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What are you playing now?

Doc Samson

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These boards are like a breeding ground for great characters. I'm curious what kinds of characters you play. Please post the character you are currently playing, or if you are not currently in a game perhaps your most recent character. Anything from a small blurb to a whole character sheet would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for sharing.


It's been awhile since I have played as I am usually the GM. The last character I played as a PC was actually an NPC the GM turned over to me to help move the story along. His name was Gog. He was a basic brick with the ability to produce one identical Duplicate of himself (you probably guessed it, the Duplicate's name was Magog).

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Re: What are you playing now?


I never get to play champions any more, only run it. So my personal characters lately are all for other games.


My latest character of ANY kind is a halfling in armor who is a drill sergeant. Naturally all our troops are normal height. (comments edited just in case)


"Only thing that comes from Khet are Minotaurs and Q****s, and I don't see no horns on you, boy."

"I see the enemy gots them guys in dresses. I'm not one for hitting a lady, but target them mages."

Or my favorite, said to a simulacrum of a beholder (commanded by another PC): "Don't you eyeball me, boy!"

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Re: What are you playing now?


Currently I'm running:


-Hermes, a high powered nova in an exceedingly alternate Aberrant game ( speedster/supergenius )


-Operator A4, a member of Branch 9, in an Adventure game set in 20s Shanghai ( man of a thousand faces and legacy hero )


-Mirumoto Seiki, a clan daimyo in a Legend of the Five Rings campaign ( epic samurai )

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Re: What are you playing now?


Enigma - a mystic gadgeteer, with a minor in brick. Groups leader (Champions)

Burner - a light based energy projector (Dark Champions, with minor Powers)

Samantha - a fighter-pilot with a very strange past. Currently captain [though we'll see how long that lasts] (Star Hero)


That's all my Hero characters. I have one monthly DnD game (sigh); I play a strait up Scout.

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Re: What are you playing now?


Zl'f: A DEX 43/SPD 9 martial artist. Very light on defenses and on the low end of the supers damage scale.


Justicar: A Batmanesque nightstalker type stacked with "holy" - as in D&D cleric - powers (He's also a Jesuit and superagent of the Vatican). I run him in a Dark Champions campaign set in the same world as our Champions game.

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Re: What are you playing now?


From online Games:

* Captain Thunderbolt - Champions Campaign set in MNM's Freedom City (which is, incidently, an incredibly well done setting). CT is the nephew of Captain Thunder who gained a toned down version of his uncle's powers after a bone marrow transplant from his uncle. He is a classic blaster brick and a bit of a boy scout.(rpol.net)


* Cheshire Cat - reformed teleporting martial artist from Kirby's League of Champions game. Thinks he's a lady's man. A bit of a flake and a moron -- in a fun way. A couple of his quotes have made it to the quotes of the week thread. (herocentral)

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Re: What are you playing now?




I'm running a Super Agent game...


And I just started playing a PA game where my character is Docc Digger. It's not every day you got to run an "after the fall" archaeologist who comes equipped with hands built for digging!


Online I'm playing Wildcard, a street-hardened kid with Precognition/Retrocognition. And I'll soon be playing an ex-Navy SEAL in the new iteration of that online game.

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Re: What are you playing now?


Hmmm, like Hermit, I only seem to get to actually 'play' as opposed to GM when I'm online (and I GM online too, go figure...). My current characters are:


Speedzone: pretty self-evident there... :rolleyes: Speedster with low-end super-strength and a background in sciences. My favorite power on his sheet is Bright Fringe Invisibility linked to his running (I was going for the 'now-you-see-him-now-you-don't' effect). Having used his base powerset as the kernel for my son's char in the FtF game I GM, I now have a little more sympathy for my online GM...

(but only a little... :eg:)


Facet: crystalline metamorph. Former soldier turned super. Stretching, Growth and body shaping powers...


Focus: TK-based flying brick. This is a 'teen'-ish game. So far his biggest problems are discovering one of the City's leather-clad heroines is really his MOM!!! (the fact he had the chance to actually meet her before he found this out isn't helping), and trying to deal with the fact he seems to be the 'catch of the day' at his new school for kids with powers...


Sunhawk: flying EBer with high PRE and boosted sight. Powers are obviously linked to Horus, so it's no surprise the char is a grad student and aspiring Egyptologist in his secret ID. He's also very uncomfortable with the idea of being mistaken for a god. This is a game where superpowers are just now manifesting in people, and we've just started...

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Re: What are you playing now?


At the moment I'm "gameless" but the primary chars I'm building/would like to use/etc would be:


Sekkou: My IronMan meets Reed Richards meets Peter Parker

homage...Basically a Powered Armored guy with various

TK based powers who is meant to be "the smartest guy

in the room".


Darter: Another Powered Armor guy, this time with armor with

Shrinking (down to the height of about 1" tall), Density

Increase and Flight. (His Hero Designer file is attached

and some of his backstory is in a thread here in the

forum....:) )


Blip: Teenage speedster


Pixette: Diminutive Martial Artist


The character I actually ran most recently was in a HeroCentral

campaign. The team were new agents of VIPER. My char, Max Reed,

was a semi-tech guy/hacker who felt naked without his laptop. He

may be having a rehab of his abilities, based on possibly stealing

some VIPER tech and taking off from the nest.....His non-powered

agent level version (built before I bought HDv3) is attached.


Of course, there are others in my files...but those are the top ones

I can recall while I'm here at work..... :straight:



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Re: What are you playing now?


Currently playing:


In group:

Meeb - an alien mansized Amoeba

Smokeater - a Fire based energy projector stopping an alien invasion.

Terminal Velocity - a teen based Speedster

Sift - a early 20s supermage, in a Vibora bay game


and Solo with the wife

Black Cat - a character I've been playing off an on for 17 years. A martial artist extraordinaire, and current and agent of an inter-dimensional group.


Links to all but Terminal Velocity in my Sig. :)

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Re: What are you playing now?


The last Champions character I played... Does my memory go back. Oh yes, that would be Thunder, the supersonic woman.


My apologies for the old pic. That was about ten years ago.


What's to apologize about? The picture is awesome! Very Lightning Lad-y, which is a good thing.


Just got to play for the first time in a long while. I'm playing Linebacker, a football superstar whose career was cut short. Gabriel Holloway, LB, was a high school All-American, a Bednarik Award winner while playing at Northwestern and the hometown boy was the obvious first round pick for the Bears. At least he would have been if his powers hadn't kicked in at the NFL Combine, where Gabe ran the 40m in 2 seconds and benched over a ton. Exhiliration to exhultation to desolation in the span of an afternoon, as millions to be made went up in smoke. Thankfully Gabe had been raised right by his family and faith, neither of which failed him. And neither did his hometown of Chicago or his beloved Bears, who still suited him up in a special uniform made just for him. Strong side defense in the City of Big Shoulders.

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Re: What are you playing now?


I'm getting a ready to play a stretching/rubber guy called Flex Kinetic, who is an unrepentant gloryhound/attention whore (but with do-gooder tendencies of course). I always liked playing either the stalwart well-balanced hero or the justice-not-law type, but this should actually be a character I have to roleplay more, as I'm nowhere near that personality type.

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Re: What are you playing now?


Perennial GM I'm afraid.


Currently running an Amber variant (though I have junked the Zelazny setting except in the broadest concepts, and the official rules...) and an Ars Magica 19th Century campaign.


Occasionally reply to WWYCD posts here using the example of my beloved Jack-a-Dandy, a rakish half-faerie ne'er do well.

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Re: What are you playing now?


Playing in Champions:


Olroin - Medieval mage from another dimension with Big VPP that has limitations that are hard to explain. Goofball, likes to boggle people's minds, likes to stir things up on purpose. Versatile, and if he knows what he is about to go up against, very effective. (Say fire supressing effect against Firewing for example.)


Volt - experienced energy caster that uses mainly lightning, some magnetism. Very private person and hates crowds. Does a force wall projection to protect people, but it has a side effect that almost always knocks him out.


Black Tiger - martial artist with a takedown manuver as his preferred attack. Rather dark, vengeful, untrusting in general. Has gap in his memory. He does not know exactly how he got this way - knows the miltary is involved, but that's about all


The above are current charaters.


Futurian - created by someone else, I will "borrow" him shortly. From the future - or an alternate future. He is not sure which. Awesome when machines are around. Rather pitiful when not around. (machine mind control, body drain, dex drain, etc only vs machines.)


Leadman - past character. Density increase brick. Can do tk toward ground only (gravity increase.) Rather gloomy and pessimistic "It'll never work." Tries anyway.

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Re: What are you playing now?


....currently playing Icestar, a 16 year old who gets her powers of cold/ice generation from a mystical artifact called the Heart of Winter. What she doesn't realise is the Heart is a prison for Ymir and it's his power that she's drawing on; and every time she does it, she brings him that much closer to breaking free...

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Re: What are you playing now?


Aquatic- Hudson City based superhero that is not in the official CU though it has many common elements. One of them being Atlanteans, and Aquatic is half Atlantean/half human, and it gets more complex from there as he's discovered his mother is Stingray, his father Amphibian, and he was displaced in time by the former as a form of revenge against the latter. He's a 40str brick with a few martial moves and many sea creature abilities.


Comet-Cocky Empyrean descended from a Golden Age superhero who wants to learn more about the human side of his family. Creates a bio-energy shield all around him.


Gaze-A mentalist who is centered around from mind control/hypnosis who has expanded from there. One of my favorite characters to play when I'm in the swing. Very verbose with heavy metaphor, earning him the nick name 'Shakespeare' from some of his team mates, a showman at heart but also quite haunted. Very much in love with his wife. and we're hoping for lighter things for him soon.


Mole-18 year old brick with tunneling, armor piercing strength, and a rather unique 'Matter Awareness" that serves him well if he doesn't fail the perception roll ;) Wants to be a rock star, and has been growing up fast. Pretty upbeat guy most of the time despite his father's death that motivated him to protect the city in the first place.

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Re: What are you playing now?


It's been years since I actually got to play Champions, rather than GM. My last PC was some kind of humanoid plant with the ability to steal/imitate other people's powers. I think he was called The Mimic or something similarly original. I actually came across this character sheet several years back and was embarrassed at how badly we'd misunderstood how Transfer works. Fun character, but it'd probably cost 450 point to do him legally. :o

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Re: What are you playing now?


Aquatic- Hudson City based superhero that is not in the official CU though it has many common elements. One of them being Atlanteans, and Aquatic is half Atlantean/half human, and it gets more complex from there as he's discovered his mother is Stingray, his father Amphibian, and he was displaced in time by the former as a form of revenge against the latter. He's a 40str brick with a few martial moves and many sea creature abilities.


Comet-Cocky Empyrean descended from a Golden Age superhero who wants to learn more about the human side of his family. Creates a bio-energy shield all around him.


Gaze-A mentalist who is centered around from mind control/hypnosis who has expanded from there. One of my favorite characters to play when I'm in the swing. Very verbose with heavy metaphor, earning him the nick name 'Shakespeare' from some of his team mates, a showman at heart but also quite haunted. Very much in love with his wife. and we're hoping for lighter things for him soon.


Mole-18 year old brick with tunneling, armor piercing strength, and a rather unique 'Matter Awareness" that serves him well if he doesn't fail the perception roll ;) Wants to be a rock star, and has been growing up fast. Pretty upbeat guy most of the time despite his father's death that motivated him to protect the city in the first place.



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Re: What are you playing now?


Icon - teenaged energy brick in the Uberworld Argus High game;


Shinji Miromoto - dark Daoist Wizard and martial artist, in the Uberworld Denver Defenders campaign.


Widower - Self-aware Spiderman homage (not clone) in the Solo Uber game.


I've also got a d20 Star Wars mercenary force-pike wielder. He's a lot of fun, if only to play up the "Don't look at me: you guys hired ME" aspect of things.

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