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Paris Hilton as a super villain


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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Would "Person with superhuman powers that uses them for selfish and often criminal gain" work better for you?


All right. Paris Hilton. Rich. Fame junkie. Party Girl.


Her powers are probably purchased. She doesn't show a lot of body dysmorphia so odds are she'd go with a power-granting costume with the generic enhancements, flight, forcefield, energy blasting gauntlets. And since her motivation is her compulsive need to be seen, honestly she'd make a better Iron Age superhero than supervillain, the kind of NPC hero who annoys the PCs with her posturing and petty motivations.


But if you insist on her being an Iron Age villain, what you could do is make her a kind of life-force vampire leaving a string of mysterious deaths at the parties and clubs she frequents, written off as adverse drug reactions.

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


I like the life force vampire idea. :)


That said, she's at least a moderately smart woman who has made a small second fortune playing stupid and slutty. (Not joking particularly; her persona is intentionally much dumber than her education and background make likely, and she has been very successful in two tough businesses only in part due to family contacts).


So, I'd go the Alexis Luthor / B-ko route. She's engaging in villainy to get petty revenge on social rivals and to annoy her family, and because she likes the media attention. Her lawyers can protect her (she believes) from the consequences. Later, she can go darker as she develops real hate for the heroes.

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Well, lessee...


A low-level MegaScale Drain vs. INT, worldwide, with the Limitation that they must be watching/listening to her via some means. A much larger INT Drain if actually in her presence.


A big MegaScale one-command Mind Control ("believe I'm beautiful"), perhaps on an Activation Roll, since some people are fortunately immune.


Perhaps some kind of Physical Limitation for poor eyesight. (I've seen Benji Madden, so I can only assume she hasn't.)





I'm not helping, am I? :winkgrin:

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


A pop princess, she unconciously uses her powers to make people love her, and buy her albums. Doesn't know she does this, and it only works when she sings. Thinks very highly of herself.


When the public find out about this, there are claims of foul play, or perhaps she is attacked by anti-super groups/a stalker/super power addict (Sylar from Heroes seems appropriate)/ Punisher in come cases, this needing the heroes' help.


And then there are all the teenage girls who want to be just like her. And they will do anything for anyone to get it. Including the bad people in the shady parts of the night clubs...


Shows the team how dangerous such a popular figure can be

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Really needs Disad. Reputation: Utter Skank 20 pts (14-, Extreme).


No, I'm being serious.



Add to that the following: Aura of Skankness, No Conscious Control.




Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


I like the life force vampire idea. :)


That said, she's at least a moderately smart woman who has made a small second fortune playing stupid and slutty. (Not joking particularly; her persona is intentionally much dumber than her education and background make likely, and she has been very successful in two tough businesses only in part due to family contacts).


So, I'd go the Alexis Luthor / B-ko route. She's engaging in villainy to get petty revenge on social rivals and to annoy her family, and because she likes the media attention. Her lawyers can protect her (she believes) from the consequences. Later, she can go darker as she develops real hate for the heroes.


That's largely what I was thinking personality wise along with making her much smarter than she lets on. At the moment I'm leaning towards Empathic/Emotion Manipulation powers, things she's current to nudge people to do what she wants with "directly" controlling them and mostly employs catpaws and layered stooges for anything dangerous while keeping up the vapid party girl image which lets her move among the Celebrity-supers set largely without undue comment.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Do you mean that to be a Disad, or a Power? In either case, what is is based on: i.e., is it Distinctive Features, Mind Control, or what?





Why can't it be both? As a Disad, it'd be something along the lines of this:


Distinctive Features: Aura of Skankness (Not Concealable, Noticed and

Recognized By Everyone, Causes Major Reaction).


As a Power, it'd probably look like this:


Aura of Skankness: 12d6 Mind Control; Single Command ("Look at me! I'm

a major-league skank!")


EDIT: Forgot to add No Conscious Control to the Power...oops.




Major Tom :D

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


A few possibilities:


I'm hot: And so she is! Various heat-themed powers with IPE. She can pop popcorn in her hand, cause people to burst into flames, or make a man so uncomfortably warm he feels a strange desire to get naked.


There's a Hilton hotel in every major city: Paris can open any door and have it lead to a room (any room) in a Hilton hotel anywhere around the world. Some of these are just nice places to stay. She's got at least one or two secret Hilton hotels, though -- hotels where supervillains, demons, goons, and the like stay.


Only skin deep: Sure she's beautiful on the outside. On the inside, however, she's cold and calculating. She a self-aware Terminator. Could she and Mechanon be working together? Might she be one of his creations? Perhaps she is Mechanon.

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain




Seriously. In her secret identity Gravitar is a young, extremely wealthy French high-society debutante. What better cover for a brilliant, powerful supervillain than as a spoiled, vapid party girl? Sort of the "Bruce Wayne" disguise. As depicted Gravitar is somewhat petulant and imperious, so it wouldn't be 100% an act.


Gravitar has considerable scientific expertise, tons of money, and plenty of influential contacts, and as has been pointed out in book references to her, the potential to become more focussed and cunning as she matures (in fact Champions Universe: News Of The World cites a recent example of that sort of growth).

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Why can't it be both? As a Disad, it'd be something along the lines of this:


Distinctive Features: Aura of Skankness (Not Concealable, Noticed and

Recognized By Everyone, Causes Major Reaction).

That is how I would build it. :thumbup:


As a Power, it'd probably look like this:


Aura of Skankness: 12d6 Mind Control; Single Command ("Look at me! I'm

a major-league skank!")


EDIT: Forgot to add No Conscious Control to the Power...oops.




Major Tom :D

I would make the single command "Think of me as the ultimate skank." Also, I'd make it Always On rather than No Conscious Control. And, I'd give it AoE, Non-Selective and Line of Sight --- say, didn't v5.5 add a LoS option to AoE?

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