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Regenerating teeth


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Re: Regenerating teeth


In the vast majority of games, I think this would matter so little that the GM should use the holy trilogy of Hero: Common sense, dramatic sense, and game balance. If it seems like the special effect of the regeneration would affect teeth, I'd allow it even without the regrow limbs adder. Anyone with that adder could definitely regrow teeth. Similarly with immunity to tooth decay; if you have some life support, and the special effect of it seems like it should include tooth decay, I'll throw it in at no charge.


Now, if you're playing Cavity Crusader Hero, then maybe I'd be more strict about it.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


If a character has the ability to regenerate, how does that affect teeth? Do you need the replace limbs adder to regrow teeth?


Come to think of it, is an immunity to tooth decay worth a Life Support power of some kind? :)

I think I would put that under Basic Regeneration. Even if they woudl count as "Limb", they have less than one Body and a such a would regrow pretty fast even with minimal Regeneration.

If you plan on writing "Teeth only Regeneration", I would put that at 1 Point tops. Propably even at 0, unless loosing your teeth is some major drawback.


It depends a lot on what we are talking about:

A normal person, or some type of predator (vampire, wolf, shark)? Also, what is the tech-level for replacement teeth?

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Re: Regenerating teeth


For teeth-only regeneration, I would charge at most a point - that would be for settings where replacement teeth were difficult to get, and there was a least a potential chance of losing them. In a modern or future (non-postapocalyptic) setting, it would be free.


Now in real life, that would be a pretty sweet thing to have - it's just not something that tends to arise in a game.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


Is a good question, why do humans have only one set of replacement teeth?


From an evolutionary standpoint, we have one set that falls out around six years of age, some replacement molars come in when we are over 12, and that's all we need to get us to breeding age.


But what if instead of just a set of spare molars for wisdom teeth we had a third full set? Why do we grow two sets then stop? Seems an arbitrary number.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


Is a good question, why do humans have only one set of replacement teeth?


From an evolutionary standpoint, we have one set that falls out around six years of age, some replacement molars come in when we are over 12, and that's all we need to get us to breeding age.


But what if instead of just a set of spare molars for wisdom teeth we had a third full set? Why do we grow two sets then stop? Seems an arbitrary number.


Humans live way longer than we "should". Our life expectancy is three times as many heart beats as any other animal except parrots.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


Is a good question, why do humans have only one set of replacement teeth?


From an evolutionary standpoint, we have one set that falls out around six years of age, some replacement molars come in when we are over 12, and that's all we need to get us to breeding age.


But what if instead of just a set of spare molars for wisdom teeth we had a third full set? Why do we grow two sets then stop? Seems an arbitrary number.


Humans live way longer than we "should". Our life expectancy is three times as many heart beats as any other animal except parrots.

Back in the Stone Ages average human lifetime was around 18 Years. So we are optimised to never need any more teeth.

Our species exists for about 2 Million Years, but we don't settle and use farming for more than 10-20 thoausand years. So our gene pool is still optimized for hunter-gatherer with 18 Years life expectancy.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


It's because evolution doesn't care one bit about anything that happens to an organism after it reproduces. Or more accurately, properties of an organism that only come into play after the reproduction is done don't have any impact on reproductive success, and therefore are not selected for or against by natural selection.


This is also another point in favor of evolution over intelligent design.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


While teeth are anatomically distinct structures they don't constitute a limb or extremity in of themselves. Basic regeneration should be sufficient. Even if teeth were technically "limbs," I don't think there is sufficient cause to merit charging extra-points for them. On a mechanical level, you don't pay points for extra-teeth, but do for extra arms, legs, tails, etc. So, inherent in the system is the idea that teeth are not limbs. Additionally, from the perspective of the gaming meta-experience (fancy talk for "fun") I don't see how it serves to improve play - or how it would be relevant as a "balance" issue for the bean counters.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


In a fight, it is not unheard of for someone to get one or more teeth knocked out by a well-placed blow. If a character has basic regeneration, do the teeth regrow after taking a kick to the hit location for the mouth? If a character is hit with healing, do teeth regrow as part of the healing?


My original question was asked because I didn't know the answer and thought to poll the forum for opinions.


In grittier campaigns, damage issues like loss of teeth could come up. In fantasy campaigns, not having to worry about rotting teeth seems like a bonus worth a point. Who ever heard of an elf with a cavity?

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Re: Regenerating teeth


If a character has basic regeneration' date=' do the teeth regrow after taking a kick to the hit location for the mouth? If a character is hit with healing, do teeth regrow as part of the healing?[/quote']


Well, there is no Mouth hit location, only Head ;)


Teeth aren't bones, but I suppose the have more in common with them then they do with normal soft tissues.


You cannot make a missing bone regrow without the appropriate adder, so I suppose you could require the adder to regrow teeth as well. If the power ONLY regrows teeth, it should either be a much lower point adder ("Cosmetic" or similar) or should get a pretty big limitation. However, I believe you can cause broken bones to knit without an adder. If so, and if you still had the tooth and could hold it in place, I would say you could repair the damage with normal regen/healing effects.


Frankly, I think we presume that scars are normally prevented by healing magic and regen, unless SFX dictate otherwise. As such, think it's probably fine to assume teeth will regrow with the same effects if the issue comes up. There are not actually rules for when a tooth is lost due to violence, much as there aren't strict rules about scaring with other wounds. Both have little to no impact on game mechanics, though there may influence a character appearance and there could be RP considerations and such.


Barring all that, a Transform can certainly restore lost teeth :)


Who ever heard of an elf with a cavity?


Frankly, I'm not sure I've ever played ANY character with a cavity. I may have brought up brushing my teeth or flossing once or twice while playing a particularly OCD character, but otherwise I doub't Ive ever mentioned it in game.


Generally tooth care is such a banal detail that it just never really comes up. It's one of those "assumed to be done" things.. much like I rarely mention when my character has to use the bathroom...

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Re: Regenerating teeth


First and foremost, I don't think we should count them as seperate limbs anymore than we consider your bladder to be a separate limb. It is, after all, an isolateable single piece of your body. It can be affect on its own - up to and including removing / destroying entirely. Should a generic Regen be able to regrow your bladder if it is rendered unusable?


Moreover, unless I see that somehow the loss of a tooth has a significant unbalancing effect, I wouldn't give it much mind. Let them have it and call it done with. : )


La Rose

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Re: Regenerating teeth


It's because evolution doesn't care one bit about anything that happens to an organism after it reproduces. Or more accurately, properties of an organism that only come into play after the reproduction is done don't have any impact on reproductive success, and therefore are not selected for or against by natural selection.


This is also another point in favor of evolution over intelligent design.


So flawed. What's this got to do with the thread?


I agree the others that unless this is a very specific campaign where it would matter, this is 0 pts or not even worth consideration. As for a gritty campaign, minimal cost here for teeth coming back.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


On a more relevant note, is there any game-mechanical distinction between healing that magically (or technologically) puts everything back like it was before the injury vs. healing that just accelerates the body's natural processes? In practical terms, if I cast a healing spell on someone with a broken leg, does the bone knit in whatever random position it happens to be in at the time?

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Re: Regenerating teeth


In a fight' date=' it is not unheard of for someone to get one or more teeth knocked out by a well-placed blow. If a character has basic regeneration, do the teeth regrow after taking a kick to the hit location for the mouth? If a character is hit with healing, do teeth regrow as part of the healing?[/quote']

Field-healign would certainly stop the bleeding. And since a teeth has no Body (unlike limbs), they could regrow as well (unless the SFX of the healing makes this unlikely).



My original question was asked because I didn't know the answer and thought to poll the forum for opinions.


In grittier campaigns, damage issues like loss of teeth could come up. In fantasy campaigns, not having to worry about rotting teeth seems like a bonus worth a point. Who ever heard of an elf with a cavity?

Like Bloodstone, I never heard of any character with a cavity. While I can see it come up as Roleplaying part, I doubt it will come up from a mechanical point of view. Sure, a missing teeth makes it harder to chew, but it won't prevent you from properly eating. Two or three next to anotehr might be worth a Limitation, or not even that. And eve it is worth that much, that's just gaining a complciation in game...


So unless the game says something around "every lost teeth is a -1 penalty to interaction skills", thsi won't be worth(or should not cost) any points. It's propably okay to heal a teeth with a day, even when you have just regeneration 1/week or if you are hit with any healign spell.

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Re: Regenerating teeth


On a more relevant note' date=' is there any game-mechanical distinction between healing that magically (or technologically) puts everything back like it was before the injury vs. healing that just accelerates the body's natural processes? In practical terms, if I cast a healing spell on someone with a broken leg, does the bone knit in whatever random position it happens to be in at the time?[/quote']

That granularity is usually way below hero scale. And frankly I am not certain waht you mean with "healing that just accelerates the body's natural processes". Healing is Healing, no mater the SFX. When the SFX or GM says it can't "rearange" the bones, then they have to be set first (Paramedics Roll).


The rules you are propably looking for are Disabling and Impiaring. I know of nothing in the hero rules that would be better to determine what "loosing an arm"/having an arm disabeled could mean.

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