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Everything posted by Ninja-Bear

  1. At $20, when I get a chance, I’ll likely just pick it up. I’m sure it’ll be useful.
  2. Only if the magic user lived that long and you gained enough XP. I still do this.
  3. Well at the factory where I work we’re on a hiring spree. So much that at one liint we relaxed the testing requirements to get in. And I mean basic math and reading requirements. The several groups of hires we got after that were so bad the we as a Inion requested to have the test back in. So no, no all education is the same.
  4. I always wanted to try Shadow Run. Back in the day I was against Orcs in a modern/futuristics setting. But now? I’d love to try it.
  5. I thought the rules say that you can grab additional opponents in additional phases.
  6. Perhaps all the robots can join together into a giant robot?
  7. Well Elites I think are fine. Just not the average Agent or Thug.
  8. I find making Agents just SPD 2 makes everyone else more super! And I too thought 10’s were the Average Joe Baseline.
  9. I couldn’t agree more! I think the guideline should be create character. Slim down where appropriate then use some of Goodman’s tips where needed to make concept/playable character.
  10. I think that the idea of Goodman’s tips was to be able to have more competent heroes and in concept with a budget. However the unintentional side effect was min-maxing.
  11. There is the Steel Ninja (iirc) in Ninja Hero 5th ed by Michael Surbrook.
  12. I haven’t made a complete Ranged Martial Art. I did however add Basic Throw maneuver to the 4 Killers that used blunt Wind and Fire Wheels. They looked like metal hula hoops.
  13. True but at the end of the tackle for game purposes is the tackled person still grabbed? More I think about it, a grab is required. Been done already. Ninja Hero 4th ed. Now giving it to Sledge is fun! 😁
  14. Have you checked Surbrook’s Stuff?
  15. @Spence, that was a more in depth explanation of 2d20 than I was expecting. I saw the John Carter books and they look lovely. Sadly I don’t think I could get any local gamers to play.
  16. About ties on rolls but I caught in 6th that if there is a tie say for grappling then the person with the higher STR should win the contest. i.e. STR 21 vs. STR 20 both roll 4D6 but if there is a tie then no latter if STR 21 was attacker or defender he wins. I like that rule. I think it works well for any edition. It gives a reason to have a slightly higher STR.
  17. Yeah I understand about the the bad mechanics and it grating you. I’ve been working on being like Elsa and let it go.
  18. I like this but instead of superheroic = simple for example. It should he more simple if the GM feels that the game warrants it or complex because the game (players) want a more detailed system. Like a dial or switch to he thrown. What edition was the PS: Policeman example from? I’m thinking for a Third edition game of having Scientist be a skill at 5pts.
  19. Personally I don’t know where I picked up the “everything has to be bought” idea. I know thought that idea seems to be prevalent since 4th ed.
  20. That would be a great Super Power-Immunity to taxes! 😂
  21. Also @Duke Bushido about Limitations that I wanted to clairify is that it seems in older editions that there were several and that the author though choose those or rather something close to it and just described how the Power was limited. Now it seems that we have a a longer list and more of “this is the only way” to use the limitation.
  22. @Duke Bushido, you got what I was saying pretty good. And for everything in the forums, I’m not against specific skills when the game requires them. But there are many games where you don’t want all that specifics in your game either.
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