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Give me your ice power ideas!

Great Beyond

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So I was toying with future powers for Great Beyond, pondering other cool uses of someone who produced ice on demand.

So far she has:

* A straight up ice blast (a 12D EB) - lob a chunk of snow and ice at the bad guys.

* A cone area effect artic breeze (a 6D EB) - a bunch of chilling wind

* The Quick Freeze (8D entangle) - locks up bad guys in a big block of ice

* Blizzard (a mad wicked 10 AE blast with all kind of knock back, armor piercing, lasting for several continuous rounds - all with a HUGE endurance drain and a spotty activation)

I was thinking of:

* Change Environment: Sheet of ice - a large patch of ice that makes people flop about and the like.

* Transform: Water into ice - put your finger in a lake on a hot summer day and POOF instant ice skating and that sort of thing.

* Ice Pole (AKA stretching) - People trapped in a 3rd story burning building? No problem - throw out the ice pole and let them slide to safety!

. . . .But I haven't worked out any of the mechanics for the above yet.

I was wondering if anyone else had worked out ice based characters and had ideas for cool powers (pun intended) that I could shamelessly steal.

(Addendum - in addition to being an ice elemental mage, she also does fire. The only two shticks she has is a fire sword attack, and an area effect around her as a fire sword sweep, so she doesn't do it a lot. Since she can do the fire, if someone has a great "You need to do this" fire power, add it into the pile! I'll take ideas from either side)

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Here is an Ice & Wind power set I created a while back:


Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u]
18     [i]Ice & Wind Powers[/i]: Elemental Control, 44-point powers,  (22 Active Points); all slots  (Loses Effectiveness In Extreme Heat and/or Low Humidity; -1/4) - END=
15     1)  [i]Ice Armor[/i]: Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=4
18     2)  [i]Wind Riding[/i]: Flight 13", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (45 Active Points) - END=2
      - END=
15     Life Support  (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) - END=0
5     Infrared Perception (Sight Group) - END=0
      - END=
60     [i]Ice & Wind Powers[/i]: Multipower, 75-point reserve,  (75 Active Points); all slots  (Loses Effectiveness In Extreme Heat and/or Low Humidity; -1/4) - END=
4u     1)  [i]Winter Wind[/i]: Energy Blast 10d6, Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) - END=7
4u     2)  [i]Icy Wind[/i]: Energy Blast 6d6, Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2), No Normal Defense (Life Support: Extreme Cold; +1) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) - END=7
6u     3)  [i]Bone Chilling Wind[/i]: Drain DEX 5d6, Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (75 Active Points) [Notes: Drain is No Range by default.] - END=7
4u     4)  [i]Caution: Icy Conditions[/i]: Change Environment 4" radius (8" Cone; +0), -2 DCV, -2 OCV, -2 Temperature Level Adjustment, -3 Characteristic Roll and all Skill Rolls based on Characteristic, -5" of any one mode of Movement, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes, Multiple Combat Effects (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) - END=7
4u     5)  [i]Freeze[/i]: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (Cold Attacks; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Vulnerable (Common; x2 Damage From Fire & Heat Attacks; -1/2) - END=3
4u     6)  [i]Frosty Stare[/i]: (Total: 75 Active Cost, 44 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6-1, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (70 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) (Real Cost: 40) plus +1 with Frosty Stare Attack (5 Active Points) (Real Cost: 4) - END=3
5u     7)  [i]Touch Of Frost[/i]: Energy Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4) - END=3

POWERS Cost: 162

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Put personal immunity on that Change Enviroment. That way the bad guys are slipping and sliding on the ice' date=' and your character can casually walk over and clobber them without trouble.[/quote']


I considered many variations. This was the best compromise power set for a begining 350 point character for another player (who only showed up for a few games). The character's powers are best used at range. A few xp spent on powers would go a LONG way towards providing more options.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Oooh, I like some of those. Why I didnt think of some kind of Numbness NND attack, I'll never know. Consider that stolen!


I dont have my book with me, so I can't check the mechanics - but what would you guys consider a transform: water into ice would be? Major? Minor? Cosmetic? Since she'd be doing something that occurs naturaly in real life - just on a vastly accelerated scale - I'd argue minor or even perhaps cosmetic. But I want to make sure I've got enough firepower on my side when the Giant Killer Tsunami is threatening to wipe out New York.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Force Wall is definitely the power for large' date=' area spanning wall that do not directly grapple targets. An Entabgle won't do much to protect bystanders from rubble or water or such.[/quote']


How effective or different from the Entangle is it really going to be when built with the Uncontrolled advantage?


5u 8) FW (10 PD/10 ED), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (75 Active Points); Restricted Shape (Must be attached to something; -1/4) 7 End


And IF it's built without it the Force Wall just disapears when the character changes multipower slots. That does not make sense for the sfx of ICE.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Force Wall is definitely the power for large' date=' area spanning wall that do not directly grapple targets. An Entabgle won't do much to protect bystanders from rubble or water or such.[/quote']


Actually, unless the entangle is purchased with the limitation May Not Be used as a Barrier, it may be used as a barrier. In other words, you can build the wall of ice in front of the bystanders. The added benefit is that it does not require continiuous payment of endurance to keep up. IMHO, it is a better way to model the ice wall than FW.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


What about ice duplicates built as images or illusions?


How's this?


4u 9) Ice Reflections: Sight, Touch, Smell/Taste, Hearing and Radio Groups Images Increased Size (2" radius; +1/4), +/-5 to PER Rolls, Alterable Size, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (75 Active Points); Limited Power Only to make ice duplicates (-1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4) 6 End

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Actually' date=' unless the entangle is purchased with the limitation May Not Be used as a Barrier, it may be used as a barrier. In other words, you can build the wall of ice in front of the bystanders. The added benefit is that it does not require continiuous payment of endurance to keep up. IMHO, it is a better way to model the ice wall than FW.[/quote']



My mistake then.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


How about being able to create super-dense ice formations. Like steel-hard ice that takes a long time to melt. (Unless exposed to extreme heat)


It could be used to create cages to entrap opponents, or create instant defensive barriers.


you just described the power Entangle.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Flash Freeze, for a it's-so-cold-I-have-trouble-moving DEX or SPD Drain, is an idea for an attack that circumvents conventional armor (since Drains are countered by Power Defense not Armor). Alternately, go for a Bone-Chilling Cold NND EB.


I'm also fond of RKA's Limited so they only work against inanimate objects (useful if you have a character with CvK, which mine has) ... destroying bad guys' guns/tools/vehicles in their hands can be a very handy tactic, especially when facing platoons of mooks. Also handy against power-armor guys and robots. In this case, call it Cold Modulation ... rapid-pulsing waves of cold that cause things to crack & shatter under thermal stress.


Whiteout is what I'd call a nice frosty Flash power for temporarily blinding a group.


You also have a natural sfx for a very ugly (possibly AE) Flight Drain power ... either targeted, or create a volume of space where fliers' wings Ice Up and lose their Flight and crash. May be pretty expensive in terms of costs, though, and not worth it if fliers aren't among your opponents.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Ice powers, UBO . . . :rolleyes:


I was wondering if anyone else had worked out ice based characters and had ideas for cool powers (pun intended) that I could shamelessly steal.


Oh, you meant ideas. :o I thought you meant just the powers ;)


(Addendum - in addition to being an ice elemental mage' date=' she also does fire. The only two shticks she has is a fire sword attack, and an area effect around her as a fire sword sweep, so she doesn't do it a lot. Since she can do the fire, if someone has a great "You need to do this" fire power, add it into the pile! I'll take ideas from either side)[/color']


An actual book example for a "Limited Group" of SFX for Variable Special Effects is "all heat/cold". If there are similar powers (of the same strength) for both of the SFX types, you may find it less expensive (than adding a Multipower slot for each) to simply add "Variable SFX", which for a Limited Group is only worth 1/4.

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Re: Give me your ice power ideas!


Well, to add the obvious one, Flying via ice platforms you make... or gliding, swinging, etc. as you feel, sfx supports those well. Sorry to steal your schtick, Captain Obvious. =)


To steal from CoH, the ice patch (entangle) and area of burning (low level area of effect energy blast, continuous, only end for activation) to combine the two... though it makes little physical sense that both can survive each other. =)


Icey knives/boomerangs/bolos/lawn darts could be interesting... especially the last one. =)


Summoning an Ice Elemental or Snowman... or heck, santa clause. =)


Making snowcones, just bring your flavor...


Giant snow/ice ball drop from the sky... stolen from a capcom game... indirect EB or RKA =)


Whompum Big Fist o' Ice... gather ice on ur mitts and slug 'em with it.


Gathering moisture out of the air for drinking water... minor power, but could be useful for survival situations. =) If not the air, distilling the water only into ice for later consumption.


Gliding, usable as attack... ice slicking someone so the knockback is bigger. =)


that's it for now... =)

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