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Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


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Just throwing it out there, about various ideas to deal with those high DCV targets like Treb's Zlf,


My favorites:




Change Environment Ice Slick -2 DCV

Anything area of effect

Flyswatters (AKA throwing buses, SUV's etc.)

Brace, Set, No range modifier

Based on Ego Combat Value


Damage Shield, though even I'm not munchkin enough to use Clinging that way.



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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


"A speedster' date=' ja? Vell, now I vill unpimp your stride!" *THUMP* [/quote']

Darn it, Hermit, I can only rep you so many times a day, y'know?


As to tactics against high DCV characters:


Agreed on using vehicles as AOE weapons. The brick in a past Champions campaign of mine used Chevy vans so much, he ended up doing commercials for them. :) He'd even go out of his way, bypassing cars, pickups and other vehicles, just so he could grab the Chevy van.


As to other tactics and powers:


Agents armed with autofire blasters and 1-hex AOE net Entangle grenades. One throws the net on Mr. High-DCV, the others coordinate autofire on Mr. Now-0-DCV.


Invisibility + Stealth = Mr. Half-DCV.


In a similar vein, Shrinking may well cause Mr. High DCV to not see you.


Use Your Environment, Luke: Attack the floor or ceiling, causing a fall or collapse.


One of my favorites was a player character hero using Martial Throw to put the bad guy right in front of a Mack truck passing by.

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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


My Favorite is just a well trained group of ninjas, any one and I do say everyone with much furvor, knows that ninjas are the bain of all High DCV chas. All you need is a big group well coordinated and youve got one High DCV out cold on the ground. Side note this also works really really well against bricks who think they can kill the world, 2 stun a kick from 8 guys you still have 16 stun to deal with... and no one is unbeatable.


Camo and illusion are a ninjas best friends.

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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


I did once have an ice/cold elemental build. She was hell on high DCV:


1. Chilling Embrace AoE 1" radius Continuous, personal immunity, no range SPD/DEX drain

2. Ice Slick Change Environment ice slick -2DCV

3. Frost Touch 5def 5d6 entangle, aoe 1 hex, no range

4. Snow drift 3def 3d6 entangle aoe radius 3 or 4", feet only

5. Skates +30" running

6. Snow Storm, Darkness 4" Radius Sight and Hearing, personal immunity.

7. Ice blast 12d6 Energy blast

8. Ice Armor +30rpd, +20 red Forcefield, hardened


If you could dodge through all that, I'm not sure anyone can hit you. She had a 30 Con, 15 Rec and still was sucking wind after a Turn. But then again, so long as you were on the ground, you could run, but she's just get madder.


Suddenly everyone and their uncle had flight, and alas Russian Winter was retired.




P.S. Why not Chevy Cavaliers? or Toyota Tacomas? Ford Festivas? Ferrari ... no. even I wouldn't commit that heresy.


Peace 2x

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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?




I never even thought of an entangle damage shield. It's brilliant. Positively brilliant.




P.S. I thought AoE 1 hex was vrs. DCV 3, not 0, but the point is still the same. And if anyone wants to check out Winter, I posted the build. But darn, I'm still in awe of the entangle damage shield. Genius. Absolute, unmitigated genius.



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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


Damage shield is good. Even more fun when it's an entangle damage shield.


A nasty NPC called Virus, who had damage shield with a small transform - but which was continuous uncontrolled, 0 End - and sticky. Touch him and you start turning into a duplicate of him. Touch anyone he's transformed and ... well, you get the idea.


Cheers, Mark

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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


Back when Origins travelled, there was one in LA. (in the 80s) and a bunch of people from the bay area went. Tom Tumey ended up running a Champions game in the open gaming room. There was this guy I vaguely knew who wanted to play. (Lemming knows him) His characters were waaaay overpowered and the only one that was even vaguely reasonable had martial arts and autofire STR.


Tom really didn't want to let him play this character, but the guy whined and promised that he wouldn't throw autofire martial arts indiscriminately. I'm fairly certain he promised he wouldn't open with it.


Game starts and the first attack he throws is an autofire martial arts attack at the BBEG. He lands about 7 hits.


So Tom asks him to make a constitution roll. He makes it by 3.


Tom announces that 3 is his defense against an AVLD damage shield the BBEG had and rolls like 6 or 7 dice (once for each hit landed) The munchkin is GMO on the first phase of the game.


He bitched about that game the entire ride home, he was carpooling with another person I knew.


Do not cross the GM.

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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


What? You don't like the Matrix? But it was gold. Sure, the second two weren't much, and I didn't care for the "coppertop" reason for harvesting humans (using them as processors made more sense to me), but still, it's the Matrix, man. Keep talking like that and we might have to suspend your Geek Card. :D


An entangle damage shield, huh? I've heard of a "Tarbaby defense" (clinging damage shield) but never an entangle version. Interesting...

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Re: Favorite Tactics against High DCV?


I much prefer older American models. Dodge Darts are favored for the alliteration.


I agree. My favorite is a Maverick... a Ford Maverick (my first car, sniff). Though the explosive-warhead air-to-ground missile has laudable features in this context also. :rolleyes:

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