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    tkdguy reacted to assault in Real Locations that should be fantasy   
    An ancient site with cultural significance to living people. Better yet, artificially modified.

    Nawarla Gabarnmang

  2. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Old Man in Cool Guns for your Games   
    Most people. 
    Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum, environmentally conscious autoduelling:
  3. Like
    tkdguy reacted to bubba smith in Genre-crossover nightmares   
    thanks for the link  to Chris Godwns site tkd guy
  4. Thanks
    tkdguy reacted to Michael Hopcroft in A Thread for Random Videos   
    If you are a musician in an orchestra, you know what the gestures mean. It's not just calisthenics -- they are telling you something, even if that something is helping someone in the orchestra is having trouble keeping up.
    Of course, the real work of the conductor is in the intense rehearsals required to prevent such occurrences, as well as to put the orchestra's stamp on the work. It's very hard work and very demanding.
    Putting your stamp on includes managing the soloist in a concerto (of which there is one in every program). One time, for example, Leonard Bernstein was preparing for a concert where Glenn Gould was playing the solo part in a Brahms piano concerto. Now both had their ideas on how the work should be played, and both were stubborn as donkeys. Eventually, Bernstein was forced to relent and gave a short speech to the audience on the dispute and what they were apart to hear. Actually, they were very good friends off the stage, but both were also supreme artists and Gould had a deserved reputation as being difficult for conductors to manage.
  5. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Ternaugh in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    The Third Man (1949) - Joseph Cotten stars as a writer who arrives in post-war Vienna and finds the friend that he was supposed to meet has apparently been killed in an accident. Moody and dark, the film is a classic that's highly recommended. (Netflix)
  6. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Cancer in The Non Sequitor Thread   
    I left home this morning while everyone (except the cats) was asleep.  I return, 10-plus hours later, and the only change is that the cats are also asleep.
  7. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from Cancer in More space news!   
    At least Galactus will enjoy eating that planet.
    In other space news, InSight Lander has touched down on Mars
  8. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from pinecone in More space news!   
    At least Galactus will enjoy eating that planet.
    In other space news, InSight Lander has touched down on Mars
  9. Thanks
    tkdguy got a reaction from Cygnia in The Non Sequitor Thread   
    Man, some of the Closed Captioning on YouTube:
  10. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Pariah in The Non Sequitor Thread   
    As a Champions villain, an extremely well-endowed female ripoff of Juggernaut with the code name "Juggs" is probably in poor taste.
  11. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Duke Bushido in A New Setting   
    And here's one I'd like to see that likely won't happen:
    How about a Low Fantasy Setting?  Or a Sci-Fant setting like Barsoom?
    No idea why, but unless your actual rulebook is specifically for Low Fantasy (like Conan), players want absolutely nothing to do with it.
  12. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Scott Ruggels in A New Setting   
    I'd love an "Expanse" style setting, myself, Hoowever a remake of the proper Marvel Style universe and background to support the  flagships, yes, is probably necessary.
  13. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from death tribble in A Thread for Random Videos   
  14. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from archer in Random SF Links   
    This is for those of us who prefer slug throwers to beams in our SF games.
  15. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Random SF Links   
    Here is one person's POV on alien spacecraft. Agree or disagree?
  16. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Cancer in In other news...   
    First flight of ion drive aircraft
    (video in the linked page)
  17. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Cygnia in "Neat" Pictures   
    1000 year old Viking axe, before & after restoration

  18. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Scott Ruggels in Real Locations that should be fantasy   
    Some more backgrounds sxuitable for fantasy. :

  19. Like
    tkdguy reacted to death tribble in Silly idea of mine: Let's make horrible miscasts   
    Godzilla as Bambi
    Pee Wee Herman as Tarzan
    Laurel and Hardy as Abbot and Costello
    Charlie Chaplin as J Edgar Hoover
    Betty Davis as Joan Crawford
  20. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from Old Man in Silly idea of mine: Let's make horrible miscasts   
  21. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from Cancer in Silly idea of mine: Let's make horrible miscasts   
  22. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from Christopher in It's an unpleasant day when.....   
    You're walking to work, and no less than three a-holes in cars cut you off, even though you clearly had right of way. Small wonder I started cussing and yelling in the street.
    Then you bang your knee, which was already giving you problems, in the most sensitive spot. Small wonder I started cussing and yelling in the office.
  23. Like
    tkdguy reacted to Badger in Silly idea of mine: Let's make horrible miscasts   
    Sauron.....Visine spokesman.
  24. Like
    tkdguy got a reaction from Cancer in Random SF Links   
    This thread is similar to the Random Links thread in the NGD. It's for scifi-related videos, articles, pictures, etc. for topics that don't quite fit anywhere in the threads here. If you find something interesting but don't really want to start a new discussion about the topic, feel free to post it here.
  25. Like
    tkdguy reacted to massey in Silly idea of mine: Let's make horrible miscasts   
    One thing you won't find on that character sheet:  the Acting skill.
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