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Worst Comic Book Character/Group


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What is the worst Comic Book Character or Group? I'm talking about a concept that is stupid or offensive.



For me it's Brother Power The Geek. Not only must the reader be on LSD to enjoy the comic, the writer must have been as well.

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It is kinda hard to beat the Dog Welder. And it propably is a fringe case. But Cryptics take on Gravitar is just...it defies words for me: fetch?id=3595884 I get the need for a "sexier" costume compared to the old - it did some sexy superhoince costumes myself. I get the idea behind using a retro design in this poster. But this design screams (strong language Warning)

"french dominatrix prostitute with poodle"

, not "serious supervillaines with the raw power to match Grond, Dr. Destroyer or a half a V'han Invasion Force" or "Marvels Graviton Expy". What on Earth, Malvar and the Qliphothic realm were they smoking when that passed the quality assurance? I better stop here, could rant about that design and wich one it makes seen modest and serious by comparsion for pages.

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That sounds like a parody on the Superhero Comic Genre, intentionally kept blank to focus on the core sillinesses of that time (the publisher is given as "Marvel No Frills").

It clearly lists all the ingredients of an average comic book (both a Characters personal world and a book in particular).

For all we know this could have been a writers handbook or checklist that accidently got printed.

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On a somewhat more serious note, The New Mutants.


Think about it. You've noticed that the X-Men are a license to print money, and you've decided to launch a spinoff. Awesome. Misunderstood teens with emergent powers they can't fully control, taken under the wing of a wise, non-judgemental father figure and tasked with, like, totally saving the people who hate them. The amazing thing is that this property didn't fly the first go round. The second has been, to this point, the biggest thing that Marvel has ever done.


Okay, ball's in your court, guys. Give me . . .The New Mutants!


Creative 1: "Women. Gotta have women. Powerful women. Empowered women. Hey, I know, more women than men!"

Creative 2: "Sure, why not."

Creative 1: "Oh, diversity. Gotta have diversity. Blacks, yellows, reds, oranges. There are orange people, right? I don't know, I don't get out of my apartment much."

Creative 2: "But not too diverse. People'll get the heebie-jeebies. Also, reds whatever, no more commies. People make fun when Coloussus says 'Bozhe Moi!'"

Creative 1: "Oh, sure, yeah. So, like, Jews count as diversity, right?"

Creative 2: "This is the sound of my eyes rolling."

Creative 1: "Oh. Okay. So, a Black guy, but they have, like rich black guys in Brazil, right? Hits the multinational sweet spot it, does. And they'll have an excuse to find lost cities on the Amazon.

Creative 2: "Full of blond Romans! Awesome. So, yeah, I think they have rich black guys down there. Kid can be spoiled rotten, and it's not like anyone's going to check. Wikipedia isn't even going to be invented for twenty years. He's a brick. Every team needs a brick."

Creative 1: "And for an American visible minority, we can have an Indian! From a reservation!"

Creative 2: "She can give people dream quests! With her brain! It's colorful and ethnic. In a good way."

Creative 1: "And for an Asian, we can have a Vietnamese refugee."

Creative 2: "We just ran with one in FF."

Creative 1: "The mind controller?"

Creative 2: Oh, yeah."

Creative 1: "We told you to keep the skeevy stuff to your pen-name."

Creative 2: "She's a girl."

Creative 1: "Oh, that's fine then. and for a white multinational, we can have a Scot. Gotta love them Scots."

Creative 2: "Powers?"

Creative 1: "Oh, kids like animals. Uhm, brainstorming here. Hey! A copy of Werewolf by Night! Heh. His name is 'Jack Russell.' Get it? Jack Russell? Oh, God, I think I'm gonna die here. Do, yeah, she turns into a wolf and stuff."

Creative 2: "Cool beans! And, like, the repressive Presbyterian minister of her small town thinks she's a werewolf, and wants to burn her at the stake."

Creative 1: "I don't know. Do Presbyterians buy comics?"

Creative 2: "Not in my brain, they don't."

Creative 1: "To be fair, in your brain, Scottish villagers burn people at the stake."

Creative 2: "Do you have information to the contrary?"

Creative 1: "I told you, I don't get out of my apartment much."

Creative 2: "And for a good old boy American?"

Creative 1: "A good old boy. Coal miner, monster trucks, country music. Comes from Kentucky. Or Tennessee. Whichever one is more picturesque."

Creative 2: "Kentucky. It's got that big, talking rooster."

Creative 1: "Are you sure you don't have him confused with the restaurants?"

Creative 2: "No, no, I do not."

Creative 1: "Powers?"

Creative 2: "Brick. Time for lunch yet?"

Creative 1: "You just made up a brick."

Creative 1; "Flying brick."

Creative 2: "Sure, lunch. Up to fried chicken?"

Creative 1; "Will there be open spaces?"

Creative 2; "We'll order in."




A first issue later:


Editor: "So, just looking through the rogue's gallery here: "We've got: giant robots, super-powerful masterminds and ....A talking dinosaur teamed up with a guy with a super-long tongue. Tell me one thing."


Creatives: "Unh-hunh?"


Editor: "What the freaking freak does someone who can turn into a wolf affect a giant robot? Bite its pant legs? Or how does a mind-controller fight Magneto? "Hey, I took over Magneto. I've got this. And by 'this,' I mean everything ever?' And have you ever noticed that being able to send crippling dreams is basically the same power, only less useful?"


Creatives: "Um, new characters?"


Editor: "You're freaking right, new characters. Or new powers. Maybe the dream girl can fire energy arrows or something. But fix this!"

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On a somewhat more serious note, The New Mutants.


Think about it. You've noticed that the X-Men are a license to print money, and you've decided to launch a spinoff. Awesome. Misunderstood teens with emergent powers they can't fully control, taken under the wing of a wise, non-judgemental father figure and tasked with, like, totally saving the people who hate them. The amazing thing is that this property didn't fly the first go round. The second has been, to this point, the biggest thing that Marvel has ever done.


Okay, ball's in your court, guys. Give me . . .The New Mutants!


Creative 1: "Women. Gotta have women. Powerful women. Empowered women. Hey, I know, more women than men!"

Creative 2: "Sure, why not."

Creative 1: "Oh, diversity. Gotta have diversity. Blacks, yellows, reds, oranges. There are orange people, right? I don't know, I don't get out of my apartment much."

Creative 2: "But not too diverse. People'll get the heebie-jeebies. Also, reds whatever, no more commies. People make fun when Coloussus says 'Bozhe Moi!'"

Creative 1: "Oh, sure, yeah. So, like, Jews count as diversity, right?"

Creative 2: "This is the sound of my eyes rolling."

Creative 1: "Oh. Okay. So, a Black guy, but they have, like rich black guys in Brazil, right? Hits the multinational sweet spot it, does. And they'll have an excuse to find lost cities on the Amazon.

Creative 2: "Full of blond Romans! Awesome. So, yeah, I think they have rich black guys down there. Kid can be spoiled rotten, and it's not like anyone's going to check. Wikipedia isn't even going to be invented for twenty years. He's a brick. Every team needs a brick."

Creative 1: "And for an American visible minority, we can have an Indian! From a reservation!"

Creative 2: "She can give people dream quests! With her brain! It's colorful and ethnic. In a good way."

Creative 1: "And for an Asian, we can have a Vietnamese refugee."

Creative 2: "We just ran with one in FF."

Creative 1: "The mind controller?"

Creative 2: Oh, yeah."

Creative 1: "We told you to keep the skeevy stuff to your pen-name."

Creative 2: "She's a girl."

Creative 1: "Oh, that's fine then. and for a white multinational, we can have a Scot. Gotta love them Scots."

Creative 2: "Powers?"

Creative 1: "Oh, kids like animals. Uhm, brainstorming here. Hey! A copy of Werewolf by Night! Heh. His name is 'Jack Russell.' Get it? Jack Russell? Oh, God, I think I'm gonna die here. Do, yeah, she turns into a wolf and stuff."

Creative 2: "Cool beans! And, like, the repressive Presbyterian minister of her small town thinks she's a werewolf, and wants to burn her at the stake."

Creative 1: "I don't know. Do Presbyterians buy comics?"

Creative 2: "Not in my brain, they don't."

Creative 1: "To be fair, in your brain, Scottish villagers burn people at the stake."

Creative 2: "Do you have information to the contrary?"

Creative 1: "I told you, I don't get out of my apartment much."

Creative 2: "And for a good old boy American?"

Creative 1: "A good old boy. Coal miner, monster trucks, country music. Comes from Kentucky. Or Tennessee. Whichever one is more picturesque."

Creative 2: "Kentucky. It's got that big, talking rooster."

Creative 1: "Are you sure you don't have him confused with the restaurants?"

Creative 2: "No, no, I do not."

Creative 1: "Powers?"

Creative 2: "Brick. Time for lunch yet?"

Creative 1: "You just made up a brick."

Creative 1; "Flying brick."

Creative 2: "Sure, lunch. Up to fried chicken?"

Creative 1; "Will there be open spaces?"

Creative 2; "We'll order in."




A first issue later:


Editor: "So, just looking through the rogue's gallery here: "We've got: giant robots, super-powerful masterminds and ....A talking dinosaur teamed up with a guy with a super-long tongue. Tell me one thing."


Creatives: "Unh-hunh?"


Editor: "What the freaking freak does someone who can turn into a wolf affect a giant robot? Bite its pant legs? Or how does a mind-controller fight Magneto? "Hey, I took over Magneto. I've got this. And by 'this,' I mean everything ever?' And have you ever noticed that being able to send crippling dreams is basically the same power, only less useful?"


Creatives: "Um, new characters?"


Editor: "You're freaking right, new characters. Or new powers. Maybe the dream girl can fire energy arrows or something. But fix this!"

This would also explain The New 52.
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Worst Group - Justice League, The Detroit Bunker Era.


First, they destroy the multiverse with the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Killing off Supergirl and Barry Allen's Flash in the process. Then they remove all the popular members of the Justice League, and have The Martian Manhunter, a character who had pretty much disappeared from the DC Universe for fifteen years before JLA #200. Then he recruited a number of new members who were as offensive as they were uninteresting. Why? Who knows? Who cares?


Worst Comic Ever!

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I'd just like to say that being a Dominatrix isn't as easy as some people think it is. At least from my experience anyway.


Sorry, I should have made this a comment under gravitar.

The dominatrix part isn't the problem. Or the nationality. It's the third part. I just cannot take her seriously as supervillain in this outfit. I don't think anyone could.
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Early 90s Image (except The Maxx and 1963)*, 90s Marvel, 70s DC (except Legion of Super Heroes), ninety percent of "The New 52"**, Wolverine, Cable, The Punisher, anything touched by Rob Liefeld or Jim Lee.


That's all I got for now.


*There are probably several other comics you could mention, but I'm referring to the prominent million-selling ones. Does anyone remember Tribe, Wetworks, or Shaman's Tears?


**Sturgeon's Law in action.

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Early 90s Image (except The Maxx and 1963)*, 90s Marvel, 70s DC (except Legion of Super Heroes), ninety percent of "The New 52"**, Wolverine, Cable, The Punisher, anything touched by Rob Liefeld or Jim Lee.


That's all I got for now.


*There are probably several other comics you could mention, but I'm referring to the prominent million-selling ones. Does anyone remember Tribe, Wetworks, or Shaman's Tears?


**Sturgeon's Law in action.

I think you're being overly harsh by writing off all of 70s DC. They had plenty of stuff that was quite acceptable, and a few things that were awesome.


Kirby's Fourth World stuff is a good example of the latter.

Goodwin and Simonson's Manhunter is another.

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Worst group? Alpha Flight. I mean, seriously!? Canadians? Pfft. Yeah, that'll work. :rolleyes:









Alpha Flight wasn't the worst because they were Canadians. They were the worst because they were a connection of shallow stereotypes.
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Early 90s Image (except The Maxx and 1963)*, 90s Marvel, 70s DC (except Legion of Super Heroes), ninety percent of "The New 52"**, Wolverine, Cable, The Punisher, anything touched by Rob Liefeld or Jim Lee.


That's all I got for now.


*There are probably several other comics you could mention, but I'm referring to the prominent million-selling ones. Does anyone remember Tribe, Wetworks, or Shaman's Tears?


**Sturgeon's Law in action.

I agree. The Thorn and some of the best JLA/JSA Team Ups took place in the 1970s.
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