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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. For the record, L. Marcus was right to what I was thinking.
  2. Great suggestions all. Hmmm what about +1 OCV only to add to DC?
  3. Hello fantasy fiends, I started to GM some fantasy these past few months. Now in honor to teach my brother, we've been using a group of dwarves. It has me thinking though, if dwarves are master blacksmiths and by extension weaponsmiths, what game mechanical advantage should a dwarven weapon have versus the standard listed weapon? Perhaps an additional +1 OCV? Or how about a smaller STR min. say two less than listed? Im looking for something that distingushes the dwarven type as superior to human, but not so overwhelmingly so. So what advice do you guys have? And as always thanks in advance.
  4. Have you looked at one hex area effect-accurate(5th rev)? You target one specific person at 3 DCV.
  5. What about Rasputin? A mystic and or mentalist?
  6. Well Sean I should have said that the maximum would be 6 bod-the max of 1d6 which equals 15 pts (least 5th ed) . Now I would say about your concern of rolling 18 is a small chance but a possibilty no matter the actication roll. But if you want to risk a side effect that does body with an 8- ....don't cry to the GM if it happens.
  7. Or I just thought of it, how about the character takes 1 body (or 3 stun) per 2 missed on RaR? That could be more fair.
  8. Sean why not just set the body effect to 1 instead of 3? It still hurts just not as deadly.
  9. And some of my tweaks are really just updating any materiel to 5th rev.
  10. Since I seemed to be always pressed for time, I pretty much use write-ups as is. I do tweak a little hear and there. For example Dwarfs have infra vision. Incidentally, I just ran the sample scenario last night from Fantasy Hero 4th.
  11. I see your point and I can live with a +1 HA too. I'm going with the proven concept that something in your hand hurts your attacker more than nothing in your hand. : p
  12. On the web along time ago, someone wrote up martial maneuvers as powers and put them in a multipower. Perhaps that approach would work? At first buy a skill at x points and when they accumulate enough points, then put them in a mulitipower framework. Also don't forget, you can create custom martial skills. If you want a basic skill perhaps create a custom skill that is between 1-2 points.
  13. So does anyone know what sort of HA shields should have?
  14. I just stumbled over this site and was going to recommend it.
  15. Thanks - I later read the Steve Hamm reference. I do have the shaded section. I guess I was thinking of a different text box or info in it. Must have failed my perception roll. Thanks Lord Liaden!
  16. This Friday I get to use Villainy Amok. I chosen the Black Hole Blues scenario. When going over the information, I noticed it states that Dr. Graves has more information listed in the text box. Problem is that I can't seem to find the referred text box. This in and of itself isn't a problem. I can get the gist of the good doctor in the existing text and fill in the rest. But I also noticed that in one line only a Steve Hamm is mentioned in segment four. Who is Steve Hamm? What does he have to do with this scenario? (Again if I have to, I'll improvise) By the way, this information isn't in the errata section either. Thanks in advance.
  17. What about change enviroment insread of rka? Would be cheaper.
  18. I don't think you need extra limb: tail. At most, tail is special effect of HA its not like they grab things with them. At least we dont know.
  19. As for martial art look to Hapkido. Basically you can interchange cane techniques with umbrella techniques. Dont forget hand attack too.
  20. Since you asked, I don't use the rules, but will keep an eye on it if it gets excessive. Same thing as having having extra weapons. Fwiw, I'm teaching my brother the game and adding in rules as he and I are comfortable with them till we get a feel we are both happy with. I see no need to overwhelm him.
  21. For the thief, let me suggest something from the DM book. There is a rumor that the fabled garnet of gygax was lost in the caves years ago. The guild is interested in the fabled garnet and when a group of adventures goes to the caves, then they send in one of they're men to purloin the jewel.
  22. I used part of this module to introduce my brother to Fantasy Hero. I think it is the orc encounter where they have a merchant and his lady in chains waiting for supper I think. The premise I had is that the group of adventurers (which where all dwarves) were going to the keep as diplomats of the local dwarf clan. (Seeing that the keep is of men, I thought it would be a reasonable quest. Also I envision in the background that this land was held be the Elves for generations but then was given by the Elflord to the humans for his own reasons). They stumbled upon a man-at-arms being roasted by some goblins which gave them quest to save the merchant and wife. I called the merchant Lothar and not sure without my notes what the lady was. By saving them, the dwarves have a pleasant reception at the keep and a favor of the merchant. If you look in the center of the module, the is an evil priest stated out, not sure if he is named. He can be the major bad as there is a temple in there caves and his job is to gather the forces of evil and not let any interlopers survive. Well I think the module says not let any adventurers gain experience, but we can change that. One thing I'm also doing is not having a bunch of different goblinkind. For example, I had goblins and the bigger meaner boss goblin is called hobgoblin because he is a boss not a different type of goblin. Hope this helps.
  23. Wouldnt the plum stone spit be the hail of watermelon seeds? Eb auto fire!
  24. This is the way I make custom skills and abilities. I personally see it as no different as allowing weapon elements. There you get to add HA with martial arts for only one point. Hyper-man I'm pretty sure that it is legal in the GM discretion realm.
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