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The Ultimate Detective


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World's Greatest Detective  



I have struggled trying to build the Champions and Dark Champions version of the World's Greatest Detective or on Hero System parlance The Ultimate Detective. Obviously it is easier high point levels, but how do you work it into a 200 to 250 5E Dark Champions game or a 250 to 350 5E Champions campaign. 


I have looked at Batman, but he does not really strike me as The Ultimate Detective. 


Help Please. 



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World's Greatest Detective  



I have struggled trying to build the Champions and Dark Champions version of the World's Greatest Detective or on Hero System parlance The Ultimate Detective. Obviously it is easier high point levels, but how do you work it into a 200 to 250 5E Dark Champions game or a 250 to 350 5E Champions campaign. 


I have looked at Batman, but he does not really strike me as The Ultimate Detective. 


Help Please. 




What about a narrower version of Harbinger's super-skill power pool?


The Ultimate Detective: VPP 40.20, 0 Phase, "PS: World's Greatest Detective" Skill Roll, Detective Themed Super-skills and Like-abilities Only.


Then you can grab all of the investigation / interrogation / streetwise super-skills from DC, etc.


I used a version of this with the FX "action hero stunts" for a two-fisted hero type character. It worked really nicely.

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Depending on how certain you want it to be, you could maybe buy a Clairsentience (with retrocognition), requiring a skill or Perception roll, or maybe even requiring a Focus (OIF, 'clues,' requiring you to find two or three).  The same way you sometimes see Ninjas done up with "invisibility (requires a Stealth roll)," you could do kind of...the opposite of that. 

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Depending on how certain you want it to be, you could maybe buy a Clairsentience (with retrocognition), requiring a skill or Perception roll, or maybe even requiring a Focus (OIF, 'clues,' requiring you to find two or three).  The same way you sometimes see Ninjas done up with "invisibility (requires a Stealth roll)," you could do kind of...the opposite of that.


I like this,though it might be a little over the top.


Recognition,R S R,Deduction,requires "clues"(interviews,crime lab results etc :) ),Extra time, " one episode :) ....?

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Buying all the Skills Batman/Sherlock posses to be the Ultimate Detective at a high level is more expensive than most Powers. 


Let alone the encyclopedic laundry-list of relevant background skills Batgod has to augment those skills. There comes a point when powers-as-skills or universals aren't just cheaper, but also more elegant. And there is something to be said for brevity on a character sheet-- it being the soul of wit. I find the extremely granular "list everything or be caught out" philosophy of character design off-putting, as well. In addition to driving point-inflation, it also tends to psychologically inhibit players from being creative problem solvers and trying new things when the game is afoot.

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Powers as skills.




Mike Banner makes his clarsentiance roll

Mike Banner stood in the corner of the room silently.


"Where could he have gone?" George asked.

"You'd think he'd at least left a note" Jane said.


"He would have if he had left voluntarily. But he was grabbed by three men. One was 5 foot 8 180 pounds and well mussled. One was 6'1 230 pounds and a bit out of shape. The third was  5 foot 9 300 pounds and directed the other two."


George and Jane stared at him.


"How could you possibly know that?" George asked.


"Well I would say it was obvious. But I wasn't sure about the third's weight till I saw that scuff mark by the window."

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I think "ultimate detective" would have more to do with suggestions for the player rather than the mechanics. You can't use your energy blast to solve a mystery (usually), it requires a whole different set of mental muscles. The best thing I can think of (but there are probably better ideas) would be to have a checklist of questions to ask and things to do in different senerios like a kidnapping, murder, robbery, fraud, smear campaign, etc. Items would be "follow the money", "who benefits", "how did the victims react to the news", "what are around the windows/doors of the crime scene", "who would want to hurt the victim and why", etc. Perhaps watching some cop dramas would help, at least how crimes in a narrative universe works.

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There are a few skills a Detective must have






Forensic Medicine





Security Systems





Eidetic Memory and Cramming would also be helpful. 

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I can't understand how a detective cannot be a scientist and a scholar, at least enough to understand when a clue in a field of science or scholarship looks 'off' or warrants investigation.


The stars don't look right in a picture?


Be handy to have a background in astronomy enough to notice, so as to take it up with a real expert to find out exactly what isn't right.


Chemical trace evidence? Biology trace? Knowing enough about horse racing to suspect the motives of the jockey or trainer?


Cramming, at the least, though Scientist, Scholar or Jack of All Trades could not hurt.

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Yeah, I often try to have two slots of Cramming on a super detective, so I can bee 'up" on whatever material is involved. "I read several book on astrophysics last night, and I now perceive..."


If you have Ultimate Skill, take a close look at Expert...I posted a bundle of pages about that one a long while ago...:)

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