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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Yesterday was a fun day for driving.


As i was going out to lunch, I got diverted around a big accident.


Seems someone ran/got pushed through/lost control of their car, went through the stoplight, and smacked square into the telephone pole on the corner.


The kicker... It was a Student Driver car. Perhaps uncharitably, I said to no one in particular, "I bet he doesn't get his licence..."


As I was driving home, I got to watch a car fire. Other side of the expressway there was some nicely burning VW Old Beetle convertible. The firetrucks had just gotten there, and the nice firemen were putting out the car. Traffic was at a complete standstill on my side because of the gawkers.





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I went to a show celebrating France on Friday and got more than a few bottles of wine, the sort of stuff you cannot get at a supermarket or off licence. This included Pineau de Chatres (a blend of Cognac and wine) and Floc de Gascogne (a blend of Armangac and wine). I also had various taste tests of wine and sampled various French cheeses. I was a little the worse for wear on the return home and went to bed at around 8:30 pm fully clothed. I had 8 hours straight sleep.

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Guest Worldmaker

Heard on NPR today, in reference to abstinence-only sex ed and gay high school teens:


"Here's the message abstinence only sends to gay teens: You can't have sex until they're married, and oh by the way we're never going to let you get married."

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Working on the past-history of my latest campaign. In other words, what led up to the current game world. So far Bat Masterson is instramental in forming a group called the Conclave. And the missing Judge Crater was actually a vampire that they did away with in 1937. (Just thinking out loud).

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Guest Worldmaker
Originally posted by Edsel

Working on the past-history of my latest campaign. In other words, what led up to the current game world. So far Bat Masterson is instramental in forming a group called the Conclave. And the missing Judge Crater was actually a vampire that they did away with in 1937. (Just thinking out loud).


I might steal that...

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Guest Worldmaker

It just occurred to me how absolutely teeth-grindingly annoying it is to be enjoying a serious debate where no one is yelling at each other, and to have someone who *hasn't* been participating step in and suddenly everything turns into a "lets joke around with the interloper who seems to think its her mission in life to derail serious discussions.


I've never seen Kara make a serious comment about *ANYTHING* that wasn't about lesbian marriage, or the treatment of homosexuals in general. Every other topic, she make a bunch of jokes and suddenly the thread goes to shit because its apparently some custom no one told me about: Kara makes a funny and everything grinds to a complete halt.


I like Kara (and Rachel for that matter) as much as the next guy, but I think its totally and completely rude of her to step into discussion threads that she has no interest in participating in, toss off some pithy comment, and then derail the damned thing completely.


And yeah, I *do* blame the guys she seems to be flirting with... if anyone else did what she does, they'd not respond to her messages.

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Guest Worldmaker

And for the record, everyone playing up the "Rachel is intimidating... she's got a bat" stuff is getting old, too. I've seen her. Even with a bat she'd never make "intimidating".

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Every morning, I make myself a nice mug of ice tea. The company thoughtfully provides a nice icemaker for us, so I fill a big mug with ice. Then I get a cup of hot water and a couple of tea bags from the coffee station, and let the tea bags steep for a while, then pour it over the ice.


People who see me do this look at me like I've invented the freaking wheel. Eyes all a goggle with the "you can do that?" look.


Sigh. Whatever happened to people's imaginations?



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I'm sitting there trying to write a stupid 750 word essay and I can't for the life of me get anything coherent down. I have written thousands of posts on these boards, and some of them were nenon-esque in length. The entire writing process seemed off - I couldn't organize my thoughts.


I even said to myself - "Gosh, why is this so hard? If I were confronted with this general set of questions on the boards I would have written two or three essays by now."


So I decide, "what the hell?" instead of writing an essay I'll write a post on the boards. Thirty minutes later... it (the first draft) is done.


I am such a pathetic gamer message board geek.

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Guest Worldmaker

You know what makes my teeth ache? People who don't know the law making ridiculous statements about court cases they obviously know either nothing or the wrong thing about.

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