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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Never trust an Atom - they make up everything!
  2. There is a huge difference in creation weapons between Hero and many other games. In Hero a Sword is at least a: 2D6 HKA (30 Base Cost/6 DC) with 0 END (+1/2) That is quite the power. 6 DC is about half the Damage a Superheroic Character should have. Especially as in Hero games defense actuall reduce damage. They are not like D&D. That makes the magnitude (number of DC) of any attack very important. I fear you need to be a lot more specific about wich power from wich game you try to simulate. Also please specify if this is on Superheroic or Heroic level - "Fantasy" alone only indicates Heroic level, but does not exclude superheroic.
  3. We could retrain the "Drone Hunting Falcon" for Paparazzi. Or just wait until they deploy drones
  4. Based on the 400 points/75 Complciations figure, I bet for one of the 1.5 version of 6E. 6E2 214 has example Charcters, but nothing on the "Agent" level. Only full 400 point Supers. However Champions 6E 288 has a whole Minion Gallery. Among them "Agents" and "Robots". They are build on either: 50/25 (Street Thug only) 100/30 (normal Soldier only) 175/50 (the most common one) 275/50 (Ninja and Demon only) 400/75 (Robot only) The Agent is builkt on 175/50: " AGENT Val Char Cost Roll notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH damage [1] 14 DEX 8 12- 13 CON 3 12- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6 5 OCV 10 5 DCV 10 3 OMCV 0 3 DMCV 0 3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 4 PD 2 Total: 10 PD (6 rPD) 4 ED 2 Total: 10 ED (6 rED) 6 REC 2 25 END 1 12 BODY 2 30 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 63 movement: Running: 12m Cost Powers EnD 32 Blaster Rifle: Multipower, 52-point reserve [32] 32 Charges for entire Multipower (+¼); all OAF (-1) 2f 1) Basic Setting: Blast 8d6 OAF (-1) 2f 2) Autofre Setting: Blast 7d6 Autofre (5 shots, +½); OAF (-1), Limited Range (60m; -¼) Martial Arts: Brawling Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge — +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4 Punch +0 +2 5d6 Strike 3 Throw +0 +1 3d6 + v/10; Target Falls 10 Armored Uniform: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) 0 OIF (-½), Activation Roll 14- (does not protect Hit Locations 3-5 or 6-7; -¼) 6 Helmet Radio: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) 0 OIF (-½), Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-¼) Skills 6 +2 with Blaster Rifle Multipower 3 Combat Driving 12- 3 Concealment 11- 3 Interrogation 12- 2 KS: The Local Underworld 11- 1 KS: The Superhuman World 8- 2 PS: Agent 11- 3 Shadowing 11- 3 Stealth 12- 3 Streetwise 12- 3 WF: Small Arms, Blades Total Powers & Skills Cost: 99 Total Cost: 162 175 matching Complications (50) 5 Distinctive Features: criminal organization’s uniform (Easily Concealed; Noticed And Recognizable) 10 Hunted: criminal organization (Infrequently, Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) 15 Psychological Complication: Amoral And Greedy (Common, Strong) 20 Social Complication: Subject To Orders (Very Frequently, Major) Total Complications Points: 50 Experience Points: 0 " Unfortuantely they increase the Powerlevels, with the Robot clocking in at a 400/75 figure: " ROBOT Val Char Cost Roll notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH damage [1] 15 DEX 10 12- 10 CON 0 11- 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 0 EGO 0 — 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 6 OCV 15 5 DCV 30 0 OMCV 0 0 DMCV 0 3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 8 PD 21 Total: 8 PD (8 rPD) 8 ED 21 Total: 8 ED (8 rED) 4 REC 0 0 END -4 15 BODY 5 — STUN — Total Characteristics Cost: 123 movement: Running: 12m Cost Powers EnD 60 Built-In Weapons: Multipower, 60-point reserve 6f 1) Blaster: Blast 8d6 0 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 6f 2) Laser: RKA 2½d6 0 Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) 4f 3) Tangleweb Projector: Entangle 6d6, 6 PD/6 ED [8] 8 Charges (-½) 4f 4) Grenade Launcher: Blast 8d6 [8] Area Of Effect (18m Radius Explosion; +½); 8 Charges (-½) 15 Robotic Form: Does Not Bleed 0 10 Robotic Form: No Hit Locations 0 45 Robotic Form: Takes No STUN 0 7 Robotic Form: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) on STR 0 6 Robotic Form: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) on Running 0 1 Robotic Form: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) on Leaping 0 1 Robotic Form: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) on Swimming 0 24 Robotic Form: Resistant (+½) for 8 PD/8 ED 0 26 Robotic Form: Life Support: Total (except for Safe Environments) 0 5 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) 0 12 Radio Sensors: HRRP (Radio Group) Talents 0 3 Absolute Time Sense 3 Bump Of Direction 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator Skills 3 Computer Programming 12- 3 Cryptography 12- 3 Electronics 12- 3 AK: Earth 12- 2 KS: Everything 11- 3 Stealth 13- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 263 Total Cost: 386 400 matching Complications (75) 15 Enraged: Berserk if exposed to intense magnetic felds (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14- 25 Psychological Complication: Loyal To Master (Very Common, Total) 10 Vulnerability: 1½ x BODY From Gravity, Magnetic, Or Force Attacks (Common) Total Complications Points: 50 Experience Points: 0 " It uses the 45 point Variant of "Takes no STUN", wich means ability loss when it takes bod damage (similar to the Focus power loss rules).
  5. Crispr seems to have empowered these kinds of Idiots. And china never had any care to begin with:
  6. That raises so many questions. Like: Why are life kittens even illegal in the first place? A cat plague?
  7. That 1st parts sounds like you want to apply a "1 hit KO" rule. I know the Hero System has one of those, but I can not find it right now. It is a common technique to avoid having to track too much with high numbers of combatants. Personally I would prefer just making sheets for a whole Squad of those low level mooks. 1-2 Squads of Grunts and 1 Samurai is a lot easier to track that way. That spread of SPD is unusually wide. Even if hte 3 was for one Characters primary form, 5-9 is very extreme. The usual spread is something around: 5-7. SPD is not only a mater of game balance, but also of "player engagement". The player of the 9 SPD guy will act 3 times as often per Turn as the 3 SPD guy, wich can cause issues. Martial Arts are about getting OCV and damage for cheap-ish. Basically they are limited Combat Values and Damage Classes. How dangerous mooks are depends on how the heroes defenses (Defense, CV's, SPD and thus Abort potential) are laid out. If the heroes can just ignore them because their OCV and Damage is too low to even force the glass canon to abort, then they are missing their point. That is another reason a too wide spread can be an issue. Maxim 34. "If you’re leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun." personal addition Maxim 34a "If you are not even leaving sorch-marks, you should have run." Lets see what the ground rules are: The Superheroic setting is clear. What rules version are you using? 5E? 6E? The somewhat modified 6E from Champions Complete*? The points indicate one of the 6E versions, but better to be sure. *I am unsure if that is the right name. I know there has been a new-ish subversion of 6E that among othr things, abolished Mind Classes. Robots tend toward using the "Automaton" Rules Construct with the Automaton Powers (newly seperated from Automaton Rules construct in 6E). But if you want to make it easy on yourself, you can just make them normal Character sheets without even Automaton powers. Even a simple Automaton Power like "Takes no STUN" can be a huge headache for the beginners. As they are robots, they should usually fall into the "Machine" class of minds. Wich means many default version of Mental Powers would not work on them. But "Machine Class" Mental powers (Superhacking and Technopathy) would work in turn. Basically they get to "shift" their mindclass for free. But then have to live with the downsides if a Technopath or Superhacker is around. But again, you can make it easy on yourself and just say "their positronic brains are close enough to humans that those powers work".
  8. While it is true that as a GM you can "fudge the Numbers", the points can still give you a clear indication of power. Especialyl for a new GM, I would not underestimate it.
  9. That just shows how inclusive my definition is.
  10. Knockback is a optional rule usually reserved for Superheroic games. While Hit Locations is a Optional rule usually reserved for Heroic games. So they do not come up together that often. Of course there is nothing preventing you to combine them.
  11. My definition of Terrorism is: "Application of Violence or threat of Application of violence to archieve a Political goal". I have no idea wich Greenpeace action could conform to that requirement. But I know plente of cases where it does apply, includingf 9/11 and the origin of the word in France.
  12. For a well crafted closed time loop, look at Spellforce 1. At first glance the book they fight over in the intro might be a looping thing.
  13. This is a case where the "default Obviousness" of the powers would mater a lot. 6E1 124 and following has the basic rules. Foci can somewhat interfere here, but this does not sound like a Focus case.
  14. As long as you keep repeating that lie, I will keep repeating it is a lie and expose it. The evidence that he tried to move the fight is ample. We literally have Video proof of it: https://youtu.be/OZeqQlmOPgs?t=1316 If you somehow think Zod or Ursa would not have turned around to attack Civilians to draw him back in, then you are just a hater trying to justify his hate.
  15. "Ah, my old Nemesis - Context" - unknown Voice Recognition Programmer.
  16. I am pretty sure that is 4 participations, DT: Steirica Michael Hopcroft Tech with a nameless Villainess BoloOfEarth Time to call it?
  17. Anther thing to fear is: What if we loose the bulk of our supers? Unlike normal soldiers, you can not just throw in another guy to replace anyone you lost. Compare it to the strategy called "Fleet in Being": " In naval warfare, a "fleet in being" is a naval force that extends a controlling influence without ever leaving port. Were the fleet to leave port and face the enemy, it might lose in battle and no longer influence the enemy's actions, but while it remains safely in port, the enemy is forced to continually deploy forces to guard against it. A "fleet in being" can be part of a sea denial doctrine, but not one of sea control. " If two Nation Teams fight and one side looses half their Supers, that is a half the Nation Supers gone. The "Team in being" would no longer work. Way easier: Hitler was genuinely Paranoid of a takeover. And justified so - there are (no joke) 42 Documented Assasination attempts on him. With a unknown number of Undocumented ones. Ironically the allies ware about as afraid of a takeover. The last thing the leadership wanted was a german surrender and another "Stab in the Back" myth. Unconditional Surrender was the only acceptable outcome. And only he would have driven the war that far. Of course Hitler was also a madman about racial/genetic Purity. It could be well that he hunted down the german supers, using dedicated Killsquads of the SS. Something that would be a challenge for the Heroes of other nations. If the Arian is already the "Übermensch", no Superhuman above that can be tollerated!
  18. First we need to specify: Is this a GM or Player Character? If this is a GM Character, you can basically just do it. Make sure to not allow Dispel or Healing vs Transform/Summon, so you never have to wonder wich AP range this is. It happens: If this is a Player Chacter, then the Hero is the player Character. Not Sally Summoner. Sally Summoner sounds like some form of Complication/Limitation. "Can only appear where Sally Summoner is there and calls for him". This would imply a DNCP (Sally Summoner) and lock out numerours other complications (like Secret Identity). Summoning has all those issues with Phases to Orient oneself, Duties and the like. You propably end up having a Hero Summoned 24/7. Duplication is another Option, but having a widly different Duplicated Character is not really supported. Transform is a fallback Power, that should not be carelessly put onto anyones sheet - especially not Player Characters. It is around "last resort". It does not sound like the Kid would be usefull at all. The Idea with Multiforms and "Powerset disabeled" Limitations like "Only in Alternate/Heroic Identity" is to have the lesser Character be at least somewhat competent and interesting to play. With Limtiations you are supposed to Invest the saved points into stuff the normal self can do. Skills, Perks, that sort of thing. With Multiform the Main Sheet should be at least a "competent normal". Because otherwise you spend 90% of the time in the "Alternate" Form.
  19. While his representation is terrrible, I do agree: There is nothing inherent in the basis of the Dilemma that makes taking a 3rd (4th, 5th, 20th), previously unconsidered option impossible. I already gave you the Wikipedia definition above. So here are: Cambridge: " a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do: " Oxford: " 1A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable. ‘he wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den's dilemma in a nutshell’ 1.1 A difficult situation or problem. ‘the insoluble dilemma of adolescence’1.2Logic An argument forcing an opponent to choose either of two unfavourable alternatives. " Collins: " Word forms: plural dilemmas 1. countable noun A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives. He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country. The issue raises a moral dilemma. Synonyms: predicament, problem, difficulty, spot [informal] More Synonyms of dilemma 2. on the horns of a dilemma" Again, nothing in those definitions says "you can not take another option if it present itself".
  20. Their Argument is that "Superman never even tried to move hte fight elsewhere". Wich the video explains to be wrong. 21:56 is where this particular argument is debunked.
  21. Just stop with those Arguments already. They have been debunked for 3 years now:
  22. Another Webcomic came to my mind - The Specialists: https://thespecialistscomic.com/comic/cover/ Alternate history with Superhumans in WW2.The American Supers suffer what I would theme the "First Avenger effect". They are restricted to the homefront as moral boosters. Until the Storyline changes that.
  23. This is what Wikipedia says: " A dilemma (Greek: δίλημμα "double proposition") is a problem offering two possibilities, neither of which is unambiguously acceptable or preferable. The possibilities are termed the horns of the dilemma, a clichéd usage, but distinguishing the dilemma from other kinds of predicament as a matter of usage.[1] " I could not find a defition that does not alow the Circumvention of the Dilemma as a possibly 3rd Solution.
  24. You mean like all those people that died in the Floodwaves? Or all the parts of the subcrew that did not make it to the Torpedo Room? Oceanmaster propably killed way more people then Zod, Steppenwolf and 1 month of Joker crimes combined. All with just one attack and some little sub-surface warfare. Apparently if the person that dies is not shown, it is lighthearted action instead of "dark"?
  25. This reminds me of the Origin Story of the Kingsmen Organisation in the Movie: A lot of children died in the 1st World War Trenches. A lot of money that could not be inherited. Wich then went to found the Kingsman organisation. And Kingsman is actually a real Tailor. Now of course in this world, it could be a villain organisation. On the one hand, they really do not want another war, but only for the endgoal of limiting British casualties. They might try to start any number of local wars in a bet to avoid another WW. If a war comes, they might work towards a quick british retreat from the mainland. If the war comes to the shores, they might even aid the enemy in hopes of "limiting british casualties".
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