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The Treasure Thread


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I want to create a repository of fantasy medieval treasures that go outside the very obvious (coins, gems, and precious metals in general).


So, please do contribute! I'll kick us off.




A sandalwood chess set.


A weapon stand/holder that's primarily made of polished onyx, and the base is encircled by a band of gold.


Fire-elemental infused wheat seeds.


Dire elephant ivory.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Fine wine or other high quality spirits. It is curious how many characters become teetotalers when their assets are tied up in alcohol.


Scrolls. Maybe with spells, but maybe with maps, other info, or even blank. Vellum is expensive.


Rare spices. They are light weight but valuable. Tack location names on them to make them more exotic (Samarband cinnamon, Carthulian saffron, Muhali pink salt, etc.)


Clothing that is richly decorated or embroidered. This seems like a reasonable treasure to me, although my players rarely consider it worth looting since it is bulky, unless it happens to be armor too, which they like because it means they can look like they are wearing nice, comfortable clothes but actually get a little bit of protection from it.


Finely crafted weapons. This is one of my favorites, because it means I can give characters nice weapons that aren't necessarily magical. Such weapons might be ornate, bejeweled, silvered, well-balanced (extra OCV built in), Sturdy (extra DEF and/or BODY), light weight (lower STR Min and/or Lightning Reflexes built in), serrated (add Piercing points or even AP), etc.


Everflame oil. Like regular oil but burns 5 times as long.


Bag of marbles. This sounds lame, but it is so useful. You can use them for trade with stupid creatures (Ooh! Shiney!), as a floor hazard, a blackjack (if the sack is strong enough), as emergency sling bullets, as gifts to kids when you need to make friends in a strange town, as part of a bard's routine (juggling, sleight of hand tricks, or marble under the cup games), or just to pass the time. And no one ever confiscates a bag of marbles.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A pet rock. (It sings lullabies)

A fine mount (more intelligent than normal, instant rapport with the PC who frees it - species up to GM/campaign)

A magic atlas that allows maps to be moved and manipulated (zoom in, etc) by use of a magic stylus)

A song book by a famous bard

A ceremonial sword made of precious metals, bearing the mark of a powerful noble family

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Religious icons, statuettes, holy books, and the like. While they may have intrinsic worth due to the materials and craftsmanship with which they're made, they may be even more valuable to true believers or the clergy of the faiths to which they're dedicated.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


When someone sacks a city, they take EVERYTHING of value that they possibly can.


Rolls of silk or linen cloth.

Fine China or Silver plates, cups, chalices, mugs, vases, silverware, etc.


I seem to recall the 3.5 DMG having a great chart for valuable treasure that actually let you roll for it... in fact...




That generator has all sorts of cool "art and other valuables."

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A map with an alternate route to Cathay, India or . If it's faster, cheaper, less dangerous than other routes this is a major source of wealth. Of course it could just be the first two.


List of contacts in above land that are willing to help smuggle out and farm silk worms, saffron plants etc. Note smuggling silk worms out of China was a capital offence for centuries. Upsetting the Venetians monopoly on saffrom wasn't a capital offense officially, unofficially though YMMV. A monopolised source of major wealth must be monopolised by powerful people or they would have lost the monopoly.


The skeleton of an illustrious ancestor of a powerful noble or royal family. Returning such BTW in your campaign can spells be targetted at bloodlines if you have access to one of their ancestors?

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Re: The Treasure Thread


I'm gonna say...


A back scratcher or a shoehorn. Always useful to the weary traveller.

Leather-bound, gold leaf tome, with a picture of a large oak tree tooled on the front cover. It's filled with information on all the flora and fauna of the forests, as well as strange creatures that you don't recognize...

A ceremonial dagger, with a silver hilt and a wicked curve.

One of those medieval weird-science doo-hickies, that the PCs don't know what it is, so they have to go find some wizard, or alchemist, or engineer who can tell them. Then it turns out to be some thing powerful or important.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Ingots of folded iron, stamped with the an ancient Empire insignia


A thick course woven blanket, design of a stylized Sun on one side, stylized moon on the reverse side.


A dagger with a broken blade, blade becomes whole only when over water.


A brass flower with large petals. Opens and closes as itis exposed to Sunlight.


A whetstone made from a strange reddish gold sandstone

Any blade sharpened by it cauterizes any wound it creates


A green jade bar of dye, when shavings or powder are taken and then exposed to fresh water, the water turns into a hard jade colored ice.

When added to salt water the water boils until it becomes evaporated

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A small wooden shelf/"spice rack" type holder that has various squarish bottles filled with exotic bath oils.


A luxurious black wool robe with embroidered silver stars.


A knife set made from the teeth of large predators...or even a dragon.


A circular glass wheel filled with layers of multicolor extraplanar ashes, sands, salts, etc.


A "bonsai" tree that's actually a shrunk down version of a normally giant tree (banyan, cedar, oak, willow, etc).

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Re: The Treasure Thread


This works best in a post-medieval society, but art and non-magical artifacts from previous civilizations. Actual value may be nearly nothing, but just the fact that a statuette came from "Ancient Civilization about which we only have legends" might bring a pretty penny from a noble who wants to brag to his friends.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


A scale which speaks the amount placed upon it.
cool. i'd use it :)


Continuously heated clothing.
already did it u.u


A pet rock. (It sings lullabies)
ah ah ah

A magic atlas that allows maps to be moved and manipulated (zoom in' date=' etc) by use of a magic stylus)[/quote']Very very very very cool

how did you manage to create it? clairsentient? enhanced sense?

An animated skull that talks' date=' claims to be a sage but is he really?[/quote']but... he call himself "morte" does'nt it? :)


List of contacts in above land that are willing to help smuggle out and farm silk worms' date=' saffron plants etc.[/quote']this could be useful, cool and also very low "sellable for high profit"


A dagger with a broken blade' date=' blade becomes whole only when over water.[/quote']Nice. Not really useful but nice :)

A brass flower with large petals. Opens and closes as itis exposed to Sunlight.


A green jade bar of dye, when shavings or powder are taken and then exposed to fresh water, the water turns into a hard jade colored ice.

When added to salt water the water boils until it becomes evaporated

i'd like the idea


A matching pair of rings. When worn' date=' the wearer can get a general impression of the physical and mental state of the other ring-wearer.[/quote']

already used it :) they where "wedding rings" from two PC. problem is they wake up after two month in a dungeon (gametime i did really not play) so they where a bit confused about "how, when and mainly why we are married??"


adding some of mine:

bowl of water, when filled with water they shown some random area on the inside of the tower, room or dungeon where they found it. this shown no other area, so whenever they emptied the dungeon and gone away this become almost useless, but funny too (and a clever GM/chars could use it anyway)


fur hat of "forever warm": the weaver feel no cold. reverse is also possibile: a linen shirt that always keep fresh the weaver, or like


armor made of fur from special wolf called "houds of the fenris". armor is in fur but resistant like chainmail. also, ties and belt are made so whenever the weaver transform (he's cursed with lycanthropy...) armor does'nt rip open neither drop down but "stretches" so it become a backpack


scroll case or book case who resistent to fire or water. or both. Not really large, but they could save some few important writings inside


an amber medallion, whenever the weaver hold it and concentrate, it transport the weaver (and also some guest) to an extradimensional tower filled with some strange imps servants. this is part of a plot device they still have'nt discovered, and is a representation of the inner self of the player. some special arrangement are made to avoid abusing (cannot transport items from the tower to the outside, leave an amber stone in physical realm, etc)


suit of armor or weapons made of gold, silver, ornated or decorated. also, a suit of armor apparently normal but who does'nt rust nor damage. if you feel very bastard, a suit of armor magical so it's better than usual BUT is really, really really ugly and silly... ok pink hello kitty armor is better than steel plate but... who would wear a pink hello kitty armor?


funeral mask onrated so it's appear like former dead face. it could be precious, in gold and silver, or even just steel. It could be very important to someone who loved the dead girl/guy


Main problem i found with "special and nice items" are they fall in two categories (for my player):

1) item they could use to gain some advantage

2) item they would try to sell

so after some try i end up not spending time in describing special cool but not useful item, and just keep pace of item they could use.

ie, giving them a "google map atlas book of the realm" is something cool i'd like to... but i fear it ends up in roaming between book shops and like trying to sell it...

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A small figurine of a pretty young girl. Made of Ivory with inlaid gold runes at the base and the name "Tirenilee" in silver at her feet. The Figurine plays three songs, performed by an orchestra with a the same singer, a clear, strong voice one song celebrating the birth of a daughter, a reflective ballad commemorating her marriage, and a heart-rending song about outliving your children. As the songs play, the figure ages to young womanhood then returns to child-like after they have played.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A seal ring, moderately valuable (gold, with the seal carved into a garnet). It'd fetch a tidy price, but maybe even more from the noble family whose seal it is (it may explain the disappearance of a family member).


Alternatively, it could be used to forge documents.


Bright (and morally questionable) characters might take an impression of it to aid in forgery before selling the original back to the family.


If the ring is old, the seal will likely have changed in style over the years. Attempting to use it for forgery is likely to fail if documents are presented to those who know the current seal..

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  • 2 months later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


An Artifact/remnant/relic: The forearm and hand of a powerful long dead paladin of great renown , it contains his spirit and requests a chance to continue on "fighting the good fight" It quests the group with the task of inlaying the bones with a (long sword, bastard sword, 2-handed sword) thus making an intelligent weapon (boosting a paladins abilities, or adding a few new ones. . This obviously won't work as well, if the team is a band of scoundrels. Good quest for a paladin type to get a special holy avenger.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


I had players go to extreme lengths to haul out a cast iron stove with a bound fire imp in side, The imp was foul-mouthed and didn't like his confinement one bit. they thought he gave the kitchen a bit of "flavor."


The PC's had a castle of their very own, and each one had a tower, so they were going out of their way to furnish it will the "color" items I had been placing in the dungeons for years. They had a stuffed bear that would animate and attack anyone in the room, if killed it would reset in a month. They had no way to control it, so they sealed in the a trapped part of the castle.


They even collected cursed magic items for a false treasury (to fool the thieves, and tax collectors I would send). They had a fortune in real art strewn about. Moving paintings. speaking statues that warned of death if any entered.


The favorite piece was a nude statuette of an elven queen in a nearby realm. The PCs had worked with her before and it was a perfect likeness. They dared not sell it lest the elves get all uppity and trace the purchase, so they took turns storing it in their towers.

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