. Since when was Thor a beloved icon among Marvel characters? That's more Cap's schtick. It's almost as if the scene were written for Thor to take down Superman (who is a beloved icon) and then the other DC heavyweights beat the tar out of him; then Busiek & Perez got cold feet and reversed it so Supes won.

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Re: Mjolnir


I have a question for chuckg though' date=' I can't recall Thor ever charging the hammer with magic and then whacking someone with it, out side of the Unfettered Might haymaker of the Apocalypse. I've seen him shoot numerous pure magical blasts through it, but not charge and smack. Has he done that?[/quote']


I've seen Thor do that several times, explicitly saying that he's enhancing Mjollnir's might. One time that comes to mind was during his first fight with Count Nefaria - but Nefaria still caught Mjollnir's blow with his hand anyway. :eek: Another time when he was searching for an abducted Odin, he tapped the power of a "cosmic storm" and fed it to Mjollnir so that he could shatter a planet-girdling wall.

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Re: Mjolnir


Really? I missed that' date=' when did that happen?[/quote']


Off and on during the 90s. This is when Warlock got bumped up from 'cosmic scrub' to 'arch-enemy of Starlin Thanos'.


(add) I'll ask around and see if I can get you some issue #'s later tonight.

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Re: Mjolnir


Because Doombots are genius' date=' Thanosbots are a copout. Call it a double standard, perhaps if Thanos' skin were not so...purple.[/quote']


I suspect that Thanosbots are a symptom of Jim Starlin loving his creation Thanos too darn much. Over the years he's not only boosted Thanos' power level, but removed any psychological weaknesses from him. He's become the perfect villain, totally self-aware, without fear or doubt or insecurity... which is probably why he tends to be so boring recently. :rolleyes:

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Re: Mjolnir


I suspect that Thanosbots are a symptom of Jim Starlin loving his creation Thanos too darn much. Over the years he's not only boosted Thanos' power level' date=' but removed any psychological weaknesses from him. He's become the perfect villain, totally self-aware, without fear or doubt or insecurity... which is probably why he tends to be so boring recently. :rolleyes:[/quote']

yes, if ever there were a "my baby" master villain, Thanos would be it.

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Re: Mjolnir


Intersting discussion, but I have point to address that someone made a few pages back. The whole "Superman just stands there and lets people hit him' thing.


The fact is, yes, Superman does just stand there and let people hit him, but he's said in a few comics why he does that. Remember, Thor is a warrior god who loves a good fight. Superman is, at heart, a Kansas farmboy who would prefer not to hurt anyone. Thats why, whenever he encounters someone he doesn't know anything about, he generally lets them take the first shot, and he takes that shot square in the chest. This lets him gauge just how powerful the person he's facing is, so he has at least some idea of how much whammy he can let loose with and not splaterize people.


Note this is only when he deals with someone knew. He's not gonna stand there and let Metallo have a free shot, cause he knows how much that thing can dish out and take.


Now granted this ain't the best plan in the world, but it usually works out fine cause most folks best shot bounces off Clark's chest like popcorn, but there's times (like Thor for instance) where that first shot is a doozy.:D

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Re: Mjolnir


Intersting discussion, but I have point to address that someone made a few pages back. The whole "Superman just stands there and lets people hit him' thing.


The fact is, yes, Superman does just stand there and let people hit him, but he's said in a few comics why he does that. Remember, Thor is a warrior god who loves a good fight. Superman is, at heart, a Kansas farmboy who would prefer not to hurt anyone. Thats why, whenever he encounters someone he doesn't know anything about, he generally lets them take the first shot, and he takes that shot square in the chest. This lets him gauge just how powerful the person he's facing is, so he has at least some idea of how much whammy he can let loose with and not splaterize people.


Note this is only when he deals with someone knew. He's not gonna stand there and let Metallo have a free shot, cause he knows how much that thing can dish out and take.


Now granted this ain't the best plan in the world, but it usually works out fine cause most folks best shot bounces off Clark's chest like popcorn, but there's times (like Thor for instance) where that first shot is a doozy.:D


As vilified as it should be, the Marvel vs. DC abomination did highlight that quite nicely with the Hulk backhanding Big Blue halfway to the moon and then Supes thinking something along the lines of "Wow! That's just about the hardest I've ever been hit! I better not hold back at all."

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Re: Mjolnir


Oh, I agree. What I just listed is about the only thing that ULTIMATES has done /right/ in the past few issues. God knows that everything else is going to crap in a handbasket.


*Especially* Ult Black Widow (traitor and murderer), Ult Wasp (nutcase who dumped Steve freaking Rogers to go back to her abusive ex-husband), Ultimate Iron Man (nice guy, but drunken wuss, and just got totally screwed over by Ult Black Widow, who he was going to marry), Ultimate Nick Fury (went from being cool hardass spy guy into being Henry Bendix Lite, *and* stupid enough to totally peg the wrong guy on his team as the traitor and murderer -- assuming he wasn't in on it himself, a point still in doubt), and Ultimate Captain America (the only decent guy left who also got to keep his testicles, at present framed for murder, in jail, hated by everybody, dumped by the woman he loves in favor of the abusive jerk she originally came to him to get away from, /and/ getting to watch the Statue of Liberty torn down and Washington DC put to the sack by foreign invaders from his prison cell)...


... I really need to stop ranting now.


Edit -- damn, I forgot Ult Hawkeye (got to watch his wife and little girl all shot dead at the breakfast table right in front of his eyes, then taken away by the bad guys for torture and interrogation, meanwhile his death faked, and Ult Captain America being framed for doing all of it.)

No way, the Ultimate Series went down the "Authority" crapper? Who'd have thought that?



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Re: Mjolnir


No way' date=' the Ultimate Series went down the "Authority" crapper? Who'd have thought [i']that? [/i]



I actually think that the current arc with Loki has been some pretty cool comics stuff.


I'm waiting to see how these d@mn internationalist pig dogs that toppled the Statue of Liberty for a photo op get gutted and stuck on a spit by Ult Cap.



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Re: Mjolnir



Don't forget the Post your Thor Tributes thread. It's the only Thor Tributes thread with pro-wrestling and Flying Thunder Goats.

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Re: Mjolnir


Infinity+1 pts = Writer's Fiat: Whatever the writer needs the hammer to do in this issue, it will magically be able to do, at whatever level the writer needs it to be at.


Seems right. ;)


All major Comic Book characters have a VPP that Changes Only When the Writer Thinks its Cool, Activates Only When the Writer Remembers, for -2 to the control cost.

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Re: Mjolnir


No, no, 'Thor Rules Earth', that was just an alternate future that was prevented from being or something.


The series finale of the THOR monthly was... you guys honestly don't know this?


OK, you know my usual opinion of spoiler space, so the fact that I am providing some should warn you -- this is some truly ****ed up insano **** I am about to tell you about, so proceed at your own risk of SAN loss.



Good god! That is so :sick: :sick: :sick:


What in the H#!! were the writers thinking?


And on a related note -- why does DC and Marvel hire superhero writers who have a venomous hatred for superhero comics, characters, and fans?

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