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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


...sadly this isn't as random as it could be.



Why does God punish the Danish (was it the Danish) with a tsunami in Indonesia over homosexuality, which was such a low grade sin that it didn't even get a mention in the top 10.

But guys who kill and worship other gods before him get off with a ... I'll let you all handle that yoursleves?


Me thinks Fathers Phelps, and Robertson and their followers need to think long and hard over that and shut up.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"What does a movement do when it's spent decades arguing that the government should have less power, and then it takes control of the government? Does it stick to its principles and methodically find ways to tax less, spend less and interfere less in the lives of Americans? Or does it slowly, but surely -- day by day, issue by issue, bill by bill -- succumb to the temptations of power and start to wield it toward new ends?


"These were unfamiliar and uncomfortable questions for conservatives -- questions, quite frankly, that they had been doing their best to avoid."


-Ryan Sager, The Elephant in the Room: Evangelicals, Libertarians, and the Battle to Control the Republican Party

Or, as P.J. O'Rourke put it: "Republicans are the party that says Government doesn't work; then they get elected, and prove it." ;)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


. . . I've just performed my duty/privilege as a fully emancipated citizen of the Kingdom of Sweden -- I have voted.


"Freedom without responsibility is just a word."


It occurs to me that the party I voted for would be so far out to the left field in US politics that it would be nearly impossible to find supporters outside collece campuses. Ralph Nader would feel at home, I believe. :)


Man, I'm hungry.


Anyway, looks like there'll be a change in government. Han Som Bestämmer -- The Man In Charge -- PM Göran Persson, esq., will with all probability have to retire to his mansion.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So last night my wife and I were strolling along the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD, gawking at the ugly people, leering at the pretty people, and generally enjoying each other's company as well (You don't have to tell me I'm shallow. I know. I don't care, you see, because I'm shallow.) I saw two tall, reasonably attractive women walking down the boards, hand in hand - more common in Rehoboth than OC, but still no big deal. Here's the big deal. One was blonde, the other a red head. The blonde was wearing a superman T-shirt. The redhead was wearing a batman T-shirt. No, really, I swear. I should have used my darn camera phone.

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