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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Persian


Officially he is disowned by the Iranian Government but he wears the flag as part of his costume. Certainly the clerics don't like him much as he is fond of a drink and his behaviour around women is not what a good Islamist should do. He is literally the strength of the team and knows how to fight having been raised in the martial arts of the country. A typical brick he is also politically savvy and can speak Arabic and English although it is thought he can understand both Russian and French as well. He does not go on political rants as a twinkle seems to appear in his eye so you seem to know he's doing just to annoy spomeone rather than it being a deeply held belief.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Next up in The Sanction is The Glamorous Fist of Kim Jhong Ill.


A beutie from North Korea, The Glamorous Fist is a mutant pressed into service of the country. She wears a dress pateren after the North Korean flag, is an excelent dancer, can lift a ton, and can repell small arms fire. Also, she can glow a soft light which intensifies if she hits a person near where there eyes are (Sight Flash, no range, linked to Strength based Hand Attack).


She has been brainwashed from birth to beleve in her leader, and that he is not crazy (simply extremly excentric). She was placed into this group as a spy (beleving that other countrys were ploting against him by forming this group, he had to have at least one operative in it). She hates this group, but dosen't show it, and is willing to kill the leader once she gets the orders to do so. The other operatives call her the Glamorous Fist for short.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


From the no longer existing country of east-germany, comes Elfriede


Born as "Regina Rau" (not afiliated with the GDR-Politican of similar name), she totally fell for the socialist propaganda of the time. Her parents just wanted to go by, but she wanted to protect her country against the "enemies of the working class". But the times and her natural talents where not in her favor: The Armed Forces (NVA) where men-only, she was neither intelligent nor socially savy enough to work for relevant work in the inner Securtiy (Stasi) and not physically fit nor strong enough to work in the Arms Fabrication or other heavy industry. Not even the left-wing Terror Group Red Army Faction had use for her, due to her inability to move outside of her socialist states without drawing attention with rants against the capitalist system.

But the unique postion of east-germany as "first front against the capitalism" in the chase of a war, gave her an oppurtinity. She found her way into a project to create super soldiers, where having the right political attitude was the most important thing for candidates. She was the one and only successfull result before the research was destroyed by western spies.

Her muscles grew massively, enchanching her strenght, and she also gained greater durability and endurance. She was given a one-handed hammer (similar to the one in the GDR Flag) and a shield with the GDR-coat of arms and of course he costume sports a red/yellow theme and also the coat of arms.


The end of the GDR and the socialist dream hit her incredibly hard. It took her some time, but finally she found a new goal: either reforming the GDR or just take the united germany and transform it into a untied, socialist germany - if she had to use force, then so be it.



Her transfomration gave her incredible physical powers, wich she augments with the hammer and the shield. Both a very heavy, so taht only a few bricks can lift and use them properly. She is however neither usefull as spy, for planning or social interaction or anything else requiring finesse.



"I am just a proletarian girl from Dresden"

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Maybe not technically a country but.....


The Hammer of Hamas


The Hammer was a zealot determined on another Jewish holocaust. He gained notoriety as a smuggler. Unfortunately, on one attempt to sneak in stolen chemical weapons past the Israeli blockade (under the guise of humanitarian food provisions) he took a whiff of exploded chemicals himself, when the Israelis tried to intercept. Despite, what happened, it served 2 benefits. 1) Making Israel look bad to the world once again 2) turning the Hammer into a gigantic brick.


Now, The Hammer is working for Sanction, in hopes of manipulating them to work for his cause. He has high hopes for swaying the Persian and the German woman (course for no other reason than the historical animosity of Iran and Germany towards Jews), he doesnt know what to do with the blasted Korean girl, however.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Norbert Swende, code named Katanga, wears the flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but is in it more for the girls, the booze, and the money more than any devotion to the socialist cause espoused by his government. The powered armor he wears was originally the product of a Soviet weapons development program that never went anywhere. When the Soviet state broke up, it was just one more piece of military hardware that was put on the black market for sale to the highest bidder by an enterprising Red Army officer.


The technology of the suit is definitely straight out of the late 70s, and looks it, but surprisingly for being such an antique it fulfills its purpose. It enhances Norbert's strength five-fold, protects him (for the most part) from light small arms fire, contains several inherent weapons systems (re-engineered submachine guns mounted on the wrists of the suit, and a larger caliber weapon based on a high caliber assault rifle mounted on the left shoulder. It is water- and air-tight, with enough of a life support system to support him for several hours, and has a full communications suite (originally, this was 1970s technology, but was upgraded... the only system to be upgraded in fact...to the cutting edge in communications gear, circa 1992).


Its clunky, but Norbert is in love with it.


He was invited by his government to use the suit as part of Sanction, and naturally he accepted. It only took him three days to find and disable the disguised bomb that the Congolese military installed in the suit, as a safeguard against his becoming an "independent operator".

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Prehaps the most evil of The Santion is 'the Skull of Murtie'. Pablo Cortes is a loyal citisen of San Murtie (which, of course, was runed by Profesor Murtie when he was alive...and might still be in some campains). Trained in mulitple forms of martial arts (some by Scorpia herself), and wielding skull and bone thiemed weapions, the Skull was elected by the Profeser himself to join this group (just ask his official spokesman 'the Voice of Murtie', he will tell you). He was once a lowly Terror Incorprated agent, but now he proudly serves his country.


Now, if only someone could translate 'the Skull of Murtie' and 'the Voice of Murtie' into spanish...

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Little Havana


The current leader of the group is Pedro Delava. His costume reflects his nation, Cuba. He was trained in the military and schooled in politics. How he got superpowers was an accident. For years American Black Ops units and rogue agents and paranormals, funded by Old Cuban money, have been trying to infiltrate the island and topple Castro and Communism. One failed attempt unleashed a gas which killed the attempted insurgents and engulfed some of the Cuban soldiers. He was the only one of the soldiers who not only survived but was able to thrive. Meeting with the bosses he made the point that if he stayed in Cuba then the CIA or others would kill him or frame him for trying to kill Castro and overthrow the legitimate government. With Castro's blesing he went abroad and began training in his new powers. These are a suite of energy powers.

The name came about because he is just shy of 5 feet in height.

One of the reasons that he is in charge is his military background and the fact that he can take and give orders. The unspoken reason is that he has beaten the others in combat as he has learned to be very versitile in using his powers.

He does not like the American Government at all as he believes it will restore the old government and the old ways. The thought of Cuba being returned to a gangsters paradise nauseates him.

He understands the others and tries to help them. The Arab nations helped train him and in turn he needs to keep Hammer and The Persian both away from The CIA and in particular Mossad. Katanga he keeps under observation just to make sure no-one else gets their hands on the armour. The German woman has no home so Pedro tries to help his comrade in arms as he points out to her that Cuba could go in the same downward spiral as Germany did if they give up Communism. He also tries to make sure the others don't press their luck with either woman.

The North Korean bother him. All the rest have free will and a degree of autonomy. She does not. Pedro has seen what happens to American patriots when they get broken and is concerned that it could happen to her.

He is polite to the Skull of Muerte and keeps things diplomatic but has made plans to ensure that he does not become the next leader.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Balkan


The Balkan is a somewhat broken man. He survived the mess in Sarajevo. Everyday having to avoid snipers takes its toll. Eventually he managed to flee the country, but became a recluse in Greece. 5 years later, he went blind and yet............he could "see". And he could see "everything". He could "see" people from miles away coming to his residence. He could "see" through walls. He even had limited retrocognition (by the typical touching of the object of course). hell, he even could "see" invisible chemical agents in the air. It is unknown why. But, Little Havana took pity on the broken man and took him in.


The Balkan has become a trusted aide to Little Havana. Havana taught him some martial arts to defend himself. But, The Balkan's "eyes" are his main value. He typically stays by Little Havana's side "watching" the battle. Especially, valuable when some of the members are out of the line of sight. He can relay info to Little Havana on their situations so LH can direct them in battle. The Balkan's martial arts are pure defense, as his time in Sarajevo makes very reluctant to kill. He stays with the group because he has come to the conclusion that they will somehow bring "ultimate peace".


He is very loyal to Little Havana for giving him purpose, so any threats to his leadership by the others will be relayed to his leader. He also seems top take some pity on the Korean girl as her mind is not her own, and can relate to the loss of "destiny". He is extremely watchful of the genocidal Hammer (whose ideals he abhors. The Persian (who he senses as being a bit "rebellious") and The Skull (because Havana worries about his ambitions)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Alright I'll take it and throw this one out to the crowds. I have just made a brief mention of The Capone Gang in the Hero thread. They dress up like gangsters of the 20-30s period and drive around in 'period' cars (albeit upmoded). Detail between 5 to 8 members of the gang and you can include mooks as White Sheep took down a few which could have been mooks or full members. They won't be as powerful as some we have done and mentioned of late but the look is memorable.

The names Hynie Weis and Bugs Moran plus any of those killed in the St Valentine's Day massacre are forbidden as those were enemies of Capone.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Yale is the thinker of the group, blessed with precognition powers. However, just because he's the "egghead" of the group doesn't mean the rest of the gang thinks he's a wimp. He packs a violent temper that's coupled with an agonizing ego blast to boot. He also prides himself in being the most stylishly-dressed member of the gang.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The chief driver of the Capone Gang is Bob Bootlegger Brunner. A natural whiz with any car, Bootlegger has modified his black 1931 Cadillac Fleetwood V-16 with many high-tech features, allowing him to pull off some truly remarkable feats of driving including leaping small gaps. (Needless to say, he is an expert at pulling a "bootlegger reverse" at the drop of a hat.)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




This is the name of one of the enforcers who is not afraid to get into a little hand to hand combat and wallop a few people. He is also a schemer and has been identified as a front man for some of the others to use as a fall guy. He does not mind that too much. He's stonger than a martial artist but against the true bricks he is no competition. He is also a team player and makes sure the others understand what they should be doing.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Kelly "the Machien" Gunn is, as you might think, the guy with the machien gun. Also, he's a minor cyborg. Combine that with a hidden extra gun in his chest (thank you, Buttons McBoomboom and the COPS toys for stealing the ideal), and he is never unarmed.


He is loyal, not to smart on his own, and extremly armed and dangerous. Procead with caution.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Capone Gang member known as Torrio is actually an alien who was bored with scouting duty and picked up part of a transmission of the Star Trek episode "A Piece of the Action." Thinking it was non-fictional, he traced the transmission back to its source, came to Earth to offer his services as "muscle" for one of the local "bosses." He used his ship's replicator to create 1920s period clothing matching that from the Star Trek episode and, upon hearing about the Capone Gang, sought them out.


Torrio doesn't exactly blend, being of a race that looks like 7 foot tall humanoid bull-people. (Imagine a minotaur in a pinstripe suit and fedora, modified to fit his horns.) He's got the language down -- specifically, he sounds exactly like a 1920s mobster -- and "Machine" Gunn made him a special oversize Tommy gun that Torrio can hold and fire in his over-large hands. But mostly, he likes to charge through people and toss them around like dolls.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


St Valentine


He does not say much. But his smile chills the heart. He spies for he gang and puts the frighteners on people when brute force is not an option. He tends to blend into the background until needed. When he appears it is usually on the right side or over the right shoulder showing the boss or colleague that he has the covered. He is also a good driver and backs up Bootlegger. He's also the one that takes care of bribing people if not with money, then with favours and if not with favours then with intimidation.


New Team Unless anyone can tell me different I don't think we have had this as an idea.

Avast me hearties ! And it's off to the Spanish Main as we do Pirates ! The Jolly Roger bunch are pirates of the old school like Captain Jack Sparrow. Detail between a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 of these scurvy knaves. No ninjas. Not even a resemblence to a ninja

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Roger "Pogo" Portman lost both his lower left leg and right hand when he fell overboard in shark-infested waters. His leg was replaced with a cybernetic peg-leg that can pneumatically propel him upwards by several stories or forward by several dozen meters. (This also allows him to jump from ship to ship, aiding him when boarding a target vessel.) He has several prosthetic "hands", including a cutlass, a sharp hook attached to a spool of cable to serve as a grappling hook, and a mini-shotgun.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


No ninjas. Not even a resemblence to a ninja

How do you know that no ninja is sneaking into the group? Perhaps they have already infiltrated the team? :sneaky:


Zuì Quán is only decent in most piracy-related things while sober, but excells at organising supplies and selling loot. But when when he has a steady supply of Rum, he becomes a very strong martial artist. But for some reason this works only with Rum, no other alcoholic beverage. Behind his backs he is often given nicknames like "Mr. Rum Fu".

Most people from china/hong kong hate him for taking this name, considering that he is as chinese as the sun is dark. Most noteably and active among those opposing him is nobody less than Green Dragon himself.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Disabling the ship, commandeering it, overcomming the guards, partying and selling the loot is only half the deal. The part before is finding the ships. And guarding against infiltration by ninjas.


Luckily, with Sentinel they have covered it all. He is somehow able to detect "anything in or above the ocean" for miles. That, and he has a uncanny ability to detect ninjas. No matter how well they sneak, he can always smell them from 7 nautical miles. Unless he or they are on land.

In battle he uses his superior sense to predict his enemys actions, making him really hard to hit and able to strike with a superior precision. And this ability also only works on Sea.

The only thing that even works on land, is his rather mundane but still legendary resistance to alcohol.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The captain of this motley crew is an Irish lass calling herself Bloody Grace, who claims as ancestor the pirate queen Grace O'Malley. Her navigation skills are without par, the storms always part way for her ship and she has little respect for anyone who doesn't pull their own weight on board. Likewise, she has little respect for anyone who disregards her authority for being a woman. One nameless mook make the mistake of deriding her within earshot. That week, the rest of the crew heard his agonizing screams, but found no trace of his body...save one small bloodstain in the cargo hold. The look Grace gave the rest of the crew afterwards ensured no-one dared to question her again.



Grace is not human. Grace actually IS the original Grace O'Malley, now living on as a strong-willed undead revenant


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