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Everything posted by Jomster

  1. Re: So you think you can build a solar system Can almost imagine getting the laptop out in game and having the PCs use this to solve a puzzle under time pressure. "No, no! Increase the starting velocity and run it again! We've only got 3 1/2 minutes to solve this before the autodestruct goes off!!!"
  2. Re: "Crowning Moment of Cool?" Well that's that then. Now I really will have to watch B5 once and for all! Totally agree about asking the players and linking into the character backgrounds. I think the trick with CMoC's is to not completely copy the classic scene otherwise you get comments along the lines of "What? You mean like in Aliens where...". Better maybe, but also much harder to build your own CMoC that is influenced by others rather than an exact copy. Having said that, I reckon either route would go down well in game!
  3. Re: [Traveller Hero] What was it exactly? Fingers crossed Enlightened! I picked up the pdf version of books 1 & 2 and was very happy I did!
  4. Re: In Future, Car Drive YOU Absolutely! Who in their right mind is going to get in a car that can allegedly drive itself?!? A very very brave person perhaps!
  5. Re: Eiffel Tower Blueprints Or possibly also in an Urban Fantasy Hero adventure... if those girders were made of just the right ether-resonating alloy the whole thing could be generate a trans-dimensional gate where the lines of the girders meet (i.e at the top! The power sources being at the bottom of each corner). Our heroes could find the original designs from years ago and notice something odd about the metallurgical notes that sets them thinking... Then the reports start coming in over the news wires about trouble in central Paris... and it's time to lock and load!
  6. Re: Free weekly online pulp novel Nice link Doc. Think I'll post a few links to it myself elsewhere. Ta!
  7. Re: OK this is just too cool: XKCD does a visual representation of Gravity Wells An afterthought on this nifty picture. A 2D version of this would be interesting. I can just picture all these circles within one huge circle for the sun. : )
  8. Re: OK this is just too cool: XKCD does a visual representation of Gravity Wells That is really nice! Thanks Kraven. Great to imagine a solar system in those terms for a hard SF campaign. Would be nice to see just how deep the sun is. Very very deep does get the idea across though. Although with that graphic and wikipedia I guess the keen reader could probably work it out.
  9. Re: Star Wars Weather London's like Hoth apparently... Well it was earlier in the week, we had snow and everything!
  10. Re: Martian Landscapes Some of these are stunning. Thanks for the link!
  11. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? I'm a big fan of all the genre books to be honest, but if pushed would probably put FH first as it is well suited to the toolkit aspect of Hero due to spell/monster construction and reading through the rules is a nice way to reconsider various approaches to builds and so forth. Following the spirit of naming the 6E books simply though, so that distributors etc understand what they are, I would seriously consider renaming Dark Champions. Keep the cover though, it's spot on!
  12. Re: Ultimate Pulp Era Gear Archive That is excellent! I'm going to have to cross post that to some other forums, citing TKDGuy of course. Downloading pdfs now!
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Now that's interesting... Suits is the next one on my collection list. Might have to go out and order it now you've said that! Favourite albums in order are: Vigil 13th star Sunsets on Empire Raingods with Zippos Field of Crows So will be interesting to see where Suits fits into my hierarchy!
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Raingods with Zippos by Fish (yes, he of Marillion). Didn't like it at first but it's really growing on me.
  15. Re: Proof Lightsabers make everything better! This could open the floodgates of "lightsabres make things better" pics! Hope so. And it's true. They do!
  16. Re: Hero Podcast: What Would You Like To Hear? Rather than have a whole game session you could have an edited highlight ideally ending up with a great advert for the game that leaves them wanting more. You could then optionally have the whole session available separately if you wanted. Although just highlights might be a bit easier to moderate prior to publication... My tips for a mix of game and related discussion plus separate gaming sessions is the (IMHO) excellent yog-sothoth.com and for just gaming (and lots of it) there's the equally excellent rpgmp3.com. On the none gaming side I would be very interested indeed on the design / toolkit discussions.
  17. Re: 6E Cool Stuff Shout-Outs Thanks all for this very handy thread! Most useful if you haven't had time to get through all the new 6E material yet. I am working on it though and it's looking great!
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The "Summer Song" by the Cbeebies presenters! Quite catchy once you've heard it a few times!!!
  19. Re: So when is the PDF going to be available? T-5 and counting!
  20. Re: A Handy Reference for Future Timelines 144 apocalypses isn't bad going! Here's an interesting quote from the site: "For proof that autopsies of empires are inconclusive, consider the case of Alexander Demandt, the German historian who set out in the 1980s to collect every theory ever given for why Rome fell. The final tally: 210" Oh, is that all? Just 210?
  21. Re: The Puzzle of Astronomy's Unexplained Anomalies A general "that looks a bit technical" silence has followed that one. But yes, they could be quite useful plot seeds.
  22. Re: Lucha Libre Hero Thanks James. That review basically turned me from a "hmm, mexican wrestling?" to a "that sounds grrrreeeeaaaat!" It'll probably get quite a lot of views as well being on rpg.net so hopefully will only do good things for sales. I think your point on "this book packs attitude" was also a good one. We like attitude!
  23. Re: Urban Fantasy sources I'd add a few more comics to the list, namely: Hellboy Caballistics Inc (from 2000AD in the UK) Preacher
  24. Jomster

    Martian Lake

    Re: Martian Lake The idea about an abrupt climate change on Mars back in the past could be a most useful plot point... almost pulp hero in some ways... Nice find!
  25. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far How did I manage to miss this thread? It's been running for just over 5 days and is pitching in at an unbelievable 240 posts per day!
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