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Everything posted by Jomster

  1. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Accountancy Hero, where intrepid teams of accountants get together to do accountancy and, erm... stuff.
  2. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster... No matter how fast you are, you're only going to get to your copy of The Ultimate Speedster as fast as everybody else!
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Our heroes finally arrive at the master villain's control room, bash open the doors only to find it mysteriously deserted with the ticking of a clock the only sound... "Ah" says Colonel Bulk, "my arch nemesis Doctor Invisibility, we meet again!" "You've got it wrong Bulk, can't you see that Doctor Invisibility isn't here? This is clearly the master lair of "The Clock Master" retorts the Silver Sail "What if we're both wrong, Silv? What if that ticking is... a bomb?..." A moment's silence descends as our heroes consider just how big the bomb's gonna be...
  4. Re: What I've learned playing a Traveller Get some levels of luck. With all those worlds you "just happen to wander past" you're going to need them!
  5. Re: What I've learned playing a Cyberman No matter how much I stomp around threatening to delete unsuitable subjects, my silver suit always stays nice and shiny!
  6. Re: What I Learned from "What I Learned" threads I've learned that a good idea spreads fast - they've hit all the main genre forums now. Even Pulp has now finally succumbed. Looking forward to the next Big Good Idea hitting the forums! btw - These forums are great!
  7. Re: What I've learned playing a Traveller Don't leave home without your universal translator. The most popular model comes in the shape of a small fish and can just about fit into the average human ear...
  8. Re: What I've learned playing a cute kid If you're playing a cure kid, everyone else is just gonna know that you've got super psi power hiding in there somewhere! And they're gonna start getting frustrated if you don't show and tell pretty quickly. Captain Jaxxx, intersteller mercantile specialist: "OK, I've had enough. Show me the money you %£@£" five year old, I wanna see whatcha got right now!" An ominous silence falls... "Nooooooooooooooo!" SPPPPLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! After scraping the remains of Captain Jaxxx's head off the inside of the ship, suddenly nobody's curious about little Johnny's strange powers anymore....
  9. Re: What I've learned playing a starfighter pilot Don't forget to have a good mechanic! If that inertia-dampening field goes down while your pulling a 25G manoeuvre things are going to go All Raspberry Jam pretty quick!
  10. Re: What I've learned playing a starfighter pilot Chances are that your starfighter's so small and nimble that you might just be able to get away from those slower clunkier Imperial ships chasing you by (yes, you've guessed it!) diving into an asteroid field!
  11. Re: What I've learned playing a Cyberman You've got to go for the new cool future-retro look over that old clunky one any day of the week! If you can travel around in an alternate reality zeppelin, all the better!
  12. Re: What I Learned Playing a Robot Different worlds can have very different approaches to sentient robots... make sure you do your research before going off ship! "We don't want their kind round here..." could be the prelude to one nasty bar-room brawl...
  13. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... You need contacts when starting out. How are you going to know where the experimental weapon/rare sculpture/enormous diamond is unless someone "in the know" tells you? If it's in the papers, every villain will know about it then it's fight time to get there first! And that can distract you all just long enough for those pesky heroes to turn up!
  14. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Unlike playing a hero where it's quite easy to be lazy and reactive (you know, just wait in your base for some villain to try something and then off you go to stop them), being a villain means actually having to come up with ideas and executing plans to make them happen. Not an easy life being a villain, no siree!
  15. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Gadgeteer If you're playing a villain gadgeteer, you can hold the whole city to ransom just by creating a gadget that sets all the city's traffic lights to red! Big effect, nobody needs to get hurt - admittedly puts you on the "not so evil" side of villainy, but still variety makes the world go round... not every evil gadgeteer has to have an arsenal of gruesome death gadgets, some of them get by just by setting the traffic lights to red!
  16. Re: The things I learned playing a gunbunny Get creative! Anyone can just blaze away with a couple of uzis, but real pro's surprise their opponents (or is that victims?) by doing the unexpected and gain a whole lot more rep as a result.
  17. Re: The Things I've learned playing a Metamorph It's pretty easy to convince your GM to let you have "mutiple personalities" as a large psych limit disadvantage! They might not even all know about each other, which could lead to some interesting situations as the dire wolf turns back into a mild mannered professor...
  18. Re: What I Learned Playing a Mage.... When you hear of the "Tome of Arcane Lore" and the spells rumoured to be contained within it, you know you've just gotta have it! Just the small matter of convincing your group to go for it, even if it is currently owned by a Dread Lich of the Underworld who has been studying it for over 1,000 years and has probably picked up a few tips by now...
  19. Re: The Things I've learned playing a Metamorph If you get a few useful KS's, such as lockpick tool construction for example, you can morph your index finger into one neat lockpicking set without actually needing to have one to hand... of course you could probably also morph your hand into a hammer and get through the door that way...
  20. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie You need a tough skin to put up with the endless moans from the other players that "you're just getting everything on the cheap by having that suit as a focus and there's no point in the GM even bothering to have a villain get your amour off you as you're useless without it...". You could temporarily make them forget to moan by being really helpful as often as possible - however it will only be just that, temporary! Non power armour types just don't understand how difficult is for good folk such as yourself!
  21. Re: how to do it: strength effect lingers after moving As well as the "extend the duration / number of charges" route, depending on the rationale behind the power you might work on a "pre-programmed lingering strength". So on various triggers it would stop its initial task and start on a new one, possibly moving as it goes. This could be along the lines of the lingering strength actually being a summoned spirit of some kind following your orders... keep going along this path and perhaps you would even end up rebooking it as a summon?
  22. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... Sometimes you need a few levels of growth to pull off those "big strength feats". Otherwise when Strong Guy tries to pick up that battleship from one of its ends, all he's going to do is push himself into the ground! If he were four stories tall however, much like his friend Big Guy is, the GM might see things differently (mainly due to his wider feet spreading the load a bit!) and that battleship turns into one big baseball bat!
  23. Re: The things I learned playing a gunbunny You've got to have an image that lives up to the gunbunny ethos. Think trenchcoat, SMG, katana... now we're talking!
  24. Re: Things I learned playing a Thief Maybe he meant "which idea" rather than "which Gray Mouser"?
  25. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Play Hero Games! A potential munchkin paradise!
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