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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You're still just borrowing trouble. Buy 2 Reserves, if you want. Reserve 1 powers the essentials. Has a REC slightly less than the burn rate of the essentials. Any non-com ability that you want to run off of the suit takes the Limitations mentioned above (Costs END, Always On), where appropriate. Reserve 2 powers the combat abilities. Has a REC that only applies when at the base. Done. If you want Reserve 1 to only function when Reserve 2 is active (has END available), that's a simple Linked on Reserve 1.
  2. Essentially a gamification system for the forum software. Awards are given at certain milestones (first post, 500th, etc.). Points are given for most activities outside of the NGD (posting, following, etc.). You also receive points for reactions to content (again, outside of the NGD). Total points accrued determine your rank....which, in turn, means absolutely nothing.
  3. I still think you're creating a contrived problem. You're describing a basic power armor setup. Take the basic systems (e.g. Life Support, Enhanced Senses, etc.) -- everything that draws power from the suit (or requires the suit to be powered). All of them that are normally Persistent/0-END abilities take the Costs END Limitation with the END Reserve set as their END source. They also should likely take Always On, since it sounds like you don't want the character turning them off to conserve energy (though if you're ok with disabling basic functionality in order to eke out the last bits of the Reserve for a big Blast, then don't take this). The END Reserve's REC is set to be _slightly_ less than what these systems will draw. Let's say that all the basic systems total out to 40 END - set the Reserve REC to 39. You'll be able to run for a long time before the Reserve runs out...unless you fire up other energy-hogging abilities that drain the Reserve faster (like combat abilities -- shields, blasters, etc.). Set the size of the Reserve itself based on the typical drain during a combat situation - what it would take in a given Phase to have typical basic systems fired up, plus defenses and common attacks. Multiply by the character's SPD and then determine how long you want the character to be in full combat before running out of juice (e.g 2 minutes of full combat would multiply by an additional 10 -- 10 rounds * characters SPD * END drain per Phase) Note: having a character "only" be able to be in full combat for a few minutes is not only not-limiting, it's very much on the long side of typical.
  4. You're not talking about a Limitation for the character needing to have END-- if the Power uses END, then needing to have END available is just the nature of the Power. If you want the Power to be used a limited number of times, use the Charges Limitation. There are a LOT of options to play with there where you can represent fuel (Fuel Charges, Recoverable Charges, etc.) If you want the Power to be otherwise normal but draw off of a small battery/reserve, buy multiple END Reserves -- to power each individual component as needed. Which Reserve a given component uses is defined when buying that component -- maybe the same as others, maybe one all its own. In either case, not a Limitation, just how you set it up/build it.
  5. Could be worse -- when someone asks me how I managed to pay for college, I can honestly tell that that I used to strip and grind for cash. I was materials science and engineering -- spent summers working in a concrete research lab, stripping and grinding samples.
  6. Hey folks - just chiming in here to ask that we keep things civil. There are a number of hot button topics being discussed and things are getting a little bit personal -- let's try to avoid the latter. By and large, folks are handling this discussion quite well - I'm just asking that we keep it that way. Stick to discussing the topics, not the posters.
  7. <!--ATTRIBUTE_VALUE-->getTotalCost<!--/ATTRIBUTE_VALUE--> or... <!--ATTRIBUTE_VALUE-->totalCost<!--/ATTRIBUTE_VALUE--> either will work and return the same.
  8. Batch files are for windows systems. Mac/linux use shell scripts.
  9. The contents of the container should be the name of a getter method on the current object -- if a match is found, the container will be replaced with the output from the matching getter method.
  10. A batch file is just a text file with a group of commands to pass to the command prompt. You can find any number of references online for what they can include. Create them like any other text file (Notepad or whatever your editor of choice is) and give it a .bat extension.
  11. Nothing easy, no. ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will get you the levels that have been added in for height, width, etc...but you'd be doing math from there. I'll also point out that you're going to likely want to stick with the values in the Notes field -- there are some really screwed up calculations required to calculate some things on Vehicles (in particular) that go against all of the rounding rules in the system (which are a whole 'nother topic of discussion). They're generally table-based and follow their own, special logic.
  12. Plugins need to be packaged in a .jar file with a manifest containing the following information: author contact description mainClass (the class file containing the "public static void main()" to launch the plugin) name Once packaged, place in the plugins directory and HD will load it during startup. The Notes column on the Characteristics tab are generally compiled from various methods within the relevant Characteristic -- you'll want to look to those to see if you can put the information together differently/the way that you're after. Or you can parse the notes string itself.
  13. Champ was over 13 years old - that’s a long life for a GSD. It’s rare that there’s an autopsy when a dog that old passes, unless there was some cause for concern or other mystery to the passing beyond simply being time. Run free, Champ.
  14. The following is really only going to apply to a relatively small number of people, but it's still good information to have out there. I wanted to take a quick moment to run through some of the changes to the warning system that came through with the recent update to the site. Before I get into the specifics of how they work, a quick comment on when warnings are handed out: The moderators on this site (myself included) will hand out a warning when a post is viewed to have crossed "the line". For folks wondering exactly where that line is so that you can tread close to it but not cross it, don't. Just don't. If you try to tread close to the line, you're going to run afoul of it eventually, either because you screw up or because we shift the line...and as you'll see below that can add up and result in your no longer being able to access the site at all. Just be nice -- this is a forum for an RPG. Treat others with respect, don't be inflammatory, and all will be good. In the words of Wil Wheaton: "Don't be a dick." So...on to the warning system. Anytime someone receives a warning, they will receive 1 point. As the points accrue, the penalties get worse. 1 point: posts for the next 72 hours will go into a moderation queue, where they will be reviewed by the moderators prior to being visible to the general public 2 points: posts for the next 14 days will go into a moderation queue and the poster will be prevented from posting anything for 24 hours (a short time out) 3 points: moderation for 60 days, no posting for 2 days 4 points: moderation for 120 days, no posting for 30 days 5 points: banned from the site As a general rule, the moderators (and particularly this admin) like to be bored. When we are forced to work (i.e. take action), it's annoying. We don't _want_ to give out warnings. We want to sit back and enjoy the site. If you do manage to post something that gets a warning, your best option is to take your medicine and treat it as just that: a warning. Arguing your point with us just creates more work for us...which is not going to end well. If you feel you must argue your point, you would be well advised to understand the above comment about what makes a happy moderator (or admin) -- approach it carefully and delicately. You're asking for forgiveness...if you attack the moderators, additional warnings (often plural) will be levied. I'm significantly nicer when people attack me than when they attack a moderator (and I'm not that nice when someone attacks me).
  15. The +1/2 Resistant Advantage is being applied to the character's PD & ED Characteristics. To do this, you figure out the cost of the Characteristics (as you note, that would be 56 points for 28 PD/28 ED), apply the Advantage, and then pay for the difference (since you've already paid for the Characteristics). 56 * (1 + 1/2) = 84 points total. 84 - 56 = 28 points that you would pay to make the 28 PD/28 ED fully Resistant.
  16. Just FYI for folks, the forums went through a minor version upgrade earlier today. Things may be a little wonky for the next couple of days while posts re-index and the new ranking system rebuilds/recalcs. Hopefully nothing too disruptive, though you won't see any ranks until the rebuild completes. There are a number of new features/enhancements, but they should all be pretty transparent (nothing that you need to do to see them). The new ranking system is currently set to improve rank (which is, in itself, a relatively meaningless thing) based on posts, followed content, reactions, etc. in all areas outside of the NGD. To be clear, this won't affect post count or other metrics, just the new/improved ranking system.
  17. The mismatch in serial numbers is between the paperwork (which has a serial number that appears to have started in the 1950s) and the physical truck, which has a serial number stamped into the steel of the left frame (the one I gave above). The link to restoring cornelius has great info (went through it previously)...but they only really go back to 1928 with the serial number information. Close, but not quite there I should also mention that the paperwork has the date as 1918, but the body style doesn't match IHC trucks from that time (they had a sloping/angled hood)
  18. This is an odd one for this site, but we have such an eclectic and varied knowledge base that I figured it's worth a shot. Recently came into possession of this old beauty: The paperwork that I have on it is decidedly off -- has it as a 1918 International Harvester flatbed truck...along with a serial number that didn't start being used until the 1950s. It's pretty much all original apart from a few minor things (fuel filter, some wiring, etc.). While we're working on fixing it up, I'm trying to dig up as much information on it as I can...which is where you lot come in. Anyone have knowledge (or ability to gain said) of early IHC trucks based on serial number? The serial number that is stamped into the frame is ST23353B. The research that I've done so far has it as a 1924-1925 IHC Model S Speed Truck...which, handily enough, seems to match the serial prefix. I'm curious how much additional information I can gather on this (in a vain attempt to impress the mechanic that's working on it with me).
  19. That is not how Charges work. First off, Resistant Protection would need to take Continuing Charges to be at all practical. It would last for the prescribed amount of time once activated (during the character's phase/action) and would act like Resistant Protection in all ways (it could be "hit" multiple times during one continuing charge, would provide the full defense value each time, etc.). The behavior you're describing in which the armor is "ablated" would be best represented (appropriately enough) by putting the Ablative Limitation on the Resistant Protection.
  20. In the same directory that you're running HD from (the one with HD6.jar)
  21. Most likely issue is that you're not closing any files (and have HD preferences set to automatically re-open files/prefabs during startup). You can either manually close out all files and then restart HD or delete the appPrefs.xml file prior to starting HD.
  22. Again, sharing discrete information from the books is perfectly fine (and, as you say, something that occurs all the time on the forums). Copying larger amounts of text, posting an image of full pages from the books, etc. is going too far and infringing on copyright. How much is too much is going to be situational and a judgement call -- if you need to ask, it's probably best not to post that much. Answering questions typically requires small portions of a given writeup from the books (e.g. "Does the Charges Modifier max out at +1 or +1/2 when applying it to a Blast?"). If the entire writeup is needed, you should refer the person to the appropriate page in the book (e.g. "Is there a table that lists the damage and modifiers for common melee weapons?"). If they don't have the book in question, then that's all the more reason NOT to post the entire page/section -- we're not looking for a reason for people not to purchase books, we're looking to help answer questions for people who have the books.
  23. I think my edit to your post answers that question. In general, sharing discrete pieces of information is just fine. Sharing entire sections of books and/or full page captures is going a bit too far.
  24. An "accessible offline site" -- you mean your hard drive? If you're talking about an online site that HD can access, you're adding in all the cost of a custom server (permissions management of files, etc.) with none of the benefit of having HD work on any platforms that it doesn't already work on. As for "just have the characters be PDF" I'm not really even sure what you mean by this -- character exports to PDF are all well and good, but not really suited to an online environment (which would be best-served by HTML exports)....and exports are not editable/readable by HD.
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