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VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?

Steve Long

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


The Brain Trust isn't anything like that. The name comes from the fact that the leader is a brain in a tank. Every setting needs a brain in a tank! :)


400 quatloos on the new team.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


400 quatloos on the new team.



Ooooo... looks like we've got a TOS Trekkie in our midst.



Major Tom :D

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I would like to see a Lex Luthor-like Master Villian. Normal Char Max (Probably pay the increase for above norm INT), Gadgets, bases, vehicles, followers, master plans. A "Normal Guy" with super-human megalomania. I always loved the so called normal holding his own against teams of heroes.




Definately! It would be great to include tips on running him and his minions. The Champs U needs a normal that is nigh unbeatable because of his resources and intelligence. You know, to inspire the bricks out thier to go "if I ever get my hands on that puny....! :ugly:

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'm sympathetic to the call for a Lex Luthor-style master villain... but at this power level, I honestly don't see much need to write him up in a book. It makes more sense for Dark Champions (for which I've created a few such villains), but in Champions a guy like that is just a personality and a presence, and any GM can probably handle that. As LL suggested, you can use Franklin Stone for that easily enough. ;)


I don't think I really need a "write up" per se. I agree that the character itself would be easy to make or we could use Stone. What I could use is some pro advice on how to make this type of villian work in my Champs game.


I mean, Lex goes up against Superman! :eek:


I guess I would like to see tips on using a character like this as a corporate villian or a politician (Lex as president?) I would like to have this element in my game but never tried it because I can't figure out how to make it work. (A good topic for the boards perhaps?) The stats for a villain like this doesn't really matter cause once the brick gets ahold of him its over.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


And no one would have guessed, given your stance on Clown. :P


When I was thinking "light hearted" I wasn't thinking silly so much as not so grim. So many of the villians in CU have killing attacks and are very intence. Just doing a quick thumb through I see lots of stuff like "Enraged at combat", "Enraged at sight of ownblood" "cold Hearted greedy" "Hates superheroes". How many villians do we see with Code Vs Killing? In EU I think I saw one.


I was thinking something more along the lines of Panda & Racoon - whose love story made them more approachable, or Thunder and Lightning (who could be played for pathos, or for fun). Ladybug was thief because she enjoyed the thrill, or Lady Blue the media star villain who never hurt anyone. That was from thumbing through The original Enemies - out of 35 villians 6 were lighter hearted.


To me these kind of characters are great because in addtition to be just opponents they can be foils for the PC; and great for conversational/story type roleplaying.


I don't need Clown, but having some "lighter" villains in the CU would be great.


In that light I agree 100%. I always had to modify the published villains to be more silver/bronze and always just assumed the high killer ratio was from iron age contamination. But I would like to see more villains who abhor killing and are villains for the thrill, oneupmanship, or just plain non-lethal greed.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


After Lord Mhoram mentioned Lady Blue' date=' I got to thinking maybe a few villains that aren't 'villains' at all.[list']

[*]A group of heroes who have been villified by the Press, hounded by the authorities and decided to go ahead and become the villains everyone was so desperate to paint them as.




Just a few ideas. Other than that maybe some Terrorist themed villains. You don't want to get too topical, but there are a lot of nasty folks out there.


Great idea. Or maybe they don't turn to the dark side and like Spidey (back in the day) still try to fight the good fight. Even while hunted by the very people they protect.



Or how about a villain with a split personality and dual forms. A female hero that transforms into a extremely nasty villain. With neither version aware of the other.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'd like to cast my vote for a couple of groups that could probably use the recycling:


The Flashmen: Fake "superheroes" who are just in it for the money and fame, and have no compunctions about doing dirty deeds to look good.


The Posse: Killer vigilantes who are more towards the Champs power level than Dark Champions--they cross the lines that true blue heroes shouldn't.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


In relation to gathering solo villains into a villain team: As demonstrated on Scott Bennie's Build Me A Villain Team thread, the Champions Universe is rather lacking in master villains (first or second tier) who are psychologically stable and rational enough to lead a team for more than a brief period without straining credibility. I suggest keeping that in mind when designing some of these new villains. :)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I guess I would like to see tips on using a character like this as a corporate villian or a politician (Lex as president?) I would like to have this element in my game but never tried it because I can't figure out how to make it work. (A good topic for the boards perhaps?) The stats for a villain like this doesn't really matter cause once the brick gets ahold of him its over.


This would be a worthwhile topic for discussion. We should establish a separate thread for it, though.


I intend my Golden Age game to be fairly supervillain free, which means I will need to use a lot of mad scientists and "Dick Tracy villains". Any hints on running such anyone can provide would be welcome.


I'm planning on looting Pulp Hero for ideas, obviously, plus some direct swipes from the source material... :whistle:

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Actually' date=' as you'll see in CU:NotW, I've taken steps to move Gravitar in that very direction. That was my plan all along, but of course gaming supplements aren't nearly as good for character development as actual comics -- takes longer. ;)[/quote']


That's good to hear Steve, but one or two more would be great ;)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


D'oh! It hit me yesterday that I already have access to a master villain I've wanted to revamp but haven't had the opportunity: Sunburst. So I'll do him and a couple of other Project-created followers. Problem solved. ;)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'm sympathetic to the call for a Lex Luthor-style master villain... but at this power level' date=' I honestly don't see much need to write him up in a book. It makes more sense for Dark Champions (for which I've created a few such villains), but in Champions a guy like that is just a personality and a presence, and any GM can probably handle that. As LL suggested, you can use Franklin Stone for that easily enough. ;)[/quote']


I don't really understand why a Luthor type would fit Dark Champs better. Are you saying Superman would be better in Dark Champs, too? I'm not looking for just a rich guy with a bunch of thugs. I'm looking for a rich guy with lots of thugs, bases, vehicles, WMDs, World Domination plans and gadgets galore. Someone to scare and infuriate a team of PCs. He's also have many contacts and favors owed (Usually through blackmail or intimidation).


I've all ready built a Luthor type into my campaign (Mr. Perfect). He has LOTS of points. I was really hoping to see how you would build one to see where I could hve saved points and/or things I missed.


I don't think you give the Evil Mastermind villian enough credit, Steve.




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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


D'oh! It hit me yesterday that I already have access to a master villain I've wanted to revamp but haven't had the opportunity: Sunburst. So I'll do him and a couple of other Project-created followers. Problem solved. ;)



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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


On the subject of old villains looking for a come back, Rainbow Archer.


Now this team thing. Well I had an idea for a boss and the lieutenant but got no further.

The boss is someone who has read that list If I was the Overlord/bad guy etc and has taken the idea to heart. He has been working on taking over the world for years because he believes he can do a better job than other people and whatever form of government they use. He's intelligent and has the wisdom to go with it. Other than that he's normal and prefers to talk rather than fight. He is African American. Think Morgan Freeman smiling benignly as a baddie and you have the general idea.


The trusted lieutenant is the literal power behind the throne. A telekinetic but with an upper limit of around STR 35. However it is the versatility of the power. Force walls and stifling the air supply to a number of people at the same time for example and area effect.

As an illustration, recall the scene in the film the X-Men when Magneto is confronted by the police at the railway station. The police once tried to arrest the boss. The lieutenant walked out of the building first and kept all the police officers from moving or firing so that they were motionless. The boss came out got into a car with the lieutenant and calmly were driven off as police barricades were delicately moved aside to allow passage.

The lieutenant is oft called Darth because of using the choking effect like Darth Vader did in the original Star Wars.

Usually seen at the side of the boss, she is a direct contrast as she is Caucasion, just over 5 feet and wearing a ankle length dress. She is usually silent and her quarters are very spartan.

Woe betide anyone threatening the boss as she is fanatically loyal to him.

Other than that she is a mystery. Nearly 30 years previous the boss was discussing with a colleague the ideal lieutenant. He said that he needed to mould them himself but where could he find such a person who was ideal for the task ? Several months later a 12 year old girl appears at the boxing gym where the boss is and asks to see him. When he asks why, she replies that he sent for her. And then recites what he said to his colleague several months before. She also displayed a few minor TK tricks. He took her in and moulded the trusted lieutenant. She has been with him ever since going through education in schools and on the streets. And as such is his own personal WMD. There's no sexual tension between the two although she loves him like a father.

The lieutenant is often seen with the boss's agents as their de facto leader.

Again they have been brought through the 'If I was the Overlord' list as well.


Because of the scale of what the lieutenant can do they are more Champions than Dark Champions characters.

I did not get more villains for the team as I had thought the boss would employ villains and supervillains as fitted his needs at the time. They might conform to stereotypes whilst he and the lieutenant did not.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


D'oh! It hit me yesterday that I already have access to a master villain I've wanted to revamp but haven't had the opportunity: Sunburst. So I'll do him and a couple of other Project-created followers. Problem solved. ;)




Wouldn't you know, Sunburst came up here just recently. May I humbly offer a few suggestions: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1258865


Plus a request for the return of Ray. Every master villain needs a loyal, powerful psychopathic minion. :D

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'd like to see

1) A few state-sponsored supers from "enemy states" e.g. North Korea, Saddam's Iraq, Cuba etc

2) A team of Golden or Silver Age villains and their legacies - along the vein of DC's Injustice Society

3) One standard super-hero genre is the human (normally an American) picked to represent Earth in the interstellar law enforcement agency e.g. Green Lantern / Nova. How about a human selected to join an intergalactic criminal network

4) More low level "one-trick" villains similar to much of Spiderman's rogues gallery i.e Vulture, Rhino, Electro

5) A "deadly force" vigilante-hero team

6) Some supers believed to be on the side of evil but really misunderstood / victim of circumstances / have a secret mission that no-one understands

7) (neo-) Nazi villains

8) Products of the Soviet Union's super-human programme - possibly working for the Russian mafiya

9) Include this as a vote for a Lex Luthor type villain

10) And other villains that cannot easily be beaten by might

11) And another vote for Project Sunburst

12) And some deadly, dark counterparts from a parallel universe...

13) What Vampires are there in the Champions Universe

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I don't really understand why a Luthor type would fit Dark Champs better. Are you saying Superman would be better in Dark Champs, too? I'm not looking for just a rich guy with a bunch of thugs. I'm looking for a rich guy with lots of thugs, bases, vehicles, WMDs, World Domination plans and gadgets galore. Someone to scare and infuriate a team of PCs. He's also have many contacts and favors owed (Usually through blackmail or intimidation).


I've all ready built a Luthor type into my campaign (Mr. Perfect). He has LOTS of points. I was really hoping to see how you would build one to see where I could hve saved points and/or things I missed.


I don't think you give the Evil Mastermind villian enough credit, Steve.



I'm giving him more than enough credit. I'm saying he's more appropriate to write up in full for Dark Champions because of the power level differences between DC and Champions characters. In Champions a guy like that is just a personality; he doesn't need a writeup. By way of analogy, Hudson City needs info on the sewer system because DC-type characters might have to use the sewers from time to time; MC and VB don't bother with such information because more four-colored superpowered heroes rarely do that sort of thing.


Nor do I have room in this book to detail hordes of minions, gadgets, bases, and other such stuff. Besides which, we've got plenty in other books that you can easily adapt to whatever GM-created personality you want to give a guy like this.


In light of all this, and given that I have limited space and limited time, creating a master villain like this simply isn't practical for VVV.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Master Villains:

I'll second the notion of a Lex Luther kind of bad guy. We need someone unaffiliated with groups like VIPER or DEMON because it is beneath him. He must have no powers of his own and uses his genius to make himself a high powered baddie.


I also wouldn't mind seeing a Master Villain that runs his own country. It is a villain who once succeeded and is enjoying in his victory before he takes that next step to a neighboring country or the world. This and the one above could be connected but it isn't a requirement.


Finally, it won't happen, but I can't go buy without mentioning it. I'd love to see a "Super Squirrel" style villain. The powers are almost a cheesy as the origin itself. But at the same time, the vilain isn't a complete and total loon like foxbat.


The concept behind Super Squirrel, in case you repressed the memory, is that he discovered the ancient text of the squirrel that revealed secrets squirrels had hidden from the world. The squirrels decided to follow him as only Super Squirrel could lead them to total global domination.


Again, it doesn't have to be Super Squirrel but something along those lines. :)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'm giving him more than enough credit. I'm saying he's more appropriate to write up in full for Dark Champions because of the power level differences between DC and Champions characters. In Champions a guy like that is just a personality; he doesn't need a writeup. By way of analogy, Hudson City needs info on the sewer system because DC-type characters might have to use the sewers from time to time; MC and VB don't bother with such information because more four-colored superpowered heroes rarely do that sort of thing.


Nor do I have room in this book to detail hordes of minions, gadgets, bases, and other such stuff. Besides which, we've got plenty in other books that you can easily adapt to whatever GM-created personality you want to give a guy like this.

I agree there's not much point in a full-page stat write up for someone whose stats are all normal. But would you consider a brief summary stat block ala Everyman, followed by a page or two of text on his personality, resources, etc? It seems what would be useful for a villain like this is not stats and details on minions, bases, etc, but advice/guidance on how to run a non-superpowered villain in a Champions campaign. It would be a little out of format compared to the other villain write-ups, but I don't think anyone here would compain.

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