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Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities


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But once the camera started recording, the host opens up shouting “I’M HERE WITH ONE OF THE COMIC CON SKANKS!” and then continues on with a line of sexually harassing questions. My friend flipped him off and stormed away. The host followed her, continuing on with his questions.

At this point, her friends (including me) surround the guy with a onslaught of obscenities. He explains that it’s just a “prank” and then asks for her to sign a “real” release form. Not only does she refuse, but demands to get the form she signed back. He tells her “no” and then when asked why not, he answers with, “because I said so”.

So I asked him for his name and the name of the youtube channel he works on. He tells me “Kenny Burns” and that he works for youtube.com/pranks.

But that was a lie.

I found out that the name of this disgusting human being is Kevin Brueck and that he has filmed quite a few SDCC related prank videos where he terrorizes cosplayers for youtube.com/break.


So why exactly has SDCC not told this guy to leave and never come back?

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On Being a ‘Girl Gamer’


Why are some games considered ‘not suitable’ for a female audience by many of the males who play them? Is it the realistic graphics of blood and gore? The multi-faceted narratives? The course language, sexual references and drug use? All I know is that I am considered less welcome in FPS multiplayer than the twelve-year-old boys once the other players realise they’re being taken down by a girl with a gun.

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Yeah, I have never had the bandwidth, reflexes, or inclination to do FPS games on-line. I played the free version of Castle Wolfenstein many, many moons ago, but that was enough to teach me I wasn't interested in the FPS genre. That spared me exposure to the obnoxious population that seems to dominate that on-line environment.


OTOH, a big segment of that despicable part of the on-line population seems to be YOUNG, early-or-mid-teens young. On-line communities that require minimum age 18 and ruthlessly 'vet those trying to get in have fewer (not none, but fewer) instances of this kind of crap. I say this also as the father of one each boy and girl (19 and 17 respectively) and watching their on-line preferences, communities of choice, and behavior over the years. They have rather different preferences in where they go, with the boy doing more individual combat games and the girl doing more RP stuff; consequently, there are more loud exultant victory shouts from the son than the daughter. The son also has done more of the obvious trolling over the years, but the girl has done her share of on-line nastiness as well, but in a different style that is not among those complained about above.

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As an aside, I've seen politically motivated reviews in the music section where one fan was OUTRAGED that a band dared to betray themselves as having a political side. Not their music, but the video for one of the songs "Alienated half their audience." 


I think it's perfectly possible to enjoy music or art and revile the artist if you find out they're reprehensible to your way of thinking. Boycotting them is fine as well. 


...aaaand I've gone further on the tangent than I planned.

Personally, artists / business people are entitled to express political, religious, and social views both inside and outside of their work / product. The consumers and market are entitled to react to those views with their wallets and opinions. That's a personal decision an artist, entrepreneur, musician, writer, game-designer has to make -- and live with the consequences of. I do think, if the expression is outside of the work, that one might enjoy the work-product itself, but not every artists is able to separate the two -- and neither is every consumer. For instance, I detest Jack Nicholson yet enjoy watching him on film, but Tom Cruise -- the guy just creeps me out. I can't watch him without visions of him bouncing on Oprah's couch and screeching conjuring up while the word "clear" echoes in the recesses of my brain. If you put it out there, you own it.

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I once participated in a game (at a con, not a group of friends), where one revolting 14 year old decided his character would kidnap and rape somebody...



Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.


I would have told him "no" and pointed at the door. If that was a problem with the con organizers, I'd have packed up my things and left without running the game.


The old fashioned phrase "Didn't you parents raise you right?!" bursts forth. This isn't a male-female thing, or a sexism thing, or a privilege thing. Its a good breeding thing. Sheesh. Expletive huns.


Maybe my gaming groups were just a better class of loser, but there would have been beatings and expulsions. This issue of female PCs (players sex being irrelevant) having to deal with rape, STDs, or unwanted pregnancy wouldn't fly either.


My philosophy has been sexuality is PG-13 and "dress hits floor fade to black" unless the players *all* sign off. And, even then, it should be hot sexy cable sex rather than non-consensual sexual violence or petty prudish punishments.


Incidentally, the only character we ever had with rape in their back-story was a woman's character. And no one really wanted to touch that one with a ten-foot pole, either. Its a two way street -- not only should GMs clear this kind of crap with players, but players should clear them with GMs too.


You know, like normal decent thinking folk.

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It looks like an abuse of DMCA to stop what is "Fair use."


That said, I think media depicts both men and women in unrealistic ways. There is a male gaze and a female gaze and objectification is a two way street. How many guys have 14 inch biceps, popping pecs, and a deep cut six pack without roids? Or tear their shirts off and pour water over their ripped body and long hair Renegade style?


Or just happen to be fully naked or have their shirts off as they embrace the elegantly clad plucky heroine on the cover of the romance novel. Heck, my wife was reading one a few weeks back where it was just the dudes abs and pecs writ large behind the heroine whose face was pressed into them -- he apparently didn't need a face. All of that said, I don't object to a little cheesecake or beefcake in entertainment insofar as its leaven rather than content.


But, its a two way street. Media treats men as objects and presents them with weird body image issues, too.

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What you can do



It’s Vegas Security Dog-and-Pony Show Week[1], and I’ve come to dread the stories I will inevitably hear about harassment and assault at Defcon and the assorted computer security events that happen around it. It’s an occupational hazard of being one of the few people speaking out about harassment in infosec – I end up being the person people vent to, a safe outlet for the terrible things people don’t feel safe airing in public. Every year, it’s the same awful litany – assault, groping, drink-spiking, and all varieties of harassment – 5-10 incidents every year for the past five years. I hear these stories from people of all genders, from respected experts and neophytes. I didn’t even attend last year, and I still heard stories. Every year, I learn that another person I once respected as a professional peer is accused of being a predator. Every year. [edit: This wasn't my story to tell, but the latest instance of someone I had immense professional respect for being accused of rape was made public yesterday. I had no knowledge of this when I wrote this post.]

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I have never understood trolls. Why waste your time just to annoy another person? And I especially don't understand these kinds of trolls who go through a good deal of effort to mod the game for the big benefit of ruining someone else's experience. Surely they could be doing something more with their lives. 


La Rose. 

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I have never understood trolls. Why waste your time just to annoy another person? And I especially don't understand these kinds of trolls who go through a good deal of effort to mod the game for the big benefit of ruining someone else's experience. Surely they could be doing something more with their lives. 


They get off on it. Trolling correlates with sadism and similar disorders.

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