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A Thread for Random Videos

Super Squirrel

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One of the consequences of my anime con adventure last month was an invitation to join a small discussion group, sort of like the anime equivalent of a book club. Ironically enough, being the oldest person in the group has led to a lot of "I was there when...." stories. Last week's movie was Perfect Blue, a Hitchcock-style psychological thriller that was the feature debut of director Satoshi Kon. Next week is Whisper of the Heart, the only feature from Yoshifumi Kondō, who was Hayao Miyazaki's protege at Studio Ghibli before dying from overwork at 47 (I believe he was originally supposed to direct Princess Mononoke as well -- Miyazaki took over upon his death and it became one of his masterpieces).


Anyway, my knowledge of older anime keeps cropping up. On the Facebook group we are all in, we were pointed away from a current show to avoid called Wake Up Girls! Zoo. (You don't want to know. Trust me, you just don't.) But that led to someone mentioning a show called Damekko Dobotsu ("Useless Animals") from "the old days" that is actually funny. Amazingly, I found an old fansub on YouTube. I presume there's more on there. The video is in Japanese with English subtitles.



The human faces are a stylistic thing -- they really are animals. Really atypical animals, though....

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I wonder if Beethoven would have liked this interpretation. I certainly do.

Scott Joplin would not have been able to get away with it -- he took enough heat just for being a black musician -- but I think he would approve. He knew music and had classical aspirations. He even wrote an opera.

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