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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. Also you can look at Public Domain of Superheroes for inspiration. Since many of these were only one issue or two the information is limited.
  2. @Doc Democracy, let me show you some of my builds. Not only would you understand that “surely” is not even close to how I built things. But you might lose some Sanity if you figured out my logic. 😁
  3. I’m going to politely disagree. Yes, Pre-6th has the figured formulas however 6th has more characteristics to he aware of. Leap for example is now separate one and I’ve forgotten more than once to buy up. The Powers themselves have more options which is fine for a more finely tuned character however more options are still more options. Btw, I’m still salty about TK needing permeable to affect liquids.
  4. Well lets not forget that most (if not all) official characters in 6th have bought up their OMCV. Which once you realize that this is only to represent what they had for free in Pre-6th. What makes that worse is that unless you need to use OMCV, such as a Mentalist, in 6th you are really just spending pkints on something useless.
  5. @Christopher R Taylor, I believe Conan now and again has gotten tired. If anything he’s the poster child for burn Stun for END. And or a small END Reserve that has a limited REC. Some of his END is coming from his force of Will. At least in his original stories. You can probably make the case for the non REH stories though.
  6. @unclevlad, yes I can see Heat being a good Sfx to affect the Desolid.
  7. Looking over Keep on the Borderlands, there are no kids or female monsters.
  8. I was thinking that a good twist can be that the artifact in question is a Eed Herring of sorts. Yes the Nazis would like it but they really wanted to kidnap the good professor who discovered it. Naturally the Professor knows where Atlantis is! Or at least a colony.
  9. I was thinking specially Vikings. One group trades and another raids. You weren’t sure which group was visiting you.
  10. How about chasing Nazis through town because they stole an ancient artifact? Of course this was during the grand opening display at the museum.
  11. I would think cold sfx too. cold seems to slow everything.
  12. Back to Gnolls. I pulled up the classic “where there is a whip there is away” from The Return of the King animated movie. It got me thinking that if you portray Goblins/Orcs as lazy bullies that could be negotiated with. The Gnolls as listed in DnD could be blood thirsty fiends if you will. The difference could be that if captured by Goblins you could be ransomed. You be treated roughly but not excessively. Whereas with Gnolls expect no mercy. Better to die than to he captured by them.
  13. The one reason I never liked Gnolls is that to me they look like Hyenas. And what are Hyena doing in a faux Europe setting? Am I the only ine thinking that they look like Hyenas?
  14. I like having Figured Characteristics for Superheroes. For Heroic Level though No figured are better.
  15. Ultimately though, you don’t need Complications for Roleplaying. All you need is an idea of what your character is about.
  16. The other day I watched Dungeon Craft and Prof. DM talked about how he uses Awesome Dice. Roughly his own invention of hero points that he rewards players for good roleplaying.
  17. @Old Man, I thought the article said that they got away from classes? The “Power Trees” seems like it might he a minor hiccup.
  18. @Lord Liaden, if I understood LotR amd the Hobbit correctly from the novels, Goblins and Orcs are just different names of the same monster. So the Urak-Hai from the LotR would just be one different type. Fwiw in my sporadic game of Basic Fantasy, I made the Hobgoblins the evil elves. Somewhere I saw that Hob had meaning of elf.
  19. Speaking of samey, I remember looking at the old Fantasy Hero for fourth and they had Goblin, Hobgoblin, Lesser Orc and Orc. And I thought besides STR, what are really the difference? In one game I used the Hobgoblin stats and named but said in game Hobgoblin means chief and usually they have bigger goblins rule the smaller ones.
  20. How about a trek to the Himalayas? To the mysterious temple and there are Yetis!
  21. I figure chasing wild animals down main street. Or better yet a dinosaur! To get the heroes moving!
  22. The thing about Superman and Kryptonite, if what I heard is correct is that it came about because Superman was so powerful. The writers kinda put Superman in a corner. They needed a weakness so as to power him down. I think 6th has it right whereas you pick a smaller amount of complications that you really want to play. About DnD being adversarial, by the time I started playing. It was there. However, looking over the source materiel, it was never supposed to be that way. Maybe too many DM went on a power trip? Let me add that Complications aren’t necessary to the game really. At least as a mechanic. Players will either play characters with some sort of flaws or not regardless of the rules.
  23. @XtraSaltySalt don’t forget that you can use Standard Maneuvers as well as the ones you pay points for. Combat levels can work with Maneuvers depending on cost. The cheaper it is, the more narrowly focused you can apply them too. Let us know, what power level you guys are playing at. Heroic and Super heroic have some minor differing rules. Oh and not to confuse you but officially in 6th (not quite sure in 5th), the Multipower Martial Art can be used. However again since this seems to be your first foray, I’d recommend keeping things as simple as you are comfortable with. Just to get the basics down.
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