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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Was just going over some old John Valby songs... The Ballad of Big A$$ed Lil and Yukon Pete, Yo Ho, and Barnacle Bill the Sailor
  2. Re: Hyborean Dancing Girls I was pondering package additions for the Extra Nimble and Pointy model what done for old Alphonse so well, but my mind kept drifting to The Ballad of Yukon Pete. Damn, yet another reason to get HD... so I can start out Yukon Pete and Big A$$ed Lil.... Your base model'd probably be a good starting point for Lil...
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Bonny Ship The Diamond -Noel McLoughlin REALLY good version of this song!
  4. Re: Hyborean Dancing Girls of course, you can always bump up the Distinctive features a notch... Say, what other colors do them come in?
  5. Re: Hyborean Dancing Girls Darn it all to Heck, I've been trying to find a digitized image of the Phil Foglio MythAdventures comic adaptation scene wherein, while selling Quigley the No-So-Bright Demon hunter a sword, he recounts the tragic end of the previous bearer of the sword... "If it's such a wonderful sword, how did he die?" "Knifed by a dancing girl." "Ahh yes, that can happen." It's a great illustration, as Alphonse the Great takes aim (with a rubber band) at the well turned flank of the scantily attired lass dancing while juggling a dozen knives...
  6. Re: If I could put END in a bottle No, no, no. That way, Thia'd have to burn 7 CP every time he needed a pick-me-up. :tsk: Personally, I think that the best way to do this would be to use a Succor END with Continuing Charges, since charges don't cost END, and you'll nly make one 'roll' while the effect will continue for as long as you wanted it, like so: 9 This Secret Compartment of my ring I fill with Thia Halmades' Super-Energy Pill!: Succor END 6d6 (standard effect: 18 points) (30 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 5 Minutes (-3/4), Gestures (-1/4) Exactly. The Bottle is the "Gun", as it were. The contents (charge or charges) are the "bullets". That said, I could also see a valid build using a Trigger, it just sort depends on how you want the gameplay to work. I'd see a trigger option to litterally folly the thread title, where the power allows you to actively "Fill" containers and then use them or hand them off to people as you see fit.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The last thing I remember flitting across my dreaming consciousness before I woke this morning was... Looking at my user screen and seeing I'd gotten Rep for several of my dreams. I think perhaps I'm spending too much idle time on these boards.
  8. Re: Anger Management berserk "when he sees his own shadow"?
  9. Re: Limited by "club" weapon rules? First off... The "Club Weapon" rules don't have anything to do with what you wanna know, just to be pedantic... That said, AFAIK, and I freely admit I might have missed something along the way... Short form: Yeah, they add. 16d6 long form: With objects of opportunity, you might be limited to (DEF+BODY)D6 HA, but yeah, you'll still add your STR. If I was GM, I'd let you use up to double the BODY, but the item, in question would be taking damage and break PDQ. When dealing with an unadvantaged HA, in a Superheroic game usually the HA just adds to STR Damange. Done. When you begin factoring in Martial Arts, Advantaged HA's, and/or Heroic level games things begin to get tricky/wonky, but in any case if the HA is more Active Points than the STR you want to add, generally you're golden. The Damage Adding rules are more geared to gimping adding lots of STR to a small HA, not adding a little STR to a big HA.
  10. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. like I said earlier... A whole canyon full of worms. I'd put telepathy at around the same point on the ethics scale as chemical interrogation, both of which are better options than torture for most situations, IMHO. Neither are totally white hat moves, however. To clarify my earlier posts, in regards to some of the comments... yes, torture is the impatient approach. In a non-time sensitive situation, or if other equally fast information extraction options are available, it wouldn't be my first choice either. HOWEVER... If time is of the essence and better options aren't available, I don't see the option as less heroic than letting the timer run out because you're too damn good to get your hands dirty. And if the bad guy doesn't know what you need to know, or worse was only pretending to know for his own personal agenda.... Too bad. Maybe next time he'll look at those missing fingers and question whether he really should be working for Viper on a "Need to Know" basis, or perhaps questioning if claiming responsibility for kidnapping and burying the kid when he didn't have anything to do with it was such a great idea. If you're going to play with fire, be prepared to get burned. Getting tortured still might well be preferable to a SWAT sniper putting a .50 BMG round through his shiny green helmet, a likely response if the costumed heroes hadn't shown up to take him prisoner with non-lethal force in the first place.
  11. Re: Scott Heine - Protectors Sweet! Thanks Scott! To Serve & Protect was one of my favorites, back in the day.
  12. Re: Champs-What if you had to draft a superpower registration act? First off, I'm not gonna answer "How do you make superpowers illegal", but rather the thread title "What if you had to draft a superpower registration act?", because I've already basically had to do just that in one campaign, after playing through a "Paranormal Registration Act passes but is discovered to be a supervillian plot" story arc. #1) Assemble your implementation team, consisting of as many of the best heroic Super-geniuses, Super-scientists, Super-mages, Psionics and Cyberpaths as you can get to volunteer under Very strict "for the good of all Mankind, Normal and Meta alike" security measures. Probably involving voluntary Geasa or Mindlocks. #2) Have said team create a classification system for Paranormal and Metahuman powers and power levels, ranging from "Almost useless" to "World Shattering". #3) Create a set of storage, retrieval and security protocols that dwarf those used for the nuclear arsenal or Area 51. Something on par with the launch codes for The Great Old Ones. #4) Load the database with dummy information and have a large cross-section of "The Worlds greatest detective" types try and break it. Continue until it passes 100 out of 100 incursion attempts. Repeat this process on a regular basis. #5) Establish a "Department of Paranormal Resources". Treat Registration as similar to Selective Service, with the addition of full ride Government benefits for all registered Paranormals, scaling by power level and activities. Health benefits for them and their families, full ride scholarships, financial support, pensions... Pretty much anything they need. They are a unique national resource as well as a pool of potential WMD's. Keep them happy. Implement several stages of childhood testing procedures, to identify latents before bad things happen. Public perception should be that spawning a meta is a lot like winning the lottery. Don't REQUIRE registration or instill mandatory testing for adults, but make the "Use of Metapowers in the Commission of a Crime" a major force multiplier for Criminal Charges, with "Use of an Unregistered Metapower in the Commission of a Crime" even worse. Don't restrict non-criminal use of meta faculties except as they infringe on the rights or freedoms of others. Offer ginormous incentives for metas to use their powers for the good of society. Essentially eliminate most potential reasons for going rogue. Treat your metas like royalty... even if they don't have useful abilities, they might produce children who do. #5) Spin the hell out of it in the press. #6) Hopefully, sit back and enjoy a golden age. EDIT: Probably should include this... #7) Pimpslap the idiots who think that outlawing superpowers is actually a GOOD idea.
  13. Re: It's a matter of integrity I respectfully disagree... in the "somewhat fictional" words of Eliot Ness "I have foresworn myself. I have broken every law I have sworn to uphold, I have become what I beheld and I am content that I have done right!" There are as many different "internal" visions of what constitutes heroic actions as there are men put into the position where they have to make those kinds of hard choices. I, for one, feel that sacrificing personal integrity to preserve the life of an innocent child is more heroic than choosing to uphold your code at such a price. But I'll admit to having a "vigilante mentality" psyche lim of my own.
  14. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. I agree with ya, pretty much all the way around. Bringing Powers into the discussion opens whole canyons full of ethical worms. I just had a phrase pop into my head, and idly wondered how often some variation has been uttered in a game... "OK, We have the information we need. Go ahead and heal him"
  15. Re: Which is your least favorite archetype to play? A man of uncomplicated pleasures, who knows what he likes...
  16. Re: Strange Asteroid Stalks the Earth Heya Doc! Long time no see
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings my superpower was a digging steel and a pickaxe. Honestly, if my cheap@ssed boss had ever heard of a jackhammer or rotohammer, I'd have probably finished out the contract
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings My point exactly....
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I suppose this is the best place to post this... I was amused earlier... I was working with some of the most toxic chemicals in my whole theater while listening to She Blinded Me With Science
  20. Re: Crimson Skies Plane Conversion in the words of House of Pain Bbbbbbback from the dead, This thread is back from the dead....
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings *shudder* Nope, won't do it. And yeah, I've dug ditches before. I am, however, well qualified enough to be able to pass on the really evil jobs, like the time I quit a job in Folsom making big rocks into little ones. I figured if I was gonna do that, I might as well at least get to kill someone first...
  22. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. Part of what I find ironic about this thread comes from recalling The Dark Knight Returns, often considered the "point of origin" for the Iron Age of Comics, where Bats maintains his strict CVK (even after deciding to finally make an exception for the Joker) throughout, but still tortures, kneecaps, and otherwise strikes terror into the hearts of criminals the rest of the way through the book. "There are seven working defenses from this position. Three of them disarm with minimal contact. Three of them kill. The other... **KRAKK** hurts." "It was tough work, carrying two hundred and twenty pounds of sociopath to the top of Gotham Towers... the highest spot in the city. The scream alone is worth it." "You don't get it, boy. This isn't a mudhole... It's an operating table. And I'm the surgeon." "Something tells me to stop with the leg. I don't listen to it."
  23. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just finished matching The Last Mimzy. Very cool movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
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