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VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?

Steve Long

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Time for another WWYLTS thread. ;)


Now that CU:NotW is done, I'm staying in the Champions groove and getting started on our long-awaited new enemies book, Villains, Vandals, And Vermin. So I wanted to ask what you'd like to see in a book of new villains. Here's what I'm working with so far:


Chapter One: Master Villains: For the most part I think the CU has plenty of master villains, but there's always room for more. Ideally I'd like VVV to include at least one new master villain, and at most two if I get really inspired. So, what do you think the CU lacks in terms of master villainy? What sort of world-threatening bad guy would you like to see?


Chapter Two: Villain Groups: This chapter's pretty much locked down. It's going to include three teams:


1. The Tiger Squad, official superhero team of China (but for geopolitical reasons often opposed to Our Heroes in ways that make them "villainous")

2. The Crimelords

3. The Brain Trust


The latter two are, like the Ultimates, more or less "generic" villain teams that can fill a variety of roles. We've got enough teams like Eurostar and GRAB that are restricted or "themed" in some way; it's time for a couple that can easily play a part in many scenarios. (Though that's not to say they're not a little quirky; the Brain Trust ain't exactly a "normal" group of villains. :eg:)


Chapter Three: Solo Villains: Just what it says. I have plenty of ideas to fill this one but am always willing to consider other good suggestions.


I'm not sure of the length of the book yet, but it won't be nearly as long as CKC or CWW. Probably closer to EU, though possibly a bit longer. So we're looking at something on the order of 50-60 villains, maybe a bit more.



So, with all that in mind, what would you like to see? Is there a type of character the CU doesn't have yet that you think it should? Have we mentioned someone offhandedly in an existing book whom you'd like to know more about? Let me know! :hex:

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I would like to see a Lex Luthor-like Master Villian. Normal Char Max (Probably pay the increase for above norm INT), Gadgets, bases, vehicles, followers, master plans. A "Normal Guy" with super-human megalomania. I always loved the so called normal holding his own against teams of heroes.



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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


How about something along the line of inventor villians who supply poduct to the master villians, this is probably where brain trust comes in, but more along the lines of solo villians who occupy the lieutenant nich of power without significant loyalty, providing necessary but odd skills to the main villian. Rogue scientists/inventors and mages/alchemisits who try to provide an independant line of thought or ability to the main troublemaker.


I kinda like hired guns.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Can we confirm that several of the villains we have only seen pics of are going to be in Villains' date=' Vandals and Vermin ? I am talking about Fleshtone, Entropy, the Mummy like villain from the end of USPD 1 and Dreamweaver (IIRC).[/quote']I'd like to second the request for these write-ups.



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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Can we confirm that several of the villains we have only seen pics of are going to be in Villains' date=' Vandals and Vermin ? I am talking about Fleshtone, Entropy, the Mummy like villain from the end of USPD 1 and Dreamweaver (IIRC).[/quote']


I like this idea, but only if the characters strike a chord with the author. If it will just be a generic "well, I have a picture - he looks like a pretty standard Energy Projector", leave it for a future author to create something unique.


A temporal villian in the Master Villian area. Someone like Kang the Conqueror from Marvel Comics who not only wants world domination but temporal domination as well.


I second this motion - whether an upgraded TimeMaster who actually travels in time (which could also be a different TimeMaster from a different timeline) or a brand-new character.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Master Villains: As I indicated in the thread on the CU Update, I didn't really expect a full write-up of Doctor Fang Shen in that book (and you've already implied there that we're not going to see one), but it would be good to see him here. Ditto Dr. Yin Wu. I also second Grimble's suggestion of a normal-person industrialist master villain.


Villain Teams: Even if you were looking for further suggestions, I don't know that I could come up with any you'd like. The only one I can think of is a group who would be a bunch of complete losers alone, almost (but not quite) to the point of being comical, but who have creative ways of combining their otherwise pathetic powers into something quite impressive.


Solo Villains: Besides the pic-only villains from the USPD books (and I'm really looking forward to seeing Entropy), I'd like to see a few reprinted from Digital Hero. I'd especially be oh-so-grateful if one of them was Blue Screamer (DH22). ;)


I'd also like to see at least one comical villain in here. Foxbat, Bulldozer, Pulsar, and El Salto are a good start, but what's missing from this mix is some villain who keeps screwing up and getting caught, but makes deals with the cops (or DA, or heroes) in exchange for information on more serious stuff going down. A brick who overestimates his toughness and does stuff that knocks himself out would be a good start.


There are a few powers in USPD2 that came from my brain that I'd feel really proud to see on a character, too. Maybe a teleporting assassin who works by putting himself into hazardous situations, and using the Trading Spaces ability on his victim. A telekinetic with Telekinetic Touch. A cyberkinetic with the Copy Machine ability (a particular pain in the butt against gadgeteer heroes).


Other ideas: a villain (probably a low-level mentalist and gadgeteer) who believes that all superheroes are hypocrites, and is setting out to humiliate and discredit them all. A master pickpocket and irresponsible prankster who loves to relieve heroes and villains alike of their Foci. A pencil-necked geek with an axe to grind against society and a 'mech the size of Godzilla. A brick or gravity-manipulator who bypasses the idea of robbing banks by stealing them instead.


I'd also like to see at least one, and preferably two or three, from each of the "lists of other villains like this" from CKC. I personally am particularly interested in Andromedan villains, but there are a couple of other lists that I know others would like to see. (I don't have the book with me right now, and I don't specifically recall what those lists are, but I'm sure someone else will fill in the blanks before I can get back online with CKC in hand.)


That's what I can come up with right offhand.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Master Villain - I think there's more than enough out there, however, if you're wanting a second one, I suggest using one that's already been mentioned, such as Tyrannon the Conqueror. If you want the MV to be from Earth, then the head of the Cult of the Red Banner would be nice. If you want one completely new, bring in an alien of an existing alien race who wants to conquer Earth. Otherwise, I think one more is plenty.


Solo Villains

Foxbattallion - a fan of Foxbat who can create duplicates of himself.


Thunder & Lightning - while not solo, they're not really a group as much as a couple. It'd be nice to see these fan favorites if you still have the rights to them.


Homewrecker - a brick female (based on <350 points) who thinks she's the next top model/wrestling diva/Miss Universe, etc. Weilds a chain with a wrecking ball. Sooner or later she and Bulldozer would meet.


Solo Villains from Enemies for Hire - If you still own the rights, I'd like to see 5E versions of the following: "Ack Ack" McCleary, Betelgeuse, Extreme Prejudice (good lieutentant for Black Paladin), Ronin (though there may be one similar in CWW), Stormfront (heh, just kidding), Trickshot (or another villain with fake OAFs), and Wraith.


Other than that, I'd like to see a ninja. And not like the generic ones from Ninja Hero, but one that may have invisibility to Danger Sense or Defense Maneuver as well as one other special ability. Then the rest of his build could be ninja-familiar. (Though a kunoichi/lady ninja who was a cheerleader in her Secret ID, that would be funny.)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I would like to see a Lex Luthor-like Master Villian. Normal Char Max (Probably pay the increase for above norm INT), Gadgets, bases, vehicles, followers, master plans. A "Normal Guy" with super-human megalomania. I always loved the so called normal holding his own against teams of heroes.





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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I's love to see a section on beasts: animals, quasi-intelligent alien monsters, extradimensional insects, superpowered dogs, and so forth. Pop up all the time in comics, and make for a nice change from Supervillain Of The Week syndrome. Probably not enough to fill a seperate Bestiary, but could make a nice chapter of VVV.


Something else that comes to mind is more antagonists whose motives aren't quite as B&W as your typical conquer-the-world-and/or-get-rich supervillain. Tiger Squad is a good example: not really villains per se, but often wind up opposing the heroes.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'll throw on another vote for the Lex Luthor type.


One idea for the master villian idea, but not exactly....combining two different ideas - one from an old Adventurer Club - a supervillian "union" that helps with medical and lawyers stuff, and matching villians with jobs - and combine that with the bit from taskmaster's era when her ran a supervillian training agency.


So the idea is a mastermind that isn't out to take over the world, but provides all sorts of services to supervillians in the world - training agents, matching jobs and merc supers, lawyers, medical - all sorts of stuff. And nothing he does is strictly illegal, he's just training people, making contacts, and providing legal services.

Could be a great thorn in the side of the heroes long term.

That might be better for an Org book though.



Other things that would be cool -


Alien villians.


Someone who is a major proponent of both tech and magic, but not a technomancer - a powered armor with spells perhaps, or perhaps someone who has a classic "tech" style (like a powered armor guy, or batman's utility belt and equipment) where everything is magical instead of tech. Basically looking for a twist on standard archtypes.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'd also like to see at least one comical villain in here. Foxbat, Bulldozer, Pulsar, and El Salto are a good start, but what's missing from this mix is some villain who keeps screwing up and getting caught, but makes deals with the cops (or DA, or heroes) in exchange for information on more serious stuff going down. A brick who overestimates his toughness and does stuff that knocks himself out would be a good start.


I'd second that. We need more lighthearted stuff in the CU.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Lots of great ideas so far. :)


I'll join in the chorus for a Lex Luthor-style master villain. IMHO the Champions Universe already has an excellent candidate, Franklin Stone of Advanced Concepts Industries. (Champions Universe p. 59)


The suggestions for alien villains also have my support, particularly very powerful ones. My feeling is that the CU currently has a glut of "mystic" villains and great powers, but is rather thin on the "cosmic" side. There are lots of possibilities floating around that just need actualization: Galaxars, Ancient Empyreans, Progenitors, Malvans, rogue Star*Guards, and superhuman specimens from various established alien races.


Andromedan aliens are also a very good possibility. The potential for that region of space is wide open, and menaces of any type and any magnitude of power could originate from there.


While I did say that there are enough powerful mystic villains in the CU, I wouldn't mind a writeup for Sharna-Gorak. :eg:

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Can we confirm that several of the villains we have only seen pics of are going to be in Villains, Vandals and Vermin ? I am talking about Fleshtone, Entropy, the Mummy like villain from the end of USPD 1 and Dreamweaver (IIRC).


Some of them, yes. Not necessarily all of them. ;)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


How about something along the line of inventor villians who supply poduct to the master villians, this is probably where brain trust comes in, but more along the lines of solo villians who occupy the lieutenant nich of power without significant loyalty, providing necessary but odd skills to the main villian. Rogue scientists/inventors and mages/alchemisits who try to provide an independant line of thought or ability to the main troublemaker.


I kinda like hired guns.


Well, in many respects that sounds a lot like Wayland Talos, who's already in print in MC and EU. Did you have something else in mind beyond what he does?


The Brain Trust isn't anything like that. The name comes from the fact that the leader is a brain in a tank. Every setting needs a brain in a tank! :)

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I think there's more than enough out there, however, if you're wanting a second one, I suggest using one that's already been mentioned, such as Tyrannon the Conqueror.


Well, Tyrannon's already in print in TMW, so I don't want to reprint him in VVV.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'm sympathetic to the call for a Lex Luthor-style master villain... but at this power level, I honestly don't see much need to write him up in a book. It makes more sense for Dark Champions (for which I've created a few such villains), but in Champions a guy like that is just a personality and a presence, and any GM can probably handle that. As LL suggested, you can use Franklin Stone for that easily enough. ;)


Now, a time-conquering master villain... that's something I've vaguely considered before, and it's probably worth some more thought now. Good call. ;)


The suggestion for another alien villain or two is worth considering. We've got one, Valak the World-Ravager, in CU:NotW, but another one or two couldn't hurt.


Thanx for the suggestions, folx! Keep 'em coming. :hex:

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


How about something along the line of inventor villians who supply poduct to the master villians, this is probably where brain trust comes in, but more along the lines of solo villians who occupy the lieutenant nich of power without significant loyalty, providing necessary but odd skills to the main villian. Rogue scientists/inventors and mages/alchemisits who try to provide an independant line of thought or ability to the main troublemaker.


I kinda like hired guns.


Chapter 4. Villainous Support.


Along the lines of AnotherSkip’s and Lord Liaden’s posts. A section covering the villains and villain organizations that provide a villain with support and logistics.


A gadgeteer inventor. Providing weapons and “super-science” tech to the up and coming mastermind.


A super intelligent “normal” who specializes in mercenaries (Dial-a-Henchman) and so on.


A Lex Luther type who is the CEO of the parent company.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'm sympathetic to the call for a Lex Luthor-style master villain... but at this power level' date=' I honestly don't see much need to write him up in a book. It makes more sense for Dark Champions (for which I've created a few such villains), but in Champions a guy like that is just a personality and a presence, and any GM can probably handle that. As LL suggested, you can use Franklin Stone for that easily enough. ;)[/quote']


Then methinks ol' Franklin would be good fodder for a Digital Hero writeup.


Now' date=' a time-conquering master villain... that's something I've vaguely considered before, and it's probably worth some more thought now. Good call. ;)[/quote']


Agreed, but I would caution against making his schtick too much like Marvel's Kang the Conqueror. IMHO Istvatha V'han is close enough to the Kang analogue in the CU. OTOH the aforementioned classic Champs villain Timemaster has potential.


The suggestion for another alien villain or two is worth considering. We've got one' date=' [b']Valak the World-Ravager[/b], in CU:NotW, but another one or two couldn't hurt.


Maybe Valak could use a herald? :sneaky: Or perhaps a survivor of his ravaging bent on vengeance. (I might just dust off Starseer myself for this purpose.)

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