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R.I.P. Steve Gerber


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Steve Gerber, one of the best and most eclectic comic book writers of the 1970s, whose Defenders run has been cited by George MacDonald as one of the primary influences on Champions, has passed away.


Perhaps best known for Howard the Duck, I'll probably remember him most fondly for his short-lived but extraordinary run on Man-Thing, as well as for creating my favorite cartoon of the decade, Thundarr the Barbarian.


Ariel, Ookla, let's ride.




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Re: R.I.P. Steve Gerber


Oh, no. :(


I vividly remember Steve's work on Marvel Comics in the seventies. It was when I was starting to seriously get "into" comics, and when Marvel was really earning its title of "House of Ideas," pushing the envelope of what comics could be. And nobody pushed harder than Steve Gerber. I considered some of his work brilliant, some of it frustrating, some of it just plain weird; but he was doing things nobody else even attempted


Over the following years I was always pleasantly surprised whenever I saw Steve's name on a television or comic or book credit. I'm pleased that he always seemed to find outlets for his creativity. Whatever he did had that distinctive Gerber twist to it.


He died too soon and too painfully. I can only hope he knows how much pleasure he gave to me and so many others.

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Re: R.I.P. Steve Gerber


:( Another one of my icons passes away.

I discovered his work via Howard the Duck, I still have a complete run of the originals, a prized possession. His intelligent look at the comics genre, society, advertizing and peoples perceptions in general was a big influence upon me.


And yes, I supported Destroyer Duck.


RIP Steve.

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