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Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


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It’s Christmas Day at your teams base or your solo heroes home, he or she wakes up returns from patrolling the mean streets of to find that someone had done some redecorating. Tinsel, lights, mistletoe and other Christmas ornaments about, cheerful and abundant very festive but not –quite- garish. There are also presents for everyone on the team, several and just what they’d have wanted for themselves (even if they wouldn’t admit it. There’s no record of intruder on the base security (no matter how good it is) but any equipment that can detect dimensional or temporal distortions register a major one took place. They gifts are legitimate, non booby trapped, perfectly safe but even the ones that identical to brand name products lack any logos, trademarks or other manufacturer's marks. Detailed examination of the items reveal they are natural materials but nothing distinctive (individual powers that might come up, just ask). This same thing has happened to every team and superhero the heros can can contact.


What would you character do (and what would they get)?


This is intended to be fairly light hearted but if your character would get serious take it in the direction and feel free to post questions.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Myriad lives in an apartment building full of fairy folk, with a magical world in the basement, married to a werewolf, with a baby spaceship. This is pretty much normal to her. :)


Blanche would naturally assume Santa. Though she'd be a bit dissappointed he didn't stay around for Milk and Nookie.


Free Spirit would be concerned, but given it all 'checks out', she'd probably have to assume a Christmas Miracle.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Uncle Slam would assume it was Helen Cosgrove, aka "Noise", who is responsible on many occasions for sneaking into his quarters, offices, and many other places wherever he was stationed and injecting some Christmas spirit. She's pushing 70 now, but he'd assume it was one of her kids.


Anthem doesn't have a high security base, she has an apartment. She'd ask the neighbors, but barring that she'd assume it was some good samaritan hero who took it upon themselves.


Audra Blue would become paranoid and obsessed with combing all of the many, many detection devices that are all designed specifically for keeping track of and catching interlopers. She's the one case where there would be no joy in the idea.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


PhaseKitty -- "You can't fool me; there ain't no Sanity Clause!" :winkgrin: She'd just shrug and chuckle---and be grateful for something light-hearted cause right now things are tense and unpleasant.


What would she get? I'm not sure. Something sexy to wear? A video game? Errrr..... :confused: I don't know. Guess it would be a surprise.:eek::thumbup:



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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Mike the Demoness: "Okay, so there really /is/ a Santa Claus, or at least someone who can do a decent imitation thereof, and wants to. I suppose that isn't any less plausible than a demon walking the Earth. Well, let's see what I got..." One possibility - clothing that's immune to her hellfire Damage Shield, so she can actually stay dressed when she's being all demony. Another possibility - a leather harness full of jingly bells, which, when worn, turns her humany bits into reindeery bits, plus an invitation to help pull the sled next year and meet the Easter Bunny and other such calendrical myth-beings.


Rubber Mousie: If she didn't get the kitty from the psycho hostage taker from another WWYCD, she gets one now, and either way, supplies for the new Dependant. No need for amusements, of course - she /is/ the cat-toy.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Addy (Eastern Knight): She would rip into the presents even if it wasn't Christmas day (she's Buddhist anyway) and see if Santa sent her what she asked for. (she wrote to Santa and any other possible figure who might potentially send gifts on Christmas just in case) She'd attempt to explain to Tao that elves made toys in a really cold place and broke into people's houses one night every year and left their heart's desire, and next Christmas, she'd make Tao sit up with her to try to catch him on film. But I suspect Tao wouldn't see it as something to look forward to, lol


Eisen to Ghost while setting up extra security cameras and testing trip wires: "I don't care who the bastard is, he isn't breaking into my house."


Rui to Tohru: "Look, Tohru, Santa was here!

Tohru to Rui: "Rui...there's no such thing as Santa..."

Rui looking crestfallen, his mouth turned down in a frown: "Oh..."


Razor, kicking the presents out the fire escape: "Save it for someone who cares."



LOL wow, my characters are kinda cynical, lol.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Addy (Eastern Knight): She would rip into the presents even if it wasn't Christmas day (she's Buddhist anyway) and see if Santa sent her what she asked for. (she wrote to Santa and any other possible figure who might potentially send gifts on Christmas just in case) She'd attempt to explain to Tao that elves made toys in a really cold place and broke into people's houses one night every year and left their heart's desire, and next Christmas, she'd make Tao sit up with her to try to catch him on film. But I suspect Tao wouldn't see it as something to look forward to, lol


Tao: Would obsessively go over security (probably while patently ignoring a hyper active Addy…sugar and Christmas giddy, a bit combination) and dress down (in her cool, monotone manner) the security staff. Her gifts would be weapons upgrades, and two sets of “off duty” clothing that were functional (IE suitable for impromptu combat) so she didn’t have to bother buying the things herself.


Harmony: Would kick back with her new bleeding age computer system, listeng to her ipod and flipping threw her collection of nWod and Exalted books for most of the day, only pausing to occasionally call Morgenstern, Nelson laugh and hang up.


Shidoku: Would find the decorations pretty over the top but over all would be laid back. If the spook was this good and wanted to kill, she'd been dead already so might as enjoy it. She has to respect anyone that could get good cigars through costumes but how she or he knew what size she preferred for certain more intimate gifts is a little weird. That would make her suspect Kage, her techie friend with benefits....


Valkyrie would be baffled and skeptical but the evidence seems conclusive...It would be up to Mr Tesla to decide how to pursue the matter of course. Her more immediate concern would staving off Ika's curiosity about her gifts, specifically the collection of 'bodice ripper" period romances...


Velocity's biggest gift would be having her mother and dad together for Christmas. Even talking them down when the butthead and staving off rants from her mother about "cooperate corruption of a sacred pagan festival" would be worth it.


Ivy: Always loved Christmas and seeing her children excited about "proof" of Santa Claus would warm her heart and be about the best gift she could get. Materially, perhaps something that lat her look more human day to day. She'd try to ask her ex-husband to join them, feeling the kids should also be with their father.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Gwendolyn would be completly unshocked at would rip into her presents. Ooh, bubbles with sparkles!


Carrough would be suspicious, because all of the 'good elves' she knows are pretty horrid beings. Once, she finally relaxed about it she would enjoy her gifts. Photos of her family and her armor that was lost along the way from the fae world to the human world.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Quetzlcoatl would just go nuts. Checking and double checking security systems, then installing every upgrade he could think of, even sorcerous wards if he could track down a magician he actually trusted. In the first place, security is HIS responsibility specifically, and he'll feel that he failed somehow, and it makes him angry. In the second place, even if he hadn't been designated security specialist as soon as he joined, as paranoid as he is he'd have wound up doing the job anyway.


His presents would be a variety of new, upgraded security and surveilance gadgets, which he would first dissect and then discard because even if he couldn't find anything wrong with them he'd never trust them. ESPECIALLY if he couldn't figure out who made them and where.




Stormwalker would wonder "why suddenly this year, and not any of the years before?" But I'm not sure He'd be concerned enough to investigate. He has no problem believing in Father Christmas/Santa Claus/Saint Nicholas.


I'm not sure what kind of present he would get.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary asks what I'm doing in this thread......good question actually...

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Vitus : "Who re-filled the coal-cellar?"


Then, after he learns what everybody else get, investigate this at some length. The tenement building they live in has some quite unusual defences and security methods, including a house spirit that just achieved free-will.


"Who the hell is Santa Klaus? Is he anything to do with that zombie girl, Santa Ria?"


Zero would be too delighted with the mint-condition cast photos and publicity material for the George Burns and Gracie Allen Show to worry too much. Which is staggering.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Volt would not freak out if this happened at home, he'd figure his daughter did it. If done at the base, he'd try to have security upgraded. He'd get a book he had his eye on, but not gotten yet.


Olorin after hearing that Santa is "a jolly old elf" he'd figure a whimsical being from Faerie that likes to spread joy came by. In that case, security would not really worry him. He'd contact the Lord and Lady of Faerie and tell them to relay his thanks by any reasonable means, but does not need to know who did it. He'd get whatever technical gizmo he had his eye on at the time (a medieval mage that loves tech!)


Black Tiger would go into obsessive "check this out mode and fix it" for at least a day or two. He'd end up with the book "The big guide to Conspiracies" or "Distrusting Authorities: the worst of the worst."


Futurian would not freak out about the security too much. He'd end up with a puppy; they are rare where he came from and he'd always wanted one. "Thank you Santa, wherever you are! Thank you, thank you, thank you."

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Revenant: If it happened in the Sentinels' base, hed assumne it was one of his teammates that did it. If it happened in the Crypt, hes assume it was the new Goblyn who did it. If he found out there was a massive dimensional breach that occured, hed then have to try to contact Ankhesenisis and see if it was a breach from a hell-dimension.


Then hed see what he got.


Feline Fury: "Yay! Prezzies!" *rip-tear-shred of paper* :D

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Luna Moth: Blinks. Looks around. Blinks again. Sticks right foot into boot. Pause. Pulls boot off and dumps coal out into a bucket. Checks and empties the rest of her footwear into same bucket. Checks presents under tree, to make sure they're all for her roommates. Puts on boots and jacket, grabs the bucket of coal and a bag containing presents for her family and the Kittens, and leaves the condo.


Flying Kittens: Would tear into their presents, which would be Santa-quality knock-offs of that year's hottest toys. Then they would tear open the presents Diana got for them, which would be upgraded versions of their cat-toy gadgets.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


Jake the Troll - his house is already like this: he lives with his family (mom, dad, older sister, younger brother), and his mom really likes Christmas. He'd put on his Santa hat and go open presents, just like he's done every year since he was two.


Icon - Completely beyond anything she's experienced; while she could detect the extra-dimensional energy, she'd have absolutely no idea what to do then. Her holiday experiences consist of her mom doing stuff like this as an 'apology'. It'd be her dad who would likely try to convince her to come down and open presents. The change would be that the gifts actually WOULD be what she wanted, rather than what her mother though would be an extravagant gift for her daughter. One would be a Supergirl anthology, plus a depleted neutronium escrima stick. At which point she'd probably start to cry, and her dad wouldn't be able to figure out why, and so they'd all have more material for their monthly counselling session.


Shinji Miromoto - also has had dealings with the Winter Court, but would realize that THIS is a bit beyond their purview. He'd get his Dark Congress Quarterly subscription upgraded. At which point he'd call the Dark Congress, and inform them that some sort of supernatural entity has hacked their subscription network.


Widower - "Haziz!" Would assume that the bane of his existence (Haziz the djinn) was messing with him. He'd get an undamaged family photo.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


:confused: what do you deplete from nuetronium?


*pulls techno-babble out of ass*


If you increase the density of neutronium while preventing it from creating an event horizon, the lost potential energy results in the neutrons breaking down, turning the neutronium into a large mass of pure condensed quarks.



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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


*pulls techno-babble out of ass*


If you increase the density of neutronium while preventing it from creating an event horizon, the lost potential energy results in the neutrons breaking down, turning the neutronium into a large mass of pure condensed quarks.




and somebody made this into a blunt instrument?

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


and somebody made this into a blunt instrument?


The rod was a proof-of-concept; rather than be particularly useful, it was created to show that depleted neutronium could actually be made. The fact that it's a rod was merely a side effect of the construction process. And while it's fascinating to study from a physics perspective, one of the practical consequences of it is that it's incredibly heavy and neigh-indestructible, which is a useful property when you're a metahuman looking for something to smack a villain with.

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Re: Have a Holly Jolly Security Breach


The rod was a proof-of-concept; rather than be particularly useful' date=' it was created to show that depleted neutronium could actually be made. The fact that it's a rod was merely a side effect of the construction process. And while it's fascinating to study from a physics perspective, one of the practical consequences of it is that it's incredibly heavy and neigh-indestructible, which is a useful property when you're a metahuman looking for something to smack a villain with.[/quote']


incredibly heavy is an understatement. It would have to weigh over a thousand tonnes, and probably closer to a million.

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