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Re: x3


Actually, I liked it. I think it is the best part so far (second wasn't my cup of tea - not bad but not as good as the first).


The only thing that I have to complain about is the helmets of Magneto and Juggernaut. PALEEZE! The helmets are really bad.


But except that - well spent money!

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Re: x3


I saw it a little while ago.


I thought it was okay. There was some good effects, and some very neat super-fighting. Also, Ian and Patrick where once again great as Magneto and Xavier, and Kelsey Grammer was a great Beast.


However, the plot was odd, some of the things that happened seemed pointless to me, and as far as I can tell this is it for the X-men, cause I have no idea how they'ed carry on after this one, what with everything that happened.


I'd rate it as not as good as the first 2, but still worth seeing, maybe as a matinee.

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Re: x3


Just got home from it. I'll agree with Snake and say that the effects were very well done ... but the story ... so-so.

SPOILER SPACE - Now in Hero Grey (Or Damn Close To It)

The idea of having Jean basically as the Pheonix was okay, but I thought the execution was poorly done. As a fan of the Dark Pheonix Saga, I was looking for some of the romance and tragedy that was shown in that story. Instead, we get a very rushed storyline that was closer to reading a Marvel Universe rather than a traditional story. I didn't mind the movie, but I think they could've done much better. In many ways, the movie reminded me of the 90s "Wolverine and his Amazing Friends" X-Men.

Things I like: Colossus & Iceman's looks, Juggernaut (yeah, his helmet was stupid, but the character was cool), Plastic Guns firing a neo-genetic weapon that neutralizies it's target, The Danger Room Sentinel.

Things I Didn't Like: Callisto and the Omega-Dorks, Wolverine & Jean's romantic ties, The Bobby/Kitty/Rogue triangle, Rogue giving up so easily, Having Angel show up briefly through the movie, No Nightcrawler.

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Re: x3


I loved it. I go to these not expecting art, and definately not expecting purity to the comics. So really enjoyed myself.


And the problem Sketchpad had with Rogue was actually one of the things that I liked about the movie. I thought it fit the character as we have seen her in the movie. :)

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Re: x3


And the problem Sketchpad had with Rogue was actually one of the things that I liked about the movie. I thought it fit the character as we have seen her in the movie. :)


I'll give ya that LM :) Just thought it was a shame to see it 's all ;)

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Re: x3









One thing to keep in mind with Rogue is that the final scene with Magneto pretty much showed that "The Cure" wasn't, especially since he got a quadruple dose.

I really wish they'd get Rogue Ms. Marvel's powers and be done with it, because as it stands now I can't see what possible worth she would be as an X-Man in the field.



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Re: x3


I enjoyed it, and I worked on it [just as a background performer, and no, you can't actually see me in any of it, though my gf can be seen in Magneto's forest speech, she's got huge red hair and orange under her eyes, she's in the first row at the left in the crowd.]


I do have to say they cut out a lot of stuff that they filmed... but overall I liked the choices that were made... wow, ruthless with the characters in it...


I wanted to see more of Angel, and of course the 'missing one'

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Re: x3


I can't believe they didn't want to go with the visual of Nightcrawler and Angel in the same shot...


Really liked it, but there were really too many plot threads going on at the same time - there were definitely times where they were jostling for attention.


I liked the ending, although the buggers stole an ending for some fanfiction I've never gotten around to writing - and now never will, 'cos I'll be accused of stealing from X3! The swine!

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Re: x3


This seems to be the thread for spoilers.


Overall. though it was better than 1 and 2.


Spoiler in 10




















Did like Mystique's line, "Told you so!" Would have prefered however, that she had just slipped out of the handcuffs and said something like "Did you ever think how silly it was to expect handcuffs to hold someone who can shapeshift?"


Was suprised at Magneto's casual abandoning of Raven after she caught a dart for him.


Realized quickly that everyone in the decoy camp was Jamie.

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Re: x3


I hope that everyone stayed for the little scene after the end credits.
What?!? I missed a scene?!? ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK, give, what was it?


(Usually, I stay until the very, very, VERY end of a film. But this time, I was with friends, and they wanted to leave "early.")



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Re: x3


I enjoyed it' date=' and I worked on it [just as a background performer, and no, you can't actually see me in any of it, though my gf can be seen in Magneto's forest speech, she's got huge red hair and orange under her eyes, she's in the first row at the left in the crowd.']


I do have to say they cut out a lot of stuff that they filmed... but overall I liked the choices that were made... wow, ruthless with the characters in it...


Toren Atkinson, lead singer of the Cthulhu-rock band The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, was a mutant extra as well. I'll have to find out if he made it on screen.

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Re: x3


I was expecting crap since X-men 2 was so good, IMO. I liked the movie overall. This movie was not as good as the second one and maybe only slightly better than the first one.


**************SPOILER ALERT**************


























They finally get the original X-men in the same movie then they proceed to kill of three of them.

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Re: x3


Just got back from seeing it and over all I liked it. I was expecting something god awful and was suprised by how many little bits they managed to work in from cannon, though "reimagined" they might be.


If anyone that is concerned about spoilers has gotten this far and not left the thread, bail now.....















Things I liked:


use of some X-Factor ish elements. I was shocked to see Leech used, though not green and ugly -- it was still a suprise to see such an esoteric character involved. The shlocky mutants running around with Callisto were pretty obviously Moorlocks by another name, and working in the Warren Worthington angle was a nice touch. All that was missing was some Smilies.




I was a little baffled to see Arclight hanging w/ Callisto since in the comics Arclight was one of the Maruaders that killed the Moorlocks, and Callisto was the leader of the Moorlocks. Also, an odd note, there is a scene where you see Callisto, Arclight, and a purple haired asian chick that was apparantly supposed to be Psylocke, but that makes zero sense if adhereing to any vestige of cannon.


A long credit list is here:




The "days of futures present" nod in the danger room was great. And with Trask running around in the background it was even more of a lock for good retro inclusion. We also got to see a successful "fastball special" by Colosus and Wolvy. That's right out of the comics.


The beginning scene showing Xavier going to Jean Grey's home was reminiscent of old episodes where just that very thing was done. The one I recall best was when the X-Men went to invite Shadowcat / Ariel / Sprite to come to the School for Gifted Youngsters, and overall it felt very Classic X-Men to me.


I liked how Shadowcat was depicted using both her powers and her intelligence.


The Beast. Every scene.


Wolverine just killing every thing that got in his way. The first and second movies had some of this, but only with red shirts and Mystique. In this one he's just hacking at everything. Reminded me of the Fall of the Mutants storyline where Wolvy wades into a horde out of time spewing from the Adversary's rifts. The forest fight with that weird spike throwing mutant was pretty cool too. Apparantly "Spike" is based on a mutant that came along long after I stopped reading.


The overall dark tone and lethality.


Pyro. This is a character that sucked in the comics, but they did something interesting with him in the last couple of movies, they were consistent with him, and you see character progression.


Things I didnt like:


The killing off of Cyclops was just inexplicable. I could deal w/ the Prof being offed -- he's been "dead" before and come back from it, but Cyclops...wth?


Colossus and Juggernaut should have fought at least a little. When are we going to get a brick-a-thon? End of story.


I wish Alex Cummings would have sucked it up and returned as Nightcrawler, but on the other hand having both Beast and Nightcrawler, plus Mystique running around, makes for a very blue & superhumanly agile cast.


Who was that Toad-like character?


Storm got more (and better) lines, but gipped on the powers front.


It was kind of inexplicable why Wolvy & Storm would take young little Shadowcat out to the deathfest, but not someone like Siryn or some of the other students with useful abilities. Overall a poor job was done showcasing the students at the school.


I just didnt buy Magneto cutting Mystique loose like that. It was obviously done to villify the character, but it just didnt work for me. It also didnt do anything for the movie. Very odd. Also, why were the other mutant prisoners in closed door cells and Mystique was in a barred cell? And what was the purpose of having them in moving cells again? Just did not make sense.


The Pheonix angle was just kind of oddly tossed in. On the one hand I was glad to see a layered plot with more than one thread, but the execution of it was a bit off. I can't pin it down exactly, but something about it just didnt work for me on some level. With more viewings maybe what I dont like will clarify.


I can understand why they wouldnt want to go into the whole Cain Marco is Xaviers step brother bit, and in truth it really has no relevance, but SOMETHING could have been tossed in as a side comment for the fans. I expected them to at least give each other a "Cain"; "Chuck" or something when the professor passed him going in to Jean's place.




Anyway, this movie was definitely more "X" than I expected, with some good old-school elements thrown in. Ill see it again, and I consider it time well spent.

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Re: x3


I just didnt buy Magneto cutting Mystique loose like that. It was obviously done to villify the character' date=' but it just didnt work for me. It also didnt do anything for the movie. Very odd. Also, why were the other mutant prisoners in closed door cells and Mystique was in a barred cell? And what was the purpose of having them in moving cells again? Just did not make sense.[/quote']Actually, I thought it made perfect sense given Magneto's portrayal in the films. He's a mutant racist; he identifies with and relates only with fellow mutants. Once Mystique lost her mutancy, she was no longer one of "us" and became one of "them". If you think about it, Magneto is fundamentally a terrorist. You can liken him to one of the early Bolsheviks: He's trying to kick off the mutant revolution, and if you're not a fellow mutant then you're part of the problem. He's deliberately committing acts of terror against the authorities hoping to provoke them into enacting anti-mutant laws so he can recruit more mutants and also increase the likelihood of starting his revolution. He's not any different than the Black Panthers or Charles Manson in the 1960's trying to provoke a racial war between blacks and whites. I do find it highly ironic that Magneto, who is shown as having survived Nazi concentration camps, acts so much like a Nazi ideologically. He's convinced mutants are the "Master Race" and are destined to rule the world over the mere humans, and he can justify anything to accomplish that goal. He may be likeable, but he's still ultimately a villain. That's why he's so interesting as a character.


As far as the moving cells, they stated the purpose of that was to make it impossible for Magneto to track down captured mutants by being constantly on the move. Why they didn't just inject the bad guys with the anti-mutant drug and incarcerate them in ordinary maximum security prisons escapes me, but I suppose that's part of the laws of comic book universes.


I really liked the movie overall; I'd rate it as equal to #2 and markedly superior to #1. The only thing I really wish they'd done is shown the "Phoenix Effect" giant glowing bird when Jean Grey was going nuts at the end. That woulda been cool. :cool:

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Guest Goradin

Re: x3


I liked it. I thought it was better hands down than the previous movies. The effects were better. But the directing was superior and the area the movie really stands out.


I liked having the X-men on film but I can't help feeling Brian Singer squandered those first two movies. I don't think he is a good director for superhero flicks. I thought X3 had some classic comic book moments and the general feel of a comic book as you watched. The first two was more of supermodels/hunks waltzing around in a X-men theme. Without the X-men theme I doubt they would have had the success as a stand alone product and I think this one directed by Brett Ratner could do so. Ratner turned out a good gripping movie. Some of the shots in the film really captured the comic book feel.


SOME SPOILERS DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILED: Logan even guts people like he does to the pasty faces in the good old comic books. You don't see it but you know its there just like the comics and they use the fast ball special!


I hope Singer doesn't blow Superman. He did ok with the first two X-men movies but X-3 is a good movie. If you liked X1 and X2 you should love X3.


p.s I don't care for Marvel's screenwriter Michael France either. He wrote Punisher and the Hulk movie. Both of which weak links were the story line. Marvel should definitely cut their losses with Singer and France. They made them some money but they could have made so much more with people who cared.

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