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Everything posted by concord

  1. Re: Weirdness Magnet My weirdness magnet stuff tends to be of the its a small world variety... here are a few... Went to Disney World on vacation, on all three nights the wife and I were there when we got on the bus to go back to the hotel for the evening the people sitting next to us were from Jacksonville, the same city as us... a different couple or family each night... On another trip to Disney World on the bus back to the room at the end of the night, we met another couple from Jacksonville... as we continued to talk, we realized that the husband and I worked in buildings right next to each other in the office park where our companies were located... then the real weirdness, I was working tech support for FedEx at the time and had just helped the shipping clerk in his office with a technical question on the shipping software the week before we went on vacation... I went into a new gaming store for the first time and posted a message about starting a Champions campaign... I got an email from an interested party and he gave me his phone number... I gave him a call and we started talking about the campaign then about possibly meeting up for further discussion and character creation... turns out he lived on the other side of the apartment complex I was living in...
  2. Re: Miraclo pills and Mongoose Blood Looks good... rep if I could...
  3. Re: Miraclo pills and Mongoose Blood quick clean up of post #33 - I will look at a 5E export template using tables as soon as I can... [table] [tr] [td]Cost[/td] [td]Power[/td] [td]END[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td] [td]Mr. Vimes' Special Combat Drugs, all slots: 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+1/2); IIF (-1/4) Notes: Unlike the Drugs Mr. Vimes sells, these drugs have no side-effects. [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]17 [/td] [td]1) Juice: +20 STR (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]26 [/td] [td]2) Wire: +10 DEX (45 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]17 [/td] [td]3) Flex: +10 CON (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]24 [/td] [td]4) Celine: +10 EGO (30 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]24 [/td] [td]5) Spook: +20 PRE (30 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]24 [/td] [td]6) Scream: +2 SPD (30 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]36 [/td] [td]7) Jazz: +15 REC (45 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]24 [/td] [td]8) Boost: +40 END (30 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]24 [/td] [td]9) Tyson: +20 STUN (30 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]24 [/td] [td]10) Jenner: Running +10" (30 Active Points) (not added to totals) [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [/table] Powers Cost: 240
  4. Re: Vacation Inspiration (or how Disney gave me campaign ideas) Someone say Princesses...
  5. I am starting to run a Champions campaign for a group of co-workers... we decided we wanted to learn about Seattle so that is where the campaign is based... I am reaching out to the current and former Puget Sound crowd... where would you place the headquarters/base for a group of four-color heroes... and if you are feeling verbose, why? All places are open for consideration, including public parks, vacant lots, existing buildings, etc. excluding the Space Needle... Thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions...
  6. Re: Support HERO Indirectly... that is teh bunneh's Raven character sheet... he creates the character in HD and exports it as a text file, then pastes the output into an MS Publisher template his has built... he once asked if someone on the HD forum who was good with export formats could put together one that would do a similar output... unfortunately no one has...
  7. Referring to the Side Effects table, 6E1 pg 394 - Minor Side Effect: +1/4 Limitation - Side Effect occurs automatically whenever power is used (or is bought for a power which always works): x2 value - Side Effect does a predefined amount of damage (unless waived by the GM): 1/4 less Limitation Which of the following is correctly calculated for a Power with Minor Side Effect, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever power is used (or is bought for a power which always works), Side Effect does a predefined amount of damage (unless waived by the GM) 1. (+1/4 x 2) - 1/4 = +1/4 limitation 2. (+1/4 -1/4) x 2 = +0 Limitation
  8. Re: Support HERO Indirectly... to do this type of adventure/encounter support, you can do a couple of 'character' packs to support the adventures/encounters... give them away for free from the same site where the adventure packs are available... for fantasy you could have one with pre-gen characters, one with adversaries and the third is a small bestiary... then the adventure packs could be kept small by referencing the 'character' packs for encounters... maybe include one new 'feature' adversary or new 'magic item' write up in each adventure/encounter pack... for superhero you could have one with pre-gen characters, one with adversaries and the third is agents/gear... then once again the adventure packs could be kept small by referencing the 'character' packs for encounters... maybe include one new 'big-bad guy' or some 'special equipment' details in each adventure/encounter pack... the pre-gen characters, adversaries and beasts/agents can be put together with options like they do in the Champions genre book... a solid framework for the base character type with a couple of choices of 'package deals' that allow personalization... another way to make the character packs easier on new players would be to go numbers lite in the presentation of the character... no costs on sheet and abilities explained in plain verbiage instead of a string of mechanics... then have a 'mechanics' pack available for the GM and players than want to know how things were put together...
  9. Re: Combat Rating Jon - the one from the link is the expanded one... the one from the AC was much simpler, see the pic... [ATTACH=CONFIG]41549[/ATTACH]
  10. Re: Combat Rating Jon - the linked file in the following post maybe what you are looking for... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/88460-Spreadsheet-for-balancing-SPD-CV-and-AP-strength-of-attacks?p=2275815#post2275815
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Fortaleza Former member of the Wardens... Fortaleza was the alter ego of Solana Amnedola... Solana chose to craft the Fortaleza suit in a masculine form with a masculine voice for one reason, respect. Her upbringing stressed men as the more active and dominant sex, so she thought a male image would be more respected than a female one. As an afterthought she realized that this also helps to better preserve her identity as most of her adversaries would be searching for a man rather than suspecting that Solana is Fortaleza. As Fortaleza, Solana stands six foot two inches tall and weighs 230 pounds. The armor is built with a muscular masculine look and appears to be form-fitting rather than a bulky exoskeleton type of battlesuit. Solana has not had access to the specialized equipment it would take to miniaturize some of the battlesuit's components, so the extra space inside the armor shell is filled with system components, battery packs and padding. The battlesuit's armor plates are a dull silver colored and the mesh portions of the suit are dove gray colored. The helmet has a featureless faceplate that is black and the rest of the helmet is dull silver colored. The blaster ports project from the back of the each arm and are black in color. The three flight system disks are black in color and are located on the back of the battlesuit, one on each shoulder blade and the other in the small of the back. The battlesuit has a silver glow when the armor shell is energized. Solana retired from the Wardens when she accepted a job with Crittenden Aeronautics several years ago... Solana Since starting to work for Crittenden Aeronautics, Solana has secretly been working on an enhanced version of her pulse field technology battlesuit... She premiered the suit when she helped the Wardens battle the spider alien invasion...
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Estrella U.S. Marshall created by Project: Avenger and served as a field agent for the Federal Security Service (FSS) for 22 years... http://foundation.angeva.com/paras.asp?pars=Estrella Star Former member of the Wardens... Estrella's niece... her costume is inspired by her aunt's uniform.. http://wardens.angeva.com/roster.asp?Site=W4&Mbr=Star%20%28II%29
  13. Re: Your "2012" Pet Gaming Projects Posting Hero Designer output to the forums is pretty easy... just use an export template that is setup for forum posting... then copy and paste the results into a post... I just did a new forum posting template, you can read about it and see the output here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/88429-Forum-Posting-Template-Using-Tables
  14. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! things changed and he found himself in the void... all the things that had been his were now gone... someone had played around with the nature of reality... that someone had to pay... he drifted in the void... searching... seeking a trail... a path to someone... the someone who had to pay... he drifted in the void... bathed in its dark energies... feeding on the nothingness... he drifted in the void... searching... seeking a trail... he found it... the way was clear... he stepped from the void... into the new reality... he had found the point of change... now the crafter of the change would pay... +++++ He no longer remembers who he was, but he does remember that things are different now. He wants to make things like they were, but no one else seems to remember how things were except him. He is suffused with the dark energies of the void and uses them to follow the trails that will lead him to the someone that crafted the change. Once he has found that someone, he will make him undo the change. He knows that then he will find himself again, but for now he is Void... +++++ Void wants to make things like they were and has found others, the Restorers, during his quest to do that. At first he thought that he had found others that remembered how things had been just as he does. However, he now knows that to be wrong. The others only remember shadows and phantoms of reality, but as long as they work with him to find the crafter of the change he will remain their ally.
  15. concord

    cu map

    Re: cu map My apologies, I meant Champions Universe for Fifth Edition... sorry for any confusion...
  16. concord

    cu map

    Re: cu map I do not believe there is a complete world map... however regions are shown in the Champions genre sourcebook that display the fictional geography in relation to the real geography...
  17. Re: Getting my head around the state of Hero Games. The thread which RexMundi refers to is this one: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/87794-Changes-At-Hero
  18. concord


    Re: Maps Have you seen these? http://silentempire.com/downloads.php
  19. Re: Pre Generated Maps I usually recommend http://silentempire.com/downloads.php It has floorplans made by a member (maybe former?) of these forums...
  20. Re: Your "2012" Pet Gaming Projects Champions - continue the Alcatraz Foundation Wardens campaign... Champions - continue developing the websites for the Wardens campaign Wardens Chronicles - Champions Campaign - http://wardens.angeva.com Foundation Chronicles - The World of the Wardens - http://foundation.angeva.com Foundation Redbook - Campaign Rules and Characters - http://redbook.angeva.com Champions - get the Seattle Chronicles campaign going full steam... a new campaign has been started with several coworkers creating characters... there has been one session and plans are to have one short session every week... no website, yet... Post-Apoc - continue the slow development of the Union Chronicles, a Gamma Worldish Post Apoc setting and website for said setting - http://union.angeva.com
  21. Re: Sherpas or other high-altitude normals? In Terrain Empire, they introduce a Life Support: Expanded Breathing (Thin Atmospheres) for a cost of 1 point.
  22. Re: The cost of Internet A couple of levels of Rapid on the HRRP gives high speed connection for input and output of data... several levels of Speed Reading for the AI to parse the downloaded data lickety-split...
  23. Re: HERO System Tips, Tricks, and Advice Here is how we do BODY: Results on ten dice: 6,6,6,5,4,5,3,2,1,1 Sixes count as up: 3 Sixes = 3 up Ones count as down: 2 Ones = 2 down Net Result = 1 up Add/Subtract Net to number of dice rolled 10 dice rolled + 1 up = 11 Body
  24. Re: My new villain : Panzerfaust (comment welcomed) It looks like you are using a 5E export template... if the character is 6E, try using the export template available at this link: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/82946-Sharing-6e-characters-on-the-Boards?p=2101023#post2101023
  25. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net The word thread in the first post is a link...
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