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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. We actually have a similar Thread: The downside would be that you can not make a police officer that is just bad at this part of the work. PS: Policing presumably also includes stuff like "doing Paperwork". Interogation in the Precinct setting Knowledge of the streets on your city part And if you give it to players, you can bet they will try to find new ways to use something so poorly defined. You know, stuff like it replacing Weapon Skill or even Weapon Repair skill for pistols, Quickdraw and just about any other gun related skill. I want to try something new for these challenges/questions, and that is to look how other Systems dealt with it. Warhammer Fantasy: Charm, Intimidate and event Torture might apply for a uncooperative witness (hates the police or whatever). But you need to know someone is lying/omitting something to even know to try. So that does not solve the problem. Gossip might work, but only for "easy" information. Stuff they want to talk about anyway or at least do not mind. But it is also a "Racial Skill" for all Humans. Shadowrun 4E: Assensing and the Judge Intentions derived score might be used to figure out someone is lying. Con, Negotiation and Leadership could be used to convince a unwilling informant Ettiquette might also have a palce (like Warhammer Fantasy Gossip) Hero 6E: Bribery, Charm, Interrogation, Persuasion can be used to convince a unwilling Witness Oratory might work too, if you do not know a specific person who might have omitted/lied towards you Conversation matche the Ettiquette/Gossip Scenario of the other systems. The way to get the low level information. Streetwise/High Society act as complimentary skills And we could not agree what even to use to detect a lie/omission I want to point out that OpenLegends has two interesting options for failing the roll: "Success with a Twist" (like an additional challenge at the next step) "Failure but the Adventure continues" (you might notice someone was lying and you need to apply interrogation) If it is information you need the players to have, you will have the alternative route pre-mapped (hopefully). But there is still a bonus to having good rolls. And my group just had a case where 3 Characters failed 3 Spot checks each in a row. For a critical piece of information.
  2. We might not have called them that, but they were most definitely there. I can pick up just about any adventure of D&D and find the boss battle quite easily. That part of Open Legends was for building a boss. As in, from the Ground up. So the choice that this should be a boss is made before you even write up the stats. In D&D you would pick a creature with a higher challenge rating instead. Helping with defining Challenge/Loot is literally what CR is there for. And if the lair/boss actions in D&D do not increase the CR, that is just stupid design.
  3. "You call that a Knive? This is a Knive!" Of coruse that might have been part 2.
  4. Yes, and I confirmed the 50 Hz part: So I am unsure what you think you got wrong? I am not 100% about the Voltage. May be 220. And of coruse Britain has their own connectors and voltage.
  5. Please give me your alternative interpretation of this then:
  6. Who says it is not? Because last I read (about 5 minutes ago), the book said this: " Campaigns that impose Characteristic Maxima usually also establish Movement Maxima that double the cost of buying Running, Swimming, and Leaping beyond a certain point. Te GM can waive this rule in the interest of common sense, dramatic sense, and considerations of game balance. Tis is particularly appropriate when characters buy any of the following: (a) Advantaged, Limited, or restricted bonuses to those Movement Powers intended to represent special abilities or the like (rather than general increases in the character’s ability to move); and (b) bonuses to those Movement Powers bought as Foci (gadgets, devices, or the like)."
  7. The Chracter Guidelines on 6E1 34 list values from 300 to 650 and 750+ 20k is 2 orders of magnitude away from that. Increasing the power level like this can help to add Granularity, but it will utterly wreck just about any builtin balance. I mean at those points 75% Resistant Damage Reduction is a trivial buy at 90 points. And a mandatory one at that, at the damage values thrown around. That is a rule that only works if the Defenses are similary scaled. If you take the table on 6E1 35 and divide Defenses/Resistant Defenses by DC, you get a nice ration to go by. That should in theory scale up to however high you want to go. Book Characters have the advantage that they can be unbalanced, because only 1 person controlls them and their environment. Wich is magnified exponentially in Solo Titles. As I discussed way back here: some pitfalls of Translating Characters from Fiction to a RPG setting and the secrect of making non-combat stuff fun in hero Something I at least thoguht about was making Heroes on Point Level Y, but with a lower level cap. Like 650 Point heroes, but with 500 Point Heroes caps. At least in theory that should create better rounded Characters.
  8. For the first question the answer is: Depending on severity: 1/2 DCV or 1/2 DCV, 50% Placed Shoot Penalties, x2 STUN damage Also use the "Partial Armor Coverage" rules (IIRC 6E2 111) Second Question: The "Choke Hold" Martial Maneuver can only be used if you got a Grab already. That is "limited Circumstances". 6E2 91 HSMA lsits maneuvers with such limitations as "Must Follow Block" and "Must Follow Grab". And later lists similar restrictions in the "Build your own maneuvers" part.
  9. As I said in the other thread: "Good. Now we got 50% of a von Neuman Machine!"
  10. That sounds like a variation of the Impairment Rule (6E2 111). " ou can use this optional rule in conjunction with the Hit Location optional rule. Whenever the BODY damage done to an area (before or afer the BODYx) is more than half the character’s total BODY, that area is Impaired. Consult the Impairment Table to determine the effects of Impairment on different parts of the body, and how long those effects last. Te Impairment effect for head and torso areas should only occur if the character fails to make a CON Roll, or at the GM’s discretion. Tese effects are optional. Te GM should use his judgment, with due regard for the nature of the attack that caused the wound and the situation. Sometimes applying these effects strictly is not the way to have the most fun. Feel free to alter the effects according to specifc circumstances. Each part of the body is listed, and possible effects of Impairment are discussed afer each listing. If a character suffers multiple Impairing wounds that impose penalties on him, those penalties are cumulative." The duration is a random roll between 1 Turn and 1 Day And hte penalty: " Halve the character’s Running. Te character is -2 DCV because of his reduced mobility" Cover varies depending if you use the Hit Location Optional Rule. In either case it looks for the effective body percentage visible to the attacker. Without hit location it caps out at 91-100% Cover (head showing) or -8 (6E2 41 and 43). With Hit locations the rule is this: " If the campaign uses the optional Hit Location Table (6E2 108), Behind Cover works differently. If a character has some cover from an opponent, the GM should decide what Hit Locations are covered. For example, a character standing behind a desk would have his feet, legs, and (perhaps) abdomen covered; similarly, a character fring a pistol around a corner would only expose his head and one hand, arm, and shoulder. Once the GM determines what’s Behind Cover, combat occurs normally. If an attack hits the Behind Cover character, roll the Hit Location. If the Hit Location rolled is Behind Cover, the attack strikes the cover instead. Tis usually means the target takes no damage, although if the cover’s lightweight or the attack was powerful, the attack may “blow through” the cover and still have enough power to damage the target " also 6E2 43 If I read it correctly, to guarantee a hit the attacker would have to use the "placed shoots" rule. And those to-hit penalties cap out at -8 too. 6E2 110 However if you rule they were "out of combat and surprisesd", the Placed Shoot Modifiers are halved (and the STUN damage doubled) If you want to aim for a "general body region" or at a target in partial cover, 6E2 111 has you covered with "Special Hit Locations"
  11. I wrote 2 seconds, no two segments. That is how long that part of the scene maybe took. There is target and combat shooting. I asume a old grandma can fire a pistol accurately on medium rangs on a shooting range. But I do not expect her to do the same thing in actuall life or death combat. Unfortunatel that means in Hero terms, he shoot them in 1 phase. That would require some combination of the following factors: total surprise (wich I asumed even before seeing it) bullets penetrating one target and hitting the soldier behind that one (something hero afaik does not model) one heck of a OCV or some naked advantagee to pull off a 6-attack autofire/AoE attack (at wich point he was just build on way more points then the opposition) once in a million luck That is the part I just take at face value. He had a strong defensive position that could not be flanked. Those things happen in warfare all the time: http://www.cracked.com/article_21307_the-94-most-badass-soldiers-who-ever-lived.html It is only the part were he killed 6 soliders in 2 seconds witha semi-automatic rifle that seems unlikely. I mean 20 with a MP seems sensible.
  12. The thing is that Damage Reduction is ideal for Solo Boss Combatants in Hero, Giant monster or not. On the one hand it only affects damage past defenses, so you leave those mediocore. That way everyone in the team can chip in to bring the enemy down. On the other hand, it affects the check if you are "Stunned". Wich makes it a ton less likely that the Villain is getting stunned. And getting stunned is a huge issue if you are literally the only character on your side. And it is also easily "slapped onto" any existing villain, if you decide Ogre should be buffed by the plot to become the Solo Villain for today. Actually "Kaiju" are a perfect example of enemies that: Have to fight a whole superhero team on their own Do not have minions For me DR is just a mechanic like everything else. You already made half the connections by giving the Solo Villains called "Kaiju" DR. Now you just need to generalize it for all Solo Villains (that actually act alone in this adventure)
  13. Now the fire rate in his counter-ambush, was clearly increased to Cinematic levels. Hitting 6 targets in 2 seconds tops is just not possible except for pure luck/some multiple hits from over penetration (the rifle should be strong enough for them, especially as no armor was involved). The fire rate shown later when he was defending makes much more sense. In reality that fire rate would not have been needed in the coutner ambush, however: 1) He had surprise. That means he got 1 phase where the enemy: Could not abort Was at 1/2 DCV (without an option to abort or use CSL defensively) Migh even have taken x2 STUN and at 1/2 Hit Location penalties. Getting 2-3 kills is entirely possible at that moment. 2) If he went first by the next phase, the enemy was still outside of cover. Even if they could abort now, they had to dive for cover (literally). 2 More kills. 3) Now at this point the german squad had around 66% casualties. That is the point were every sane person would get the f out of dodge. When they break, they run. When they run, they are at reduced DCV. Shoot in the back. Now you only need 2 Shoots per round at -2 OCV to actually kill all 6. Maybe 3 shoots at -4 in the fist attack. It was not even nessesary to get a kill on the hit. A disable (even being stunned) was enough. As long as they were out, the morale effect was there. While being shoot at, discerning if a ally is killed, disabeled or just playing dead is impossible. If the game was WestEnd D6 Star Wars, I would say he "spend a force point" to actually buff his skill to the level where he could do that. If you are decent to good Heroic shoot there (6D6), double the amount with a Force point and have a strong gun (Blasterifle or Heavy Blaster), there is a decent chance you can kill 6 enemies with 1 shoot each in a single turn. Shadowrun ranks Mooks by Professionality Level, wich includes a "they flee" threshold: 0: Flee at any one losst 1-2: Flee at >25% losses 3-4: >50% losses 3-4 seems to be a reasonable figure for german army guys. And 66% casualties is way past the 50% treshold.
  14. If they have minions, of course they do not need those buffs. They already have enough extra actions from the Minions that are around. I thought that went without saying. But not every villain is likey to have minions. For those, these extra actions are needed instead. The bossfight with add (spawns) The bossfight that is just one strong character with many attacks The bossfight that is 2-3 strong characters For me those are all just "bossfights", differently implemented There is actually a whole host of abilities GM will not allow for PC's. Or not on the levels that mater: Takes no STUN (a lot of headaches in PC's) Damage Reduction on the levels that Boss NPC's need. SPD/Defenses on the level you allow the Boss NPC The sheer point total you allow for boss NPC/bossfight For me those distinction went without saying.
  15. Electrical buying and selling is very common. German Coal Plants are actually mostly selling the power to France and Belgium. Nuclear Powerplants have the huge downside of a very slow reaction time. Changing the output can take hours to days. Renewable energy is by nature unpredictable. Gas and Coal plants are resonsible for quick reaction adaption . For cases like this.
  16. Selena Kyle? Catwoman? She read the newspaper in wich Superman talked about Kryptions Legal System.
  17. Let us look at some rules. In particular the ones for Surprise. Because getting that is what stealth is about: Suprised enemies do not get to act on Phase 12 of the first "Turn" 6E2 18 "Characters who are Surprised normally cannot Abort their next Phase; they have, afer all, been taken unawares (see Surprised, 6E2 50). However, the GM may, in his discretion, allow them to Abort." 6E2 22 That means they also do not get to use their CSL. It is still a Free Action to apply the CSL. It is usually trivial to do that as part of a Abort/before your previous attack, but they do not get either of those. If Dodge or CSL are applied from a previous maneuver aginst another enemy, they are also halfed. 6E2 50: "Attacked from behind (Surprised) out of combat" (the first strike of a combat) means: 1/2 DCV, 1/2 Hit Location Penalties, x2 STUN damge taken. Wich can of course cause the "Stunned" effect too. "Attacked from behind (Surprised) in combat" 1/2 DCV Deadly Blow covers all thse things from D&D: Weapon Specialisation, Favoured Enemy, Sneak Attack, Lawfull/Chaotic Weapons and even Paladins Smite Evil attack.
  18. 2D6 KA is 6 DC or 30 AP. That is not even close to 10 STR. So I do not think I get what you are trying to do yet.
  19. I can watch it later. With Warfare I think morale is the most important Stat. In other words: Presence attacks. With each shoot that connected, another Presence attack was made against the germans. Between the phase reduction and OCV penalties, that just was enough to avoid being hit. And the effects compunded too - every one killed without making a hit themself was a additional penalty. A bit less luck at rolling, and he would have died.
  20. I only heard about this in passing, but Europe had a "almost Blackout" back on 10th January. 50 Hertzs is the target Frequency. As production and consumption varries, this value changes up or down. 48 Hertz is the border at witch we get a Blackout and have to invest physical work to get stuff back running. Possibly even replace power supplies. We hit 49,8 for a moment. Still sounds like a lot, but at this value there is often only seconds to compensate. Decrease past that is "exponentially" (actuall exponentially, not SciFi show exponentially). Luckily the security measures worked and we did not have a blackout in the middle of winter.
  21. Is it a fish? Is it a bird? No, its a Drone!
  22. Chess is a 2 player sport. P&P RPGS are multiplayer. And boss battles are 4v1's. So the analogy does not work. "Shoveling more points into them" can also mean increasing their SPD - wich gives them extra actions. It can also mean increasing defenses, wich results in them not wasting that many phases on abort. Wich is again extra net actions. And well, "shoveling more points into them" is itself cheating. So you are at best arguing "my way to cheat is better then their way to cheat" To get an analogy that works: It is like black has to fight several chessboards of white pieces. So it did a quick fusion with the black pieces from those other boards.
  23. The introduction for this subkind of NPC is this: "Boss NPCs A Boss is a single enemy NPC that is capable of taking on a group of characters due to its extraordinary prowess in combat. Bosses could be epic villains that the party has been pursuing for the entire campaign, such as the Lich King Akrakus, or they could be monstrous beasts with little backstory that simply serve as a dramatic milestone in the course of a larger adventure, such as a bridge troll that must be defeated before the PCs can progress. Other examples of bosses include the Kraken, a legendary gunslinger, a dragon, or the general of an alien armada. When you decide that one of your NPCs merits boss status, use the Boss NPC Build Table to generate statistics in the same way you would if using the simple build rules described previously. You’ll notice that bosses have more hit points, higher defenses, and better attributes in order to account for their ability to take on entire parties of PCs alone. When using the complex build, you can alter your villain’s hit points and defenses based on this table to better represent the appropriate strength of a boss." Also the Wikipedia description of Boss is: " (video games) An enemy, often at the end of a level, that is particularly challenging and must be beaten in order to progress. " A lot of "master villains" are implicitly bosses, both in power and in their Narative Purpose.
  24. I do not see why you would do that? You can increase the Maxima without needing to change the starting value. And changing the starting values only means you have to also make certain to balance those +/- calculations as well.
  25. Seriously? Is that actually a question you just asked? Do you want to reformulate the question to sound sensible? Because even one stat that high is already a balance issue? But adding two balance issues can result in a bigger balance issue. That is why "Yield" sign powers still have STOP sign power modifiers. Plus normally fighters are multiple-subclasses. If Stat-man covers all of them, there might be 0 roles left for a 4th or 5th player. This reminds me of OpenLegends levelup System. For stats that range from 1-9 (10 with feats), the starting cap is 5. And then it increases over the levels.
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