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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The short of it is: There was a raccoon in my garage last night.


The longer story: There's this neighborhood cat who likes to jump up on our porch and look through our window. It drives our cats friggin' nuts, because they want to defend their turf, but they can't get to it outside. So they end up fighting each other. :stupid: Anyway, whenever I see that cat in our yard, I chase it off.


So last night, I go outside to the garage to put something in my car. I've left the garage door open, because it was such a pleasant day. I see this container of birdseed I keep in the garage scattered all over the floor, and I hear a noise on my workbench. "That damned cat came into the garage and knocked over my birdseed," I say to myself. So I shout at it, "Get out of my garage!"


It jumped from my workbench to the hood of my car, and I see that it's not the cat. It's a big-ole-ass raccoon, and it hisses at me.


OK, for those of you who don't live in agrarian climes, Disney lied to you. Raccoons are not cuddly, precious little animals. They are not cute. They are not lap-dogs with bandit masks. They are wild animals. They are big, and they are mean, and they are aggressive, and a lot of them carry diseases that you do not want to catch.


So there I am, five feet away from this hissing monster. My options are severely limited. So... I yell at it again. "Get the F*** out of my garage!" I scream at the top of my lungs. To add gravitas to my statement, I stomp my boots hard against the floor, kicking up a lot of racket. "GET OUT!!!"


Apparently, I'm scarier than a 'coon, because it jumped off the hood of the car and ran under it. So I kicked the side of the car, again and again, still yelling. I heard it scurry away, out of the garage. Cautiously, I picked up a broom handle and followed, peering out. I see it lurking just outside of the garage, so I shouted again and it took off running.


So, the lesson here is: No more leaving the garage door open, even if it's nice outside. Apparently, raccoons like birdseed, and they will come inside to get it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I played Rock Band for the first time at a Halloween party last weekend. Pretty fun stuff. I've never really been into video games, but this one was fun -- mostly, I think, because you play it as a group (I never found anything interesting about solo gaming). We did "Man in a Box," "Don't Fear the Reaper," and "No More Tears." I played guitar, and got better with each song. Started in the low 70s, ended in the high 80s (on Easy mode). Not rushing out to buy a new console game, but I'd probably play again.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Yesterday afternoon we finished and submitted an article on new businesses planning for their first holiday season in town. We profiled three businesses.


One of them burned to the ground last night. There may have been one fatality, too. Our local news source is useless, so we don't know what happened at all. Their FB page is full of condolences and best wishes, so somebody knows.


I'm somewhat stunned by the event.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And in today's "man, I'm old" moment, I was recently contacted by some of my old students. They were bemoaning how old they felt looking at a picture from our days together.


Then I realized that they are all as old, or older, than I was when I became their teacher.


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


In 10-15 years or less I won't be able to call my Parents anymore. Right now they want to hassle about money. I just want to treasure every family moment I have left. Her home cooked meals, our Holiday gatherings, all the silly things she buys me at Christmas, the safety and security he provides, dinners at the club I got married in, all numbered. Every time, the number shrinks by one.

Someday I won't be able to call my Mom anymore.

I'm feeling life getting ready to change completely.

I don't know what's on the other side.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings




Say, if I consider the stuff from [another convention invited guest] to be the distilled condensate of refined essence of the excrement of dungbeetles fed for seven generations on a strict diet of hand-selected drivel, I should probably list [that guest] on the "Put me on NO panels with" entry on that [invited guest response] form, right?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The Wish List and Holiday Wishes communities on Livejournal have just opened for the season.


The basic idea of each is that you post ten (or less) things you'd really like to get, from as trivial as more holiday cards, through material goods, to big things like world peace. If someone sees your list and there's something they'd like to give, they can. Likewise, you look over the other people's lists and see if there's anything you'd like to give. No obligation, no pressure, just fun.

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