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Everything posted by Spence

  1. I do believe and agree with Badger that the movie took a great character from a great animated series and ruined it because the crapics of the last 7-8 years were not about HQ. They were a desperate attempt by hack writers to try and piggyback listless garbage on the back of a great concept. The movie just ensured that the character will never recover from the garbage bin.
  2. And people wonder why SS did so poorly........ "stripper raggedy Anne" Actually reminded me of the pro's off base in the 80's. One of the reasons I really disliked SS. They took a great character and replaced her with an image of an 80's pro. Unforgivable.
  3. I don't play RPG's to be "realistic". I get realistic every day, it's called life. As for the rest, I have run and played games that would fall in all of them. It all really depends on the story being told.
  4. I believe Margot Robbie could make a fantastic Harley Quinn. It is too bad they decided to make something else. All the reasons that made HQ such a great character have been ditched in favor of........ I just don't know any words to describe it without being banned. A truly epic disappointment....
  5. Which illustrates exactly why new to Hero gamers can sometimes have problems learning it. To stay with the computer flavor. We all (or most of us) have played a computer game. You buy it, load it and play. But very few of us could start from scratch and program one. 90% of the RPGs out there are like that. The company that puts them out used an unreleased "program language" to write the part they released to us for play. All those unbalanced "munchkin supplements and adventures" come from writers who were not privy to the hidden "metarules". Hero is one of the different games, that small percentage that is not actually a playable game, but rather a set of core metarules you use to write your game. The requirement for Computer Skill is dependent on several things. Time period. 1990ish through present - no skill to use, but a skills required to repair or mess with network. Possibly multiple related depending. 1980 through 1990ish. A Familiarity to use, a Skill for anything more in depth. 1960 through 1980. A Skill is definitely required, and in earlier decades complimentary skills such as electronics and maybe even sciences such as electromechanical engineering. A character that does buy multiple items for a 60s or 70s campaign opens up other decisions for the GM. If you let a player spend points there, then you will need to give them the opportunity to use them. So you will need to have computers figure prominently in your adventure. Hero is a very open game, campaign/adventure'wise. But that just places the decision burden on the GM. Long story short. Unlike practically every other RPG on the market, the only real advice Hero will offer is this. You, the GM decide whether to require anything. But if you require the players to get something, you will also need to give them something to do with it. A tad wishy-washy, but unfortunately it's all ya got.
  6. Kind of. It is almost as bad as video "RPGs". Both sorta bring in new players, but the expectations of those new players are almost "anti-roleplaying". Critical Roll types desperately try to be funny, usually failing miserably while the Video types just murderhobo away. Few, if any, of the video "converts" know of or even care of the entire concept of roleplaying within the bounds of a campaigns premise.
  7. For me there are only two reasons that someone pay points for fringe benefits. If I the GM require it, then it is something that will be actively needed in the game. If the player wants to buy it, then it is something that they want to be actively needed in the game. For instance if the game takes place in 1960's Berlin, then papers are a requirement. If the player takes a Passport or License on their own, they are telling me that they want a game where those items are needed.
  8. I'm shocked. Gamers overthinking things
  9. Ah, youu mean roll low to determine success, roll high for effect/damage? Correct? If yes, that is true for all the roll low systems I know of. But it does clear up my confusion. Thanks
  10. I simply don't get the entire point. Right now I play far more games by Chaosium and Modiphious than anything else and they are all roll low. I've yet to meet anyone IRL that found roll low harder than roll high. They are just die rolls with a target number.
  11. I have the complete Black Adder on DVD from years ago. One of the truly underrated series out there.
  12. The same is true for all aspects of an rpg. It's almost like there is a compulsion to try and impress onlookers by cramming as much arcane annotations as possible. LOOKIE I R SMART!! Rather than just presenting the minimum data and actually playing. I am working on a simplified PC play sheet and a player info card. The info card will be laminated and have blanks for char specific numbers. OVC and such.
  13. Nah, I quit a couple years ago. I've only watched the crossovers and this last one pretty much killed that for me. I guess I've changed, or at least my tastes have. The Arrow'verse and other DC shows have lost my interest.
  14. Luchahotep 😂 Makes me sad I am not in the area.
  15. Didn't know that. I'll have to do this. I always loved this movie.
  16. Me too. From a time that they understood movies were to entertain.
  17. I agree, a simple win will not be enough. A crushing victory that shatters the will of the Timbers for decades to come to the wailing tune of the lamentations of the Timbers Army. That would be much much better
  18. It doesn't necessarily mean that the line is having issues. Moving to freelancers may be in response to the changes in the rules/laws concerning employees and benefits and the size of a company. I worked at a manufacturing company in WA which was expanding and having to hire more workers to meet the orders. They hit a State Employee threshold that kicked in several new requirements, requirements that effectively tripled the cost the company had to pay per worker. Basically, if you pay someone $10 an hour, the actual cost to the employer (taxes, insurance, etc) is probably $25 to $30 an hour for each employee. The sudden tripling of the payroll liability has bankrupted companies before. In this case they had been accumulating capitol in preparation. The problem now is that the local cities (in WA at least) are "adjusting" the thresholds for local tax requirements, many times without warning. I know a few locals that closed their businesses when the discovered that their Mom & Pop shop that had had the same number of employees for 15+ years had been magically reclassified small to medium with the accompanying surge of payroll costs. I really don't know how large FFG really is employee wise. But even large game companies are small and if a company can reduce costs by eliminating a division they will since will eliminate a full range of positions from entry level to manager. And to be blunt, gaming has relied on free-lance talent far more than full time employees for ever and a day. Long and the short of it, the decision may not have anything to do with sales. Of course, it could also mean they announce the end of the line next week, or even the news that the IP is moving to another company.
  19. CaptCastle 4th Edition came with software for character creation called HeroMaker. Hero Designer is built to assist in building characters and other builds (vehicles, computers, etc.) for 5th or 6th Edition. It basically performs all the calculations for a build. It is very very good at that specific task. It has some other built in functions as well a being able to "export" the completed item for printing and such. It has no "art" functions, though as Gnome BODY pointed out you can attach pictures to builds.
  20. Everyone keeps saying the a colorful layout and art are out of reach and yet I keep getting great products via KS that funded at right about what FHC funded. FHC funded for $20k in Jun 2014. The Sassoon Files funded for $24k in Oct 2019, and is gorgeous. Better than some WotC products. And there are others. I am not in the industry, but I see a lot of inconsistencies when comparing projects and costs.
  21. I am not a big "music" person. By that I mean I I usually just have the radio on in the background. But Vega is one artist that has stood out from the noise for me. To the extent I actually took the effort to figure out her name. Tom's Diner is one of my favorites by her.
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