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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


If someone was a shitty mother to her own 4 kids' date=' and now they don't even speak to her, why in gods name would she adopt a child at 50? Can't she take a hint?[/quote']

But the problem is NOT that she was a $h!tty mother, but because all of her children were ungrateful b@$tards! All she wants is her due, and if she can't get it from her own blood, then maybe the can get it from a child already at a psychological disadvantage because its real mother didn't want it - a fact this momma will likely never let that child forget.


Or maybe she's just looking for a chance to get it right this time and maybe find some redemption. That ain't much better, though - true redemption comes from within.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So over the past two weeks I was working second shift, which meant I watched a bit of day-time TV. As the hotel had limited selection I found myself watching the FX channel one morning. I watched one episode of 'The Practice.' Compared to this, 'Ex-Treme Dating' was a masterpiece. The acting in 'The Practice' was horrible and the story was moronic. After watching the one episode I'll never watch it again. Has anyone seen it, is 'The Practice' really bad? Is it still on the air? If so, why?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I had this incredible urge to punch this guy dead in the face just a short time ago. He didn't say or do anything to annoy me, and he's actually a pretty decent guy. I just wanted to flatten him, though. Practically hallucinated it, really.


I doubt it's related to the fact that I have had neither caffeine nor nicotine this morning.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So last night Channal 4 in Britain broadcast Whicker's War. Alan Whicker who was a well known travel and news correspondant post war took us through his reminisences as officer in charge of the War film unit in Italy. Starting at Sicily and then going into Italy itself and what it was like during combat and at rest. Part of it was sad when he pointed out how people died and his own luck. He could have gone in at Salerno but a fellow officer who had senority went there instead. Said officer died during the landings. Another joined just before one of the towns in Sicily was captured having been a prisoner in Africa previously. He was there for only one day when he was killed by a mine. 8 of the crew died in the campaign. 13 were wounded. That was over half of the total compliment.

One thing Whicker did point out was the American memorial stone at Salerno erected by the soldiers of I believe the 45th division. It implicitly criticises their commander General Mark Clark. It mentions him ordering an evacuation and the division commander saying the men will stay.


Part 2 of this is next week.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I hate being so weak. It takes all day to get started writing, and now it's bedtime again.


Oh well.


63,000 words or 252 pages left to go.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today. The garage and yard had all debris moved into the dumpster. All books and most loose items got moved out of the computer room.

Tomorrow. The computer desk gets taken apart, moved out along with the remaing shelves and filing cabinets. Then the carpet gets ripped out, tossed into the dumpster along with all the other stuff that has been deemed unworthy.

Then hopefully, everything gets put back. ;)

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I had my first Po Boy sandwich two weeks ago. I think I have a new favorite sandwich. :love:


Follow me to my recipe of the day thread.

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