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Looking for a villain organization name


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There is always Woman's International Terror Covan Hex, or WITCH for short.



Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell. (Several groups named this actually existed.)


The WITCH acronym could also stand for Women's International Tribunal to Crush Hierarchy.   


There was mentioned in 4th Edition, albeit very briefly, a terrorist organization called WITCH, in both Classic Enemies and Champions Universe.   They were described as all-female and very anti-male.  I imagined them as being quite unlike VIPER or DEMON--no uniforms or high-tech weapons, more underground, with a core team of supervillainesses providing the leadership.  They were determined to eradicate men entirely from the human race--not just overthrow or enslave, but eradicate.


As to tiger's group, I don't get the impression they're that radical.  I was thinking they could be called SLAM--the Society of Latter-day AMazons.  Alternately, they could be called the Society of Latter-day Valkyries--although that one doesn't acronym out too well.


Of course, if this all-female team exists in the Champions Universe, there's a very strong possibility they will find themselves challenged by Bulldozer and AIM--the Alliance of Indomitable Men.


Hope that helps.

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In my Champions campaign, one of the player characters (Circe) had a group called the Sisterhood as part of her backstory.  Their stated purpose being to bring about a matriarchal society (since a male-dominated society has worked so [sarcasm] wonderfully well [/sarcasm] thus far).  Circe's grandmother was one of the Sisterhood's founding members.


I made one of the other founding members secretly a Norse goddess (Gullveig) using the Sisterhood to pursue her own agenda.  She also founded the Valkyries (most of whom were stolen adapted from one of the Heroes Unlimited books) as the "enforcement arm" of the Sisterhood.


- - - - - -


In a past campaign, I had an all-female supervillain group known as the Femmes Fatale. Their agents were the Boy Toys - non-powered males who were mainly there to flex their muscles, look good, and do the grunt work for the Femmes. 

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Here's another idea in a more lighthearted vein--the Ultimate Sisterhood Alliance.  They could charge into battle shouting "USA!  USA!  USA!"  and confuse the blazes out of the super-patriots in the hero group.  ("Wait a minute--shose side are they on?")


Hope that helps.

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