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I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)

SSgt Baloo

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I gripped the armrests of my airline seat as the winds of the hurricane lashed against the plane's thin outer skin. The plane shuddered and groaned as it descended through the chop, trying to find the airport, eliciting groans and occasional screams from my fellow passengers. I looked across the aisle at my coworkers, who were clearly terrified. One had her eyes shut, another was trying to scribble some kind of last-words note to his family. All of them were sweating bullets. I heard the engines spool up again--we'd missed another approach. There were more groans throughout the passenger compartment. I turned back to my other coworker, my favorite, who was sitting next to me; she was doing all right, but she was certainly concerned. "I'm going to see if I can help," I told her. "Will you be all right here?" She nodded.


I unbuckled my seat belt and, firmly gripping the seat backs as I went, made my way forward to the cockpit door. I had to brace myself against the walls of the entryway as I knocked. A long minute went by, then the door opened, and I pulled myself into the flight deck.


I didn't like what I saw there. The pilot and copilot were clearly exhausted and demoralized. I'd lost count of how many failed landing attempts we'd had. Four? Five? And they'd been fighting the storm all the way in, too. So when I said, "Let me take it," they only hesitated a moment before letting me have the pilot's seat.


Once behind the controls I took stock of the situation. We were about 5000 feet up, getting kicked around by the wind, and checking the fuel gauge quickly, I realized we only had enough fuel left in the tank for one or maybe two more landing attempts. Great. I turned to make a annoyed comment to the pilots but they'd gone back into the passenger compartment. I was alone at the controls of a plane that had around three hundred people on board. In a hurricane. With no gas.


I wasted no time bringing the plane around again for another approach. This time, though, I decided to try a new tactic. Rather than stay up high, in the wind, I decided to approach the runway at very low altitude, thinking that trees and terrain might reduce the wind's ferocity. If nothing else, we at least wouldn't crash from a great height.


I descended until the altimeter read 100 feet and lined up where I thought the runway would be. The view out the windshield was a featureless gray for a while, but just as I was beginning to doubt my navigation, dark silhouettes of buildings and trees began to emerge out of it--at very high speed. I swore as I yanked the plane back and forth to avoid the obstacles, but as I did so, I realized that my strategy was working--the wind was much more manageable at this height. Suddenly the next shape to appear was the runway itself, again very quickly, and I swore again as I yanked back on the throttles, practically killing the engines. I barely remembered to mash the gear lever in time to get the wheels down before the plane dropped onto the pavement. We were down, but going way too fast, and I had to stand on the brakes with both feet, hard. The plane skimmed down the soaked runway, and very soon the end of the runway came rushing toward me. I mashed the brakes as hard as I could and swore even louder. That did the trick--the plane lurched to a stop about twenty yards from the edge of the pavement.


I breathed a sigh of relief, but the plane had to be evacuated, and the storm still raged outside. I strode back into the passenger cabin, where my favorite coworker jumped up and gave me a hug; my other coworkers were elated. By then the mobile stairway had been rolled up to the door, so we got ready to evacuate. I gave some instructions to my coworkers to seek shelter wherever they could, and opened the door.


I held my coworker's hand as we rushed down the stairs and out into the driving rain. Visibility was even worse than it had been in the airplane, and we basically just ran in one direction until we came to a one-story structure. It was a beach cabin--apparently we'd run onto some kind of resort. There was no sign of my other coworkers, but I wasn't worried; they'd find someplace to ride it out.


Fortunately the door was unlocked, and we entered the cabin, which was little more than a large bedroom with an attached bathroom. We were completely soaked--it was time to strip and shower. I went first, then while she was cleaning up, I wrung out our sopping clothes as best I could and hung them up on hooks and hangers to dry as they might.


It was a little awkward when she emerged, since she was wearing the one resort bathrobe, and I had nothing to wear but a towel. I resolved to be an adult about the situation, despite my persistent crush on her, so I climbed into the bed so as to hide my indecent body under the covers. I was surprised when she joined me--but the winds were still howling outside, hard enough for the walls to shudder. She was scared. I put my arm around her, in spite of our unspoken agreement to never act on our mutual attraction.


When I did that, she looked up at me, and the vulnerability and longing in her eyes made me think--for an instant--that I'd made a mistake. And then she moved up and kissed me. I returned the kiss, emphatically, months of pent-up attraction finally released in her embrace. I dared to reach a hand into her bathrobe to hold her around her waist. She opened it completely, and rolled on top of me.


Afterward, as we lay tightly embraced, she looked at me and asked, "What are we going to tell our coworkers?" I just shrugged, and her laughter put an end to the storm, and to our foolish attempts to repress our desire for each other.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Well, my dream last night.


Note: For some reason it seemed the setting was the Old West which might make sense later on in this


I found a litter of 4 newborn kittens with a mother that apparently died in childbirth. So. I took care of them.


Flash forward to 2 weeks later. Some jerk is threatening them, holding a stick, hovering over the blanket they are laying on. I tell him I'll kill him if he doesnt leave them be. He doesnt listen (I got the vibe he had a grudge against me). So......



.......I shoot him. :nonp:




Apparently, I am one mother you dont mess with. :shock:

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I seem to be having more than the usual difficulty reconstructing my dreams when I awake. By the time I think to do so, other concerns occlude memories of my dreams (usually coffee, breakfast, full bladder that wants to be emptied RIGHT NOW DAMMIT, but not necessarily in that order).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


First nightmare I've had in years and it's less about danger and more about anxiety.


I was in New Mexico, and had been sick. There had been some trouble between me and my ex-wife, and I owed her money. I had to pay bills that very day, and someone had given me piles of cash ($100 bills, for the most part) when I got called in to work at the Air Base*. Some friends came over and asked what they could do to help, so I had them clean up the cash piles and before I knew it I was over an hour late for work. That might not seem like much of a nightmare to you, but when I woke up my back was knotted from stress and I was feeling nauseous. Time to "zen out" and try to meditate the pain away. My mantra means "embrace the pain and move beyond", but the words I use are "Lean into the pain." Just like massaging a sore muscle can be painful, but help with the pain, so also concentrating on what's bugging me and why eventually brings understanding and some insights into how to deal with the stress. Of course, I have an ice pack on my back, but this, too shall pass.


* Sometimes in my dreams, I tried to retire and am still (after more than 12 years) waiting for the paperwork to be finished.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I sometimes dream that I'm driving in a car, but inevitably I find myself walking. There's no transition period; I don't stop the car and get out. I'm driving and then I'm walking. The car is gone. It's like cars don't naturally exist in my personal dreamscape; they just vanish as if they were never there.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I often dream that I am walking, then my legs get tired, so I just fold them up lotus/tailor style, and float along. Occasionally I will then decide I need to be higher up, but I must "balance" somehow or I will fall and injure (or kill) myself. I have used this technique to retrieve something from a tree, to escape from a pit without any other way out, and to skip over a wall that was in my way. Not really "flying" but rather floating with some limited lateral movement.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I had a dream about going to my workout. It was a long walk after getting off the train. I decided to help some people from UPS lug around a large pulley piled with boxes. Somehow, I ended up in a mall. I talked to some woman who said she was going to practice some rapier and dagger techniques. She offered to show me the techniques, but her dog ran off, and I lost her when she chased after it. I walked around the corner and suddenly noticed I didn't have my coat, which had my wallet, or my backpack, which had my gym clothes. I also felt like I had just woken up; and I wasn't sure if I had been mugged. I didn't feel any pain. I went back to the mall to find my stuff. I noticed a disproportionate number of people wearing bow ties, a few of which were doing a self-defense seminar.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


The zombies were coming, and I found myself in the lobby of a hotel in the city. Not the most defensive location, but I immediately set about securing the location. I strode purposefully through the lobby and the back office areas, directing the staff to block off all the entrances. The lobby and check-in counter were a lost cause, so I concentrated on blocking the hallways that led from there into the hotel itself. As I sent people off to take stock of food, gather weapons, and check the ever-growing swarm of refugees who were seeking entrance, I could barely contain my irritation at the fact that no one else seemed to have any idea what to do. This is becoming a recurring theme in my dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


It was an old Hammer-style film, in black and white. A young couple was on a road trip, driving through a secluded part of the country. There was a long drop-off on one side of the road, a dark gray cliff tumbling into a raging sea.


The car got a flat tire, and the car pulled to the side of the road. There was a town nearby, its rooftops visible over the rise. They walked to the town, hoping to find a gas station or someplace that could repair their tire.


But the town was empty. Cold, deserted, dusty from non-use. Not a soul was visible, just a black crow eying them suspiciously from a rooftop. They walked up the main street, calling for anyone, but no one answered. Then a door opened, and a pair of matronly women emerged. "Oh, dears!" they said, smiling. "Do come in, won't you?"


They took the couple up to their apartment on the top floor, for tea. They explained that the town had been abandoned; they remained only because this was where they had always lived. They couldn't bear to leave.


The couple thought this odd. The town was most definitely abandoned, but it wasn't as if everyone packed up and left. There were still cars parked on the roads. There was still furniture in the houses. The stores were closed, but still filled with merchandise.


"Why don't you stay the night, dears?" the kindly spinsters asked. "In the morning, maybe we can arrange for a tow truck?"


The couple were suspicious, but they agreed to stay. They settled in to one of the empty apartments to wait out the night. But their suspicions grew, and curious, they peeked through the window of the old ladies. What they saw terrified them. The old women were, in fact, vampires. They shed their disguises as old women once night fell, and had fed on the people of the town!


The young couple knew they had to get out. The man searched for some way of escape, and found a hot-air balloon. Despite not knowing anything about how to pilot such a thing, they decided it was their best chance. But they needed supplies. While the man prepared the balloon, the woman rushed down to the local 5-and-dime and began gathering food, water, any kind of equipment she could get her hands on.


She passed an abandoned gas station along the way, but she found that all the station's spare tires had been slashed -- the women obviously had done so to prevent them from getting back to their car and fixing it!


They had to hurry. The vampire women would be coming for them soon, and split up like this, both the man and his wife would be vulnerable...

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I was an alien. I was amongst humanoids, biologically almost identical, but not on my planet. They just thought I was a traveller, passing through with my daughter, but she wasn't really my daughter. She was a fellow alien, but had travelled via a different method. I had been experimenting with a long distance faster than light mass transporter, physically beamed to this planet over interstellar distances, while my companion had taken a more conventional (to my race) form of transport. He had a copy of his mind beamed as information and it had temporarily suppressed this native's brain function. When he was recalled, she would have no memory of the time he had borrowed her body. Normally limited to light speed, this time he had piggybacked on my FTL beam. I had just stopped him/her from smoking before someone saw an apparently 8 year old girl with a cigarette.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


A man went out for a run one evening. He stopped to rest at a wooded area, where there Tudor-style cottages dotted the area; most seemed to be abandoned. Someone came out of a cottage. He appeared like a man, except he had a pumpkin head, with his face carved like a jack-o-lantern. The man was frightened and ran away, but Pumpkinhead chased him. The man was able to duck into another building and hide there until Pumpkinhead was gone.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Man, I had some weird-ass dreams last night.


In one of them, I dreamed that I was going out for lunch and I asked my co-workers if I could bring them anything. They all wanted something from Taco Bell and/or KFC, so despite my reservations I went there. I ordered all the food, and they said it would take a few minutes and I should wait.


So I waited. And waited. And waited. I refilled my cup of soda three times. Finally I went to the counter to ask where my food was. I tried to be polite at first, but they kept giving me the brush-off and I got mad. I began yelling at the people behind the counter. Eventually, the manager came out. He kept saying, "Well, we're very busy. It takes time!" I was like, "I've been waiting for my food for half an hour! How long am I supposed to wait!" And he's like, "But it was a very complicated order!" I'm like, "Two mexican pizzas, two chicken meals, an extra order of fries, three large drinks, how's that complicated?"


He started to walk away from me, so I grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. I said, "I will hurt you in ways you cannot imagine, and I will be done with you long before the police can ever get here."


Then I woke up, and I was still really, really angry. I knew it was just a dream, but I was just pissed.


When I went back to sleep, I had another dream that seemed to be a continuation of the first. I was being questioned by the police about a local Taco Bell that had blown up in a huge gas explosion. They were telling me that they had tapes that proved I did it. They showed me the tapes, in which I went into the kitchen and began kicking and smashing everything, until the big industrial gas stove exploded, taking the whole store with it.


I laughed and said, "If that was me in the tape, how the hell am I here talking with you right now? Whoever that was would've been blown sky-high; he's a cloud of ash hanging over Boulder now."


The detective was trying to play Bad Cop on me, but I just laughed. I was like, "Are we done here now? Because I'm leaving."


I knew the cop wasn't done harrassing me, so I started to come up with a plan to humiliate and disgrace him. I knew I couldn't kill him or they'd know it was me...

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


That reminds me of a dream I had a while ago. I was walking along, minding my own business, when there was a honking and screeching behind me. I turned to see a big truck swerve to avoid a car that had darted out of a side street, and overcorrect, slowly tipping over on top of me. I felt closed in, almost suffocated, but not crushed. So I pushed the truck off of me, setting it down, then realizing that I had just shrugged off a big, U-Haul sized truck. I looked around, and there was fire and smoke all around, but I wasn't harmed. I wasn't even warm. I didn't remember the impact itself, or an explosion, but I could see the impression of my body in the sidewalk, windows blown out in surrounding buildings, flaming debris and chemicals all around, and I was just standing there, in the middle of it all. I was just considering what I should do when I woke up.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I had this dream the other night that I was watching a black and white cartoon on TV. It was about the Last Judgement. The picture showed two walled cities. Millions of serpents were trying to get into the first walled city, which was Paradise, but they were blocked. Jesus towered over the city. The serpents could go further down to the second walled city, which was Hell. Satan towered above that city. There was one lost soul who was trying to sneak into Heaven. He didn't look like a bad fellow (he looked a bit goofy, and was carrying a large sack), but apparently he had done a lot of evil. He kept trying to evade the angels, who had to climb onto the walls to catch him. Strangely enough, the angels didn't seem to be able to fly, although the devils could hover over Hell. Anyway, the angels eventually caught the guy, beat him (it took place offscreen, but some of the saved looked horrified), and threw him into Hell. He was immediately snatched up by the Devil, who was red, the only color besides black and white in the dream. A couple of lost souls being dragged in chains commented on how evil the guy must have been to be snatched up that quickly.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


Man, I had some weird-ass dreams last night.


In one of them, I dreamed that I was going out for lunch and I asked my co-workers if I could bring them anything. They all wanted something from Taco Bell and/or KFC, so despite my reservations I went there. I ordered all the food, and they said it would take a few minutes and I should wait.


So I waited. And waited. And waited. I refilled my cup of soda three times. Finally I went to the counter to ask where my food was. I tried to be polite at first, but they kept giving me the brush-off and I got mad. I began yelling at the people behind the counter. Eventually, the manager came out. He kept saying, "Well, we're very busy. It takes time!" I was like, "I've been waiting for my food for half an hour! How long am I supposed to wait!" And he's like, "But it was a very complicated order!" I'm like, "Two mexican pizzas, two chicken meals, an extra order of fries, three large drinks, how's that complicated?"


He started to walk away from me, so I grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. I said, "I will hurt you in ways you cannot imagine, and I will be done with you long before the police can ever get here."


Then I woke up, and I was still really, really angry. I knew it was just a dream, but I was just pissed.


When I went back to sleep, I had another dream that seemed to be a continuation of the first. I was being questioned by the police about a local Taco Bell that had blown up in a huge gas explosion. They were telling me that they had tapes that proved I did it. They showed me the tapes, in which I went into the kitchen and began kicking and smashing everything, until the big industrial gas stove exploded, taking the whole store with it.


I laughed and said, "If that was me in the tape, how the hell am I here talking with you right now? Whoever that was would've been blown sky-high; he's a cloud of ash hanging over Boulder now."


The detective was trying to play Bad Cop on me, but I just laughed. I was like, "Are we done here now? Because I'm leaving."


I knew the cop wasn't done harrassing me, so I started to come up with a plan to humiliate and disgrace him. I knew I couldn't kill him or they'd know it was me...


I had this dream the other night that I was watching a black and white cartoon on TV. It was about the Last Judgement. The picture showed two walled cities. Millions of serpents were trying to get into the first walled city' date=' which was Paradise, but they were blocked. Jesus towered over the city. The serpents could go further down to the second walled city, which was Hell. Satan towered above that city. There was one lost soul who was trying to sneak into Heaven. He didn't look like a bad fellow (he looked a bit goofy, and was carrying a large sack), but apparently he had done a lot of evil. He kept trying to evade the angels, who had to climb onto the walls to catch him. Strangely enough, the angels didn't seem to be able to fly, although the devils could hover over Hell. Anyway, the angels eventually caught the guy, beat him (it took place offscreen, but some of the saved looked horrified), and threw him into Hell. He was immediately snatched up by the Devil, who was red, the only color besides black and white in the dream. A couple of lost souls being dragged in chains commented on how evil the guy must have been to be snatched up that quickly.[/quote']


See above, must have been a certain fluffy fellow.


I tend to have dreams from Revelations from time to time, though for me it seems like a rapture happened, and I was left behind to lead a resistance John Connor-style (though I dont know if that means Skynet is the AntiChrist)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


The first part of my dream involved a sizable estate (including a lower level of elevation), and what possibly was a subtle alien invasion.


The second part involved me getting a hold of this brass/copper wire, and then obtaining two supernatural abilities: the ability to share a body and/or mind with someone else, and the ability to teleport with significant concentration. For some reason, I was paired up with a pregnant woman that seemed familiar. I recall one "scene" had me in control of her body one point, but we were, for some reason, on the way to a hospital following an accident.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I had a dream about this boat. It wasn't a hovercraft, but it did have an airplane propeller mounted atop the cabin to give it propulsion. In my dream, this model had been operating for a long time, since Humphrey Bogart used it in one of his films. I somehow got hold of one and started a tour ride business. I met a friend who I haven't seen in a few months, and I was able to show it off to her.

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Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)


I dreamt I was Clark from Smallville, but a few years later. I was a low-powered Superman, who didn't wear a costume. I had joined up with a group sort of like a cross between the Justice League and Buffy's "scooby gang."


One of our members was in the hospital for some reason. We went to visit her and they said she had died. I said, "We need to get down to the morgue right away, before they perform an autopsy!" We raced through the hospital (which became more like a mall), and learned that the body had been taken to a funeral home. I was angry. I ran as fast as I could (which was pretty damn fast) through a food court. I leapt up on a counter, crashed through some food service stuff, and ran straight at the wall.


I wasn't sure I could actually break through the wall; I wasn't sure if I was strong or invulnerable enough, but I was in a hurry. I hit the wall with my head and crashed through, scattering bricks everywhere. The food court was on the second floor of the mall, so I was 20 feet up, but I landed lightly and kept running towards the funeral home. I could sort of fly, but I couldn't steer very well when flying; I needed to touch the ground or something solid to kick off in the right direction.


We reached the funeral home, and I crashed through the front doors. "Where is he?" I demanded. I knew the funeral director was a villain of some sort. The terrified receptionist pointed me up the stairs. I went up there to find my late friend being crucified as preparation for some bizarre ritual or experiment. I grabbed the funeral director by the throat and held up up above my head. "Cut her down!" I yelled.


My other friends arrived and took our dead friend down, and then ran out. The building was on fire. I don't know if it was because of me or not, but I was going to drag the funeral director out of the building with me. But he began to transform. He grew in size (he was already pretty big to begin with). I knew he wanted to kill me. I was in for the fight of my life...

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  • 4 weeks later...

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