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I challenge you!


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Take any random character from any random system and pit that character against another from any random system. They do not need to be the same type of character either. One could be super while the other could be fantasy or scifi. It also does not need to be an even one-to-one match. There could be one "group" of three against a "group" of four. All of the contestants will be able to use all their abilities but no allies other than those named at the start.


First into the Arena: Darth Vader versus Ultron

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Will adamantuim stop a lightsaber blade?


Doesn't matter. Vader is more versatile and stronger-willed, and is a better fighter. Ultron may injure Vader, but Vader ultimately leaves Ultron as an inert heap of scrap metal.


Next: Pink Power Ranger vs. Fa Mulan.

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Ms. Fa. No one, except possibly Batman, makes better use of terrain and available ordnance than Fa Mulan.


Next up: One ring gear to rule them all: scientific gadgeteers!


Dexter (of the Laboratory) versus Tony Stark

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In the battle of body count, Punisher wins.  Dexter wins in creativity/staying under the radar.  PUnisher probably hunts for Dexter eventually, gets caught by Dexter, but escapes. (to be continued, to keep the fans wondering)



Saitama (One Punch Man) vs Superman


The battle of the indestructible: Japan vs USA

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Mal: "If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."


Meanwhile, Han shoots first.


Han wins. Quad erat demonstrandum.


Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) vs. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

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Batman uses his detective and tactical acumen to arrange an appropriate ambush and takedown.  Batman wins.


Battle of the Good Guy Space Smugglers


Malcom Reynolds vs Han Solo (Eps 4-6)

I think this would be an interesting fight since both would be willing to start the fight with guns blazing. The greatest advantage that Solo has is the greater range and shots that his blaster possesses. They both have a smug attitude towards combat that could either work for or against them. In the end, fortune favors the Mal.


Next: Challenge of the ambivalent against the all powerful -


Galactus versus Beyonder

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Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel: This is a tough call.  I'm going to give it to Carol, because Carol is always Captain Marvel, while Billy is only sometimes Captain Marvel.  Shazam!'s additional INT bonus could make the difference in a stand up fight, however.


Ogre vs. Bulldozer: Bulldozer has damage resistance, so he has an edge.  I suspect this one would be decided in about two hits, though.


Next up:


Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) vs. Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)

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Space Dogfight!


Wedge Antilles in an Ep IV X-Wing vs nBSG Starbuck in a nBSG Viper


I'm giving it to Wedge because a] He's the only pilot with two Death Star stickers on his plane, and b] I despise the new BSG.



Battle of the Guitars:  Fender Stratocaster vs. Gibson Les Paul.

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Scratch: the arena catches fire, the fish fryers in the concessionaires explode, and both sides are wiped out simultaneously.


Contest of wise primates: Rafiki the Mandrill (Lion King) versus The Librarian (orangutan, from Sir Terry Pratchett's books)!

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