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Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


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Greetings everyone. I've been talking to David Mattingly at BlackWyrm and have broached the idea about some additional Hero material I have kicking around. I won't be talking to him seriously about this until 2012, but much like Steve Long in another thread I thought I could see what the forum thought about them.


So, they are:


Mythic America: There's a thread about this already but to sum up, it's a collection of personalities (so real, some not) from 1700-1899 America. It will be divided by eras and then archetypes within each era. Each archetype will be a specific person (for example: Pirate -- Blackbeard), include a full character sheet, short bios of related characters (for example -- Capt. Kidd, Mary Read and Anne Bonny) and a template and other information for a general archetype. I'd like to have this for GenCon, but I think right now I'm looking at end of 2012.


Mythic America II: This would be America from 1900-today. Less tall-tales heroes and more modern archetypes. G-men, gangster, superheroes, astronauts, sports stars, and so on.


Fearsome Critters: An American bestiary of the strange. Everything from tall-tales critters (axe-handle hounds, hodags, and the like) to Mad Gassers, Bigfoot, Mothman, and sea monsters. Presented much like the Asian Bestiaries and Mythic America, with scads of notes and comments to go along with the character sheets.


Things That Go Bump In The Night: A Horror Hero supplement. Basically, it's all of my columns from Digital Hero updated to 6E. Each chapter (or section) will cover a specific supernatural being -- ghosts, vampires, zombies. I will give a short history of said creature (usually from a European POV), notes on similar creatures from around the world, and then select character sheets. Emphasis will be on the traditional, much like my book Here Be Dragons. There will also be select individuals, such as Dracula, Frankenstien's monster, Jack the Ripper, Spring-Heeled Jack, and so on.


Mike's Martial Artists: An "enemies" book of 50 to 60 martial artists from all power levels and genres. What I'd like to do is start with the NPCs that were in 5E Ninja Hero, update them to 6E, then take all of the "3 [power level] Martial Artists in Search of a Campaign" columns I did for Digital Hero and update them to 6E. Then fill out the rest of the book with new characters. The back will have full descriptions of any fictional styles, the same as Hero System Martial Arts. This will include characters suitable for superhero, pulp, post-apoc, fantasy, and even science fiction games.


The Well of the Worlds: A short setting book based off of my most recent campaign. Sort of Land of the Lost meets El Hazard. A pan-dimensional sinkhole were stuff from, well, everywhere (and when) had ended up. Meant to be heavily customized by prospective GMs.


The Tarot Council: Champions organization based off tarot cards. 26+ characters and agents.


Kazei 5: System Upgrade: (I can't believe I forgot this....) A companion volume to Kazei 5. More cyber, more APEX and EXO Suits, more firearms, vehicles, gear, NPCs, and more information on the setting. This would be a volume that could heavily fan-made. As in fan-sent suggestions are developed and expanded on by me and then collected into a single volume.


Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Fearsome Critters and Things That Go Bump in the Night...I can swipe all kinds of stuff from there for my frontier fantasy game that I may never run.


Tarot Council sounds cool too. Champions wouldn't be Champions without theme organizations. If you offer a less superheroic over-the-top organization that can be used in a James Bond style espionage game, that would be even better. (Assuming you weren't building it as a Bond-type group in the first place...if that's the case, a Champions level upgrade is in order).

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


If you decide to work on the Tarot Council' date=' I'll gladly volunteer to help.[/quote']


Well, that is more based on what Dave decides to go with. But I'll keep it in mind.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


K5 System Upgrade certainly has a lot of potential. One thing I can already think of is adapting the "Kingdom Warfare" rules from "The Ultimate Base 6e" to corporations, and expanding on the numbers of corporations. Possibly including corporate structures; A lot of megacorps are holding companies for the companies that actually do the work. Legally, that's used to dodge responsibility and limit financial losses...

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Mike's Martial Artists:

You're going to update Midnight Maid for 6E? >shudder< I might buy it, depending on the price point.


The Well of the Worlds:

This looked interesting when you were posting your Actual Play. If I haven't given Steve Long all my money by then, Ill pick this up.


Kazei 5: System Upgrade:

If I bought this, I'd probably have to buy Kazei 5, wouldn't I? That said, K5 has been on my radar for a while. Maybe inform my wife that Xmas is coming up...

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


OF all the stuff you listed the Kazei 5 supplement and Perhaps The Well of the Worlds supplement are interesting to me. I would defiantly buy a K-5 Supplement esp for more equipment, Cyberwear, etc.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


The Kazei Five supplement is a definite buy for me, and I'm very interested in a martial artist book. The rest of your list is interesting, but not as compelling.


Any chance of a Lace & Steel supplement or a martial arts campaign book to supplement Ninja Hero?

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?
In order of interest:


  1. The Well of the Worlds
  2. Fearsome Critters
  3. Things That Go Bump In The Night
  4. Mythic America
  5. Mythic America II
  6. The Tarot Council
  7. Kazei 5: System Upgrade
  8. Mike's Martial Artists

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


The Kazei Five supplement is a definite buy for me, and I'm very interested in a martial artist book. The rest of your list is interesting, but not as compelling.


Any chance of a Lace & Steel supplement or a martial arts campaign book to supplement Ninja Hero?


Lace & Steel would be in the K5 companion.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Personally, I'm really looking forward to Mythic America. The parts I've seen have been amazing, and it has been in the pipeline a while. So many ways to use it in so many genres.


That said, the American Monsters book would also be fun, and it's potentially cross system as well. Once you've done the research you can just re stat it for other systems.


I'd buy a K5 supplement.


The Tarot Council sounds like good old school Champions.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


If funding Things will get you the opportunity to do even more, then I am for that. I kind of feel like your Fearsome Critters could be rolled into Mythic America. If that does get momentum, I've got a Quick Start idea (low-cost PDF) that would be perfect for it.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Mike's Martial Artists:

You're going to update Midnight Maid for 6E? >shudder< I might buy it, depending on the price point.


I'd like to. Also, it'd feature the 1,500+ point version of Kayli the Destroyer for Galactic Champions. Y'know, the "this isn't Dragon Ball Z, really" version.


The Well of the Worlds:

This looked interesting when you were posting your Actual Play. If I haven't given Steve Long all my money by then, Ill pick this up.


You can see more here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/well/well.html


Kazei 5: System Upgrade:

If I bought this, I'd probably have to buy Kazei 5, wouldn't I? That said, K5 has been on my radar for a while. Maybe inform my wife that Xmas is coming up...


K5 has received no-stop good reviews, if that helps.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Personally, I'm really looking forward to Mythic America. The parts I've seen have been amazing, and it has been in the pipeline a while. So many ways to use it in so many genres.


That said, the American Monsters book would also be fun, and it's potentially cross system as well. Once you've done the research you can just re stat it for other systems.


I'd buy a K5 supplement.


The Tarot Council sounds like good old school Champions.


I think my crowning moment with Mythic America was your reaction to Jo Magarac.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


The things that interest me the most are (In order of interest)


Things that go Bump in the Night.


The Well of the Worlds (especially if we got a bit more info)


The Tarot Council


La Rose.


More on the Well: http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/well/well.html

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Lace & Steel would be in the K5 companion.


Excellent news. If there's room in the supplement, maybe some more "miniseries" or OVA-style campaigns set in the K5 universe. For example, a few pages on Lace & Steel would give an opportunity to show how to do a megacorp-focused campaign or a martial arts campaign set in K5.

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Re: Susano Considers His Next Possible Projects (What Do You Want To See?)


Excellent news. If there's room in the supplement' date=' maybe some more "miniseries" or OVA-style campaigns set in the K5 universe. For example, a few pages on Lace & Steel would give an opportunity to show how to do a megacorp-focused campaign or a martial arts campaign set in K5.[/quote']


Personally, I'd love to see Ross Watson develop a supplement dealing with the Shadows Angelus setting.

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