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Does anyone really roll 30D6?


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Guest Admiral C

Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


what does that mean ?


Our GM was running a story arc about another PC who was an alien. It turned into a mini travelogue of us visiting various planets. One was this mysterious colony we had to enter for some reason.


The door to this place was massive ad made of mysterious stone X. To get in we had to solve some sort of rainbow puzzle. We couldn't teleport around it, had nobody who could tunnel through 20 DEF, and the door was hardened. Nobody felt like doing the puzzle so late in the evening so I had our wizard (with his VVP) boost my already brick like strength to about 40d6 worth of damage and I just punched a whole through it. :D

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Is that 30d6 or 6d30? (I had to do that. I actually have a d30 that I pull out to freak out new gamers. That's the only use it has ever had. I also have a d100 that , yes, I have used for percentile.)


Now to answer the question, I have rolled 30d6, just not all thirty at once most of the time. A bit hard to do without dropping one before the roll. I normally roll my favorite 2 dozen (yes, I have a favorite 2 dozen - 2 12 pack 'bricks") then roll six more. When? Whenever it fits.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Just for laughs, convince your GM to let you roll 1d6 and multiply it by 30. He can rest easy knowing that it will often suck, and you can take joy in the prospect of being absurdly destructive 1 in 6 times and not too shabby 33% of the time.










Seriously though, if its an occasional thing -- ie people at the table get excited to see someone roll such an outlandish thing -- then its fun. If its a frequent chore -- ie people at the table decide to go to the kitchen or the bathroom or both while damage monkey counts his stooopid dice again -- then its a detractor.




As an aside we used to rate large amounts of dice by the size of the container it took to facilitate rolling it. It started at Yahtzee, worked up to Tumbler, and capped out at Coffee Can, which was assumed to equal auto-KO in lieu of bothering with the tedium of counting out, rolling, and tallying so many dice.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


It sounds like people just love the feel and sound of rolling the bones too much to give much thought to other methods.


Oh, come on. Lighten up. My games are notorious for being investigation, story, and character intensive, and yet - its fun to roll that many dice.

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Guest Admiral C

Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Is that 30d6 or 6d30? (I had to do that. I actually have a d30 that I pull out to freak out new gamers. That's the only use it has ever had. I also have a d100 that , yes, I have used for percentile.)


I have a d30 too and I have no clue what it was used for. An old champs player and friend swapped it to me because I had some d6 that matched his preferred set.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Just for laughs, convince your GM to let you roll 1d6 and multiply it by 30. He can rest easy knowing that it will often suck, and you can take joy in the prospect of being absurdly destructive 1 in 6 times and not too shabby 33% of the time.




Be bold! Use the backgammon doubling die for stun multipliers!

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I find that there is a certain satisfaction with having to roll lots of Dice. I'm part of a Munchkin campaign where...well we get to play as munchkins really lol and being Lobo I get to roll alot more dice for a punch than anyone has any buisness rolling. It's just a very fun thing to say: hmm look at that. I need more dice...

That and we have a Dice Pool that contains MANY die contribuited from various members of the group so we always have more on hand.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Veering a bit off topic here:

On the "old school" 30d6 damage from term velocity fall thing:


100kg times (60m/sec)^2 times one-half = 180 thousand joules of kinetic energy.


Energy of a punch from a 10 STR untrained normal(2d6): about 1/16, in my estimation, of the max potential energy (which is, raising 100kg 2 meters under Earth gravity in one second, or about 2000 joules), or about 125 joules.

Energy of a punch from an 65 STR untrained combatant(13d6): about 250,000 joules.

The new velocity factor rules in 5th ed. lowered that terminal velocity damage to about 22d6, which reduces the discrepancy a bit. That about equates to a 60" diving movethrough on an unyielding target by a STR 10 attacker. 22d6 on average will also instantly kill a 10 Body, 2 PD normal human being. Even a hardy 15 BODY, 5 PD heroic character will be dying after a terminal velocity impact. At 20 BODY, 8 PD, a character would still be deeply unconscious and seriously injured by such a fall.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Yes that's about right with average effect and what not. Of course to achieve said velocity you do have to fall quite a ways, more so then a normal has any buisness surviving.

A favored tactic of a super I play as with my group is the ability to Teleport someone a good couple hundred Kilometers straight up only to let them fall to their impending doom. Works wonders for getting rid of groups of pesky Viper agents.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Veering a bit off topic here:

On the "old school" 30d6 damage from term velocity fall thing:


100kg times (60m/sec)^2 times one-half = 180 thousand joules of kinetic energy.


Energy of a punch from a 10 STR untrained normal(2d6): about 1/16, in my estimation, of the max potential energy (which is, raising 100kg 2 meters under Earth gravity in one second, or about 2000 joules), or about 125 joules.

Energy of a punch from an 65 STR untrained combatant(13d6): about 250,000 joules.

The new velocity factor rules in 5th ed. lowered that terminal velocity damage to about 22d6, which reduces the discrepancy a bit. That about equates to a 60" diving movethrough on an unyielding target by a STR 10 attacker. 22d6 on average will also instantly kill a 10 Body, 2 PD normal human being. Even a hardy 15 BODY, 5 PD heroic character will be dying after a terminal velocity impact. At 20 BODY, 8 PD, a character would still be deeply unconscious and seriously injured by such a fall.


I would still be tempted as GM to rule that a terminal velocity fall represents instant death for even most supers unless there was a good rationale involved.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Yes that's about right with average effect and what not. Of course to achieve said velocity you do have to fall quite a ways, more so then a normal has any buisness surviving.

A favored tactic of a super I play as with my group is the ability to Teleport someone a good couple hundred Kilometers straight up only to let them fall to their impending doom. Works wonders for getting rid of groups of pesky Viper agents.


A couple hundred Kilometers? Shame, shame, shame. Playing with Megascaled UAA Teleports are we? ;)


You do realize that Space begins at 100 km up (the technical definition)? If you're going double that, any target without appropriate life support will die long before they even begin to hit atmo.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


A couple hundred Kilometers? Shame, shame, shame. Playing with Megascaled UAA Teleports are we? ;)


You do realize that Space begins at 100 km up (the technical definition)? If you're going double that, any target without appropriate life support will die long before they even begin to hit atmo.


Yeah, that is a broken attack unless we are talking about a high powered campaign.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I would still be tempted as GM to rule that a terminal velocity fall represents instant death for even most supers unless there was a good rationale involved.

I'd take issue with that, as wind resistance results in a terminal velocity fall being about 145 mph for a human density character, give or take a bit for aerodynamics. I can easily see even mid-range bricks withstanding that much impact damage without being too terribly hurt.

Now if it's a fall from outside the atmosphere, they'll be going a lot faster before wind friction can start slowing them down, and that re-entry heat is going to be a bitch unless their build includes a LOT of resistant ED. :eg:

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


I'd take issue with that, as wind resistance results in a terminal velocity fall being about 145 mph for a human density character, give or take a bit for aerodynamics. I can easily see even mid-range bricks withstanding that much impact damage without being too terribly hurt.

Now if it's a fall from outside the atmosphere, they'll be going a lot faster before wind friction can start slowing them down, and that re-entry heat is going to be a bitch unless their build includes a LOT of resistant ED. :eg:


That used to be a 6d6 RKA, though I don't recall how many you were hit with on reentry.


I have no problem with super heroes surviving a terminal velocity fall. It's in the genre.


Heck, most of the people I gamed with were science majors, so we were figuring out how much waste energy was generated by some of the punches thrown by our mega-bricks. There should of been a zone of major destruction in any of those battles.

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Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


Yeah' date=' that is a broken attack unless we are talking about a high powered campaign.[/quote']


Not to mention that normally Megascale is not usable in combination with UAA on Movement powers (UAA states it uses the Combat Inches of Movement).


5ER, p 125: "A Movement Power bought Usable As Attack can only use the Power's Combat Movement Inches."


5ER, p 263: "MegaMovement is considered Noncombat Movement even though the MegaScale effect applies only to the character's inches of Combat Movement."

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