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Superhero Apprentice


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You have received an invitation to participate in a charity event: Superhero Apprentice!


Do You accept?


What is your charity? Does not have to be a 'real' charity. it can be something campaign specific.


How long do you think you would last before you were fired?


There will be a total of 8 heroes and 8 Heroines







P.S. Flesh Gordon you have to wear clothes the whole time you are on the show.:P

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


You have received an invitation to participate in a charity event: Superhero Apprentice!


Do You accept?


Vixen? Certainly. It'll be good PR and publicity.


What is your charity?


She wouldn't care ... she's only doing it for the press. She'd let someone else pick.


How long do you think you would last before you were fired?


She's most likely to get the boot for 'questionable tactics' than incompetence (aka manipulating the other contestants into screwing up). She stands a decent chance of making it into the semifinals, at least, on the basis of flexible powers, competence, and cunning.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


You have received an invitation to participate in a charity event: Superhero Apprentice!


Do You accept?


What is your charity? Does not have to be a 'real' charity. it can be something campaign specific.


How long do you think you would last before you were fired?


There will be a total of 8 heroes and 8 Heroines



I'm confused. Are we apprenticed to someone, or is someone our apprentice, and how does that relate to charity?

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


This is the superhero version of the Apprentice show with Donald Trump. Right now they are doing Celebrity Apprentice. I just thought it would be neat to do one where we have Superheroes on the show. And of course Stan Lee is sitting on one side of Donald.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Adventus would accept


His charity would be the Red Cross. He is a first in for Red Cross Disaster Relief. He actually goes in before 72 hours have elapsed. He is there within a matter of hours.


Just long enough to get his check. If he wasn't called away to help with a disaster.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Pensativa would be in. Her charity would be the fund for the families of the supers killed at the fall of Detroit. She'd probably get booted quickly if many of the other supers lacked mental defense and she had to constantly pick up on their emotional garbage.


Pummel (Impact when she was a PC) would be in. She'd use the money to set up a scholarship fund. She'd last longer, because although she won't resort to manipulative tactics, she doesn't let them get to her much either. (She has a hyper-intelligent 4 year old brother.)

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


*grrr! Must keep personal bias out of reply!*


Arac-4105 would probably accept, since it's for charity. He'd be gone in the first round, though. Poor sap's got no money-handling skills, let alone business sense.


The charity would probably be local disaster relief or the Red Cross.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Soulbarb hates publicity and would not do it voluntarily. If she were to get on the show regardless, she is generally smart and charismatic enough to put up a good showing, but business skills are not her forte and if anyone on the team had real business knowhow, they would be able to out-do her. She would actually be relieved (not having wanted to be there in the first place) and might have even gone so far as to set up her own exit from the show deliberately.


Sylph has a PRE of 11, and is generally shy and unprepossessing. She could in theory be roped into it, and if so would do her best, but would get the boot very early. Her charity of choice would be the local hospitals in her city.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Volt would probably decline; he dislikes publicity. If the amount was high ($1,000,000 or more) he might. He would choose a church he attends for their "Water for Nigeria" and community center fund. He would not be the first out because he is too nice and would try hard. He would not get too much further; he does not have the personality for it.


Olorin would do it in a heartbeat. He'd joke it would go to the "support Olorin in the manner to which he is accustomed fund", but but it would go to a legal defense/support fund (possibly one he created) that supports people that have been "stepped on" in his opinion (Never the ACLU, he considers them the "stepper" way too often.) He's funny, Intelligent (30+ INT) and can be ruthless when he wants. He could go all the way, he'd almost certainly be one of the last to go.


Black Tiger - not going to happen. No way. Not enough money the world.


Futurian probably would do it. His charity would be one that researches disease cure - but does not allow embrionic stem cell research. He'd say "You don't know where that lead, but read Sci-fi. That'll give you an idea." He would not be the first or last to go, but he's less disciplined than Olorin is in restraining his "goofball" nature and would go out about halfway.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Terminal Velocity would do it, and his charity would be homeless. He'd likely not be in for very long.


Sift wouldn't. She knows she has no skills that way, and wouldn't want it publicly known. :)


Angelfire would. And she's do well - she handles part of the business end of her band. And her money would go to pay for lawyers of people sued by the RIAA. :)


Meeb would. But he wouldn't last long. :)

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Superhero Apprentice


The All American would gladly participate. His charity would be the Christopher Reeve foundation. And he'd probably not make it very far, since he's so "mom and apple pie" he'd be putty in the hands of his more manipulative fellow competitors.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Luna Moth: Most likely won't be asked... probably wouldn't accept if she was... but in the off-chance that she had to (as part of her sentence), Luna would probably choose a legal defence fund and/or an antiquities preservation group.

She'd probably make it to the final interviews(if she isn't fired for her reputation) as she's a good judge of people, has some decent management skills (knows when to delegate and to who), and can certainly work within a budget.


The Kittens (2 females, 1 male): couldn't accept this year, but may reconsider 10-20 years down the road. Their charity of preference would be some sort of metahuman education fund, but they would most likely be dropped within the first seven episodes for anti-luck manipulation

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


You know, I could see Quetzalcoatl doing this and even winning. His charity would be something to benefit Hispanic Americans, or perhaps an educational or economic development fund for Native Americans in Central America.


Can Opener would try, but quickly fail. Far too naive. Charity would be the Children's Television Workshop.


Amphibian would be in for the publicity, but has the charisma and perhaps the talents to make it about halfway. His charity would be something ecological, perhaps to benefit Florida's Manatee population.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that most of Lucius Alexander's characters would never get involved in something like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Superhero Apprentice


You have received an invitation to participate in a charity event: Superhero Apprentice!


Do You accept?What is your charity? Does not have to be a 'real' charity. it can be something campaign specific.


How long do you think you would last before you were fired?


"$250,000? What's that in emeralds?" followed by "But we don't get to keep it? Remind me, why am I talking to you again?"


But it's possible someone may talk him into going on the program, in the hope of raising some money for the families of the 20 cops that vanished without trace when he deliberately dropped himself, the Skeleton Crew, and Eurostar into a dimensional vortex. Not that feels guilty about it but the publicity may reduce the amount of refuse flung at his building.


He might do quite well, too. Despite his antisocial nature, he does recognise and reward merit when useful to do so, can manipulate people well when he can be bothered, and works hard towards an objective he thinks neccesary. The ability to drive other contestants into a frothing rage, on camera, may also be useful.

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Hermes: Probably could only happen if he's visiting the future in a peaceful time. If he's lacking in desperate need to go somewhere and do something, however, he could get persuaded to join in.


While he's intelligent and diligent, he is not a businessman, however. If there are notable jerks among the other contestants ( less likely with supers than otherwise, but I guarantee you, reality TV means there will be ), he won't be quiet about calling them on it. That is, once he gets himself oriented in a strange world and stranger scenario.


That said, if he finds out about this. . .


But it's possible someone may talk him into going on the program, in the hope of raising some money for the families of the 20 cops that vanished without trace when he deliberately dropped himself, the Skeleton Crew, and Eurostar into a dimensional vortex. Not that feels guilty about it but the publicity may reduce the amount of refuse flung at his building.


. . . his response will depend on how guilt-free Vitus seems, but it'll almost certainly lead to professional discussion and debate. "Hey, I've had to do that too. . . so, why couldn't you fetch the cops and bring them along?"

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Re: Superhero Apprentice


Never saw the show... and I hate 'reality TV' for the most part.


However, I can see Mole going for this. He would try to find out what charities other contestants were handling, and then represent which ever ones of these weren't covered:

1) Institute for the Hearing Impaired

2) Human Society and Dog Rescue

3) Funding Musical education

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Re: Superhero Apprentice



That said, if he finds out about this. . . ( Vitus's cop-erasing encounter with Eurostar )


. . . his response will depend on how guilt-free Vitus seems, but it'll almost certainly lead to professional discussion and debate. "Hey, I've had to do that too. . . so, why couldn't you fetch the cops and bring them along?"


No idea where they ended up. We got pretty scattered.

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