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One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!

Steve Long

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


Wow, eye-catching! It just screams "LOOK AT ME!"


I usually dislike typical blue-and-lemon-yellow combo, but I love these orangish shades. Very energetic.


You're probably not open to suggestions, but that shade of yellow and orange would look awesome on a deep brick-red background (or even black for that matter). Though admittedly not as eye-popping as on blue.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


Hey' date=' this means we're gonna have BIG BLUE BOOKs again... ;)
They're more like Little Blue Books, to me -- LBB1 and LBB2. :D


The blue and gold color scheme doesn't bother me, but as an Oregonian, former Cub Scout, and alumnus of Talmadge Middle School, I have a special liking for that combination. ;)


Oh, and Perez for the cover? Why not Alex Ross?


There we go... and Alex Ross cover with Seeker (or Nighthawk) being beaten up by Foxbat. :thumbup:

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


I like the non-image covers for the main rule books, it won't make people think of only one genre when they see them, like they would if they had a superhero fight on the covers.


Save the images and pictures for the genre and setting books. Those are the books you want people to associate a specific genre with.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


To those concerned about the colors looking too garish or too fuzzy' date=' etc., there were the same concerns about 5E, and they were fine in person. It's likely just the way that colors never display exactly the same on any two computers/monitors...[/quote']


Gamma on uncorrected and calibrated Windows Machines presents colors a little darker and flatter than they should be. Sadly.


And you're going have different shades (especially in greys) on a CRT vs Active Matrix LCD (what many monitors are today).


So yeah, if it looks fuzzy, it's more than likely your computer like Derek said.

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Guest steamteck

Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


I agree about having artwork for the covers...regardless of the artist... :(



I agree some nice artwork to stir the imagination would help sales I would think.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


A black background was OK, artwork would have been better. But to me, Blue and Gold screams amateur high school effort, done in the school colors. Maybe it will look better in real life, but I've got to wonder how many stores will look at that picture in a catalog and decide not to stock it. :(

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


BB1 + BB2 = Blue Book 1 and Blue Book 2.


Will that make APG into BB3 or will Basic be BB3?


Well, the fans will end up using whatever they prefer, but the abbreviations I use, both here and in the books themselves, are:







Other volumes in the HERO System Core Library will use a similar convention: HSB (HERO System Bestiary); HSMA (HERO System Martial Arts); and so on. They'll also use a similar blue-and-gold color scheme. For genre books and books in genre lines (e.g., the Champions line, the FH "line"), there'll be artwork on the covers, as usual. In fact, we already have the art in for the Champions cover, and while we're not prepared to reveal anything about it at this time, I will say that it Rocks On Ice. :hex:

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


Personally' date=' I'm underwhelmed. The design is good. The colors are okay. But its not very grabby. At the same time: I don't care what's on the cover. I care what's inside. And from what I've seen so far the interior will rock.[/quote']


Actually the simple streamlined look of the Hero Books (including 5E). It would be very hard to come up with a cover that would do justice to the versatility of the game. Sure it would be tempting to put a super hero on the cover but the game has come so far since champions. You can use it for any genre... any setting, and I don't think there is any kind of cover art that can capture that.


Just my two cents... I like it.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


A black background was OK' date=' artwork would have been better. But to me, Blue and Gold screams amateur high school effort, done in the school colors. Maybe it will look better in real life, but I've got to wonder how many stores will look at that picture in a catalog and decide not to stock it. :([/quote']


Not that it's impossible for this to become an issue, but my personal answer? None that I would actually want to shop at. I forgive a lot of the rubbish some gaming stores pull, but not stocking a game solely because of the cover would be too much.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


I agree some nice artwork to stir the imagination would help sales I would think.


I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand, I can't envision art that would not suggest specific genres (including cross-genre play, which is really a genre unto itself), thus restricting the perceived flexibility of the system.


On the other hand, much has been made of 6e making the leap to glossy paper and full-colour art to attract those influenced by such things. The first thing those persons will see is a bright, but plain, cover on a couple of large books. Will that entice them to flip through the pages and see the pretty glossy art inside?


That said, however, I suspect the "entry level" will more likely be the Basic Rules Book. Perhaps that will have some attention-getting cover art. And it's not like 3e D&D had eye catching artwork either. The bright covers will grab the eye and get a first look, and that's what they really need to do. For me, the cover's not a big deal since I'm already a buyer.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


A black background was OK' date=' artwork would have been better. But to me, Blue and Gold screams amateur high school effort, done in the school colors. Maybe it will look better in real life, but I've got to wonder how many stores will look at that picture in a catalog and decide not to stock it. :([/quote']


My high-school colors were Black and Orange.


Guess that makes BLACK a high-school color too. Neat huh?


Sorry, your argument holds as much water as a sieve.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


Actually the simple streamlined look of the Hero Books (including 5E). It would be very hard to come up with a cover that would do justice to the versatility of the game. Sure it would be tempting to put a super hero on the cover but the game has come so far since champions. You can use it for any genre... any setting, and I don't think there is any kind of cover art that can capture that.


Just my two cents... I like it.


I'm not the one who said it would be better with art. I said the design underwhelmed me. Finito.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


Well, the fans will end up using whatever they prefer, but the abbreviations I use, both here and in the books themselves, are:







Other volumes in the HERO System Core Library will use a similar convention: HSB (HERO System Bestiary); HSMA (HERO System Martial Arts); and so on. They'll also use a similar blue-and-gold color scheme. For genre books and books in genre lines (e.g., the Champions line, the FH "line"), there'll be artwork on the covers, as usual. In fact, we already have the art in for the Champions cover, and while we're not prepared to reveal anything about it at this time, I will say that it Rocks On Ice. :hex:

So, why isn't the HERO System Basic Rules book HSBR? and the HERO System Advance Players Guide HSAPG?


The martial arts book acronym is dangerously close to HazMat (common abbreviation for Hazardous Materials) :) Hmm... HERO Action System Martial Arts Tome (HASMAT)?

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


Not that it's impossible for this to become an issue' date=' but my personal answer? None that I would actually want to shop at. I forgive a lot of the rubbish some gaming stores pull, but not stocking a game solely because of the cover would be too much.[/quote']


Pretty much my thought. But then again I haven't bought anything at a gaming store in a while. Outside of Cons Hero stuff is all I buy, and I buy that direct.

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Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers!


I love them. Simple and recognizable. And the color scheme reminds me of spandex costumes! (Okay, it could be flashy magic or the simple blockiness of virtual reality too--though Tron didn't use much of those colors.) :D


Hmm. I'm not fond of 6E1 and 6E2. What are one and two? What about 6ECC and 6EC&A? Heh.

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