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Everything posted by bluesguy

  1. bluesguy


    It is a Java application so if you have Java installed on your Mac it will work just fine.
  2. bluesguy


    Hi, I really like HexOGrapher (free version) for creating world maps. The paid version is well worth the $s.
  3. In my continuing efforts to keep a good gaming group together and use Hero I just recruited a new player. He posted on a local Meetup group that he was looking for a gaming group. Now I have posted in the Meeting group about what I running. I provide links to two articles on my website, Gaming Biography and Current Campaigns. After we started talking he was on board with playing with us (Sunday will be the first time). We meet face to face this morning and my wife, daughter and I liked him. Also he bought a copy of the Fantasy Hero Complete PDF and was digging through it. He noticed right away that in d20 games the system and everything about it is suppose to 'balanced' vs. Hero where the GM use the Hero system as a toolkit and has manage game balance themselves. He liked that. If he sticks with us that means I will have convert three former d20 players into Hero gamers.
  4. Glad you are getting something from that thread. As you noted above Context is everything. One way to look at strength is to look at the table on page 17 of FHC. An 18 STR lets someone lift 300 kg. Also look at the tables on page 22 in the FHC. None taken. Pricing was easy - I matched the pricing of Hero Designer.
  5. Thank you for joining us. I started a thread called Experiences teaching people Hero Game System which you might find useful. I want to thank @Greywind for suggesting Hero Combat Manager which I wrote. It can help you with managing combat. You asked "So, how do you model something like Spider Man's highly versatile webbing?" and then noted that you saw a number of different ways people had done it. One thing to remember is that Spider Man was written and drawn by many different artists over time. Because of that he might use his webbing with one writer/artist and never use it again. So if you are going to model Spider Man's webbing you need to model the things he does all the time - swinging, stretching (he uses his webbing to grab things out of his normal reach), webs to entangle, and his web bags. I have seen Spider Man do those things in virtually every comic, movie or TV show he has ever been in. Any framework the webbing is in has to take into account that he can swing and shot at the same time. You used the jazz musician analogy to your GMing style. As a guitar player myself, blues is my thing, there are core things you have to know and be able to do without thinking. Most guitarists I know have a 'tool box' of chords, melodies and solos they go to when they improvise. As a GM my toolbox has a common set of opponents that I have created using Hero Designer ahead of time and then I can use them in Hero Combat Manager. Common opponents might be (no specific genre here): agents, bandits, minor supervillains, orcs, goblins, police, city watch, street gang member, more substantial supervillain, etc. For non-combat situations I would rarely have a character generated because I can wing those situations.
  6. In real life I can say here are the benefits I have either received or given by being a member of a religious community: Common belief system Mutual support Sense of belonging A way to express good works as a group which usually brings about greater good than I can do as an individual Psychological, spiritual, physical, and monetary support A place of refuge during times of trouble Healing Community Overcome injustice within a society In gaming terms here are somethings that come to mind: Faced with overwhelming odds, a priest or warrior for a particular god might turn to other believers to raise enough people to fight against their mutual enemy A place to recuperate after a battle. Including cleansing rituals for warriors who have returned from battle to help them regain some of their humanity after killing other sentient beings. Healing - actual healing ("Lets see I got hit 3x, 2 body, 4 body and 5 body" and the priest tries to heal each wound one at a time); blessing; spiritual;psychological Refugees from a battle are taken to a church after the battle by a PC who is a member of that religious group Evil ruler who is someone that can't be killed by the players but needs to be removed starts to help a group, organized by religious groups, to protest, boycott and other acts of disobedience to bring about change. My favorite character to play is named Eltrois and he is a warrior-priest. There have been a number of incarnations of this character over the years :-). In his current incarnation he is a member of the Hell Reavers. He goes on missions for his order. Sometimes he brings the order interesting things that he finds. He has a place to stay whenever he is 'home'. He never has to worry about mundane equipment he can just go to the armory. The GM and I came up with a back story where one of Eltrois' buddies got a woman pregnant and the friend was sent away to remote outpost. Eltrois makes sure the woman and her son have what they need every month. When home he goes with his brothers' in arms and they share rousing stories, drink and eat because tomorrow they may fight demons in hell.
  7. Simple mechanism - Ego Roll; -1 per 10 pts over PRE.
  8. I would suggest watching some of the current 'super' TV shows to see how they do it. Agents of Shield has been mostly very experienced agents and few supers of any strip. That has changed this last season. Arrow was definitely in the same situation for the first season and a portion of the second season. Most of the heroes in those shows faced normals, some trained (police), some very trained (martial artists, military, etc) and eventually they ran into some supers. I think this is a good idea on your part. Should be fun.
  9. A couple of things that prevent this from happening - at least in my games: You have to do something pretty awesome. Characters are in a battle and one of them cuts down an opponent with a single stroke. Player has to decide to use that moment for a presence attack and come up with something intelligent/useful to say at that point in time Player rolls average and therefore gets +20 on the opponents PRE. What is the result "Target is awed. He will not act for 1 Full Phase, is at ½ DCV, and possibly will do as the attacker commands." So if this is a big fight then only opponents who can see/hear what happened will be affected. So here is what I am thinking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC_TFoGhqUU - which looks like a really well rolled PRE attack to me (+20 or +30 vs Sir Uryens' PRE)...
  10. I have highly encouraged my players to use Presence attacks. I am pretty liberal as a GM in applying the increased dice as found on pg 136 in 6th Edition volume 2. Presence attacks that are simple instructions tend to work the best - players pick up on that pretty quickly. In my fantasy games they have found that if they can single shot kill (or knockout) an opponent that is a great time for a PRE attack "Surrender or die!" and I will give them an additional 7d6 to their PRE. Most players in my Heroic campaigns have 15 PRE so that is 10d6 PRE which usually results in a PRE attack of ~35 points which is almost always going to be +20 over NPC combatants PRE. Of course the exact same thing can happen to them. So it all works out.
  11. The humans are his hirelings and she is giving him a neck massage with her booted foot. It is hard to give a good massage to a dragon through all those thick scales. He has told his hirelings "After that last mission I decided you pick out one of the larger babbles from this small treasure room.".... I can say my wife and daughter loved the cover art.
  12. I would recommend looking at Killer Shrike site about converting from DnD to Hero (although it is Hero 5e) My other suggestion would be to pick up: Grimoire I - you should find all the spells that could fill out a DnD style game (or close enough). Grimoire II - much less necessary than volume I Bestiary
  13. Or time. Many of the famous game settings were created by single individuals who spent years developing them. Harn, Greyhawk, and Glorantha all come to mind. Christopher Taylor (who posts regularly on this board) has been working on a campaign world for a long time. He has been publishing parts of that world and selling them on this site.
  14. Hero has an extremely liberal licensing agreement. If folks think a compelling campaign setting is what is needed to sell the product then start working on one and make it ready for sale. I am sure Hero would be happy to sell it from this site.
  15. Why? How does that work for character builds? Or does everyone basically have a very similar speed?
  16. and The idea that 'fighters' in a heroic game are going to be all be the same. My previous Fantasy game we had three fighters in the party: Archer - she could hit pretty much anything she wanted to (always a chest shot because she had +3 vs location; sometimes even head shots) Fencer - two weapon fighter (chest shots +3 vs location), disarms, lots of movement + SPD Brick - Dwarf fighter with near superhuman strength; lots of Body, PD/ED, Stun, REC. His opening tactic was to use a heavy thrown axe at an opponent's shield to shatter the shield. His favorite tactic was to jump into a fight and do lots of sweeps (he had +3 vs sweep maneuver). Everyone of these fighters used their builds and terrain to their individual advantages. So Heroic fighters do not need to be 'generic/vanilla'.
  17. That does sound like fun. Can I come over to your house and play
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkhwlcVAClk
  19. Keep the comments coming. If people do come up with products ($ or free) to help people learn Hero Game System I would be very interested. Again my main reason for asking has to do with helping new players get started in playing RPGs using Hero. Learning how to GM and how to GM using Hero is a different conversation entirely.
  20. I am different than other GMs when it comes to my Champions games vs. Fantasy. My Fantasy games are definitely very well thought out campaigns - even when it is a sandbox world. The games are 'serial' in nature and each session builds on the previous sessions. My Champions games are extremely episodic. The main theme is the players are part of a sanctioned group operating out of the city we actually live in (Twin Cities). I try to find interesting things that are going on locally and then inject a 'super' into the mix. For instance there is a big winter carnival every year here with a huge party/ball. The movers and shakers are at that party. So last year the players faced a scenario that was a direct rip off of Die Hard 1. The villains were trying to break into a vault on the floor above the ball and took the party goers hostage. Once in a while a villain(s) from a previous episode will show up. I have had a master villain on a couple of occasions show up for multiple sessions until they captured him (or he fled for a long time). I have no big plan or goal or campaign theme with Champions. I treat it like a 'pick up game' when we only have a few players who can make it to a game session.
  21. Original Question was How do you handle prices? It depends... In one of my campaigns the players were very interested in how much things cost. They went to extraordinary lengths to stretch out their coin ... Probably because I was so careful with how much coin I gave them. Also there were living in probably the biggest city on the continent, which created plenty of opportunities for buying and selling. I was forced to come up with an extensive pricing list (see previous post) which I originally loaded up into a spreadsheet. Later I 'translated' the spreadsheet into something I could use InspirationPadPro to help generate 'random' pricing, availability, and quantity for the items, I have included factors such as quality and level of wealth in an area to help with the pricing. One character was a noble and so she did have wealthy as a perk. Basically she could buy just about anything and not have to track the prices. Plus she is a noble so 'haggling' would have been beneath her. In this case the players and I created a situation where detailed pricing was needed.In the current campaign I am running, I still have the same tables, they just aren't as useful because they campaign takes place on the edge of civilization and they are traveling between villages. There is very little for them to buy and/or sell. They are working for a merchant who trades in rare spices - which the area they are in is well known for. The merchant (a PC) also has wealthy as a perk. Everyone else was hired as a guard but that relationship has changed over time. She pays their daily expenses. They split loot when they have an 'adventure'. In this case, only have 1/2 the players from the previous group, the players really aren't all that interested in loot. The one change has been when they get to a village they want to know about taverns and/or inns to find out about lodging and food. This has lead me to create more extensive random food and drink options....
  22. Find free & cheap resources to help fill in information for you. This is where sites like DriveThruRPG is so helpful: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118394/A-Wretched-Catalogue-of-Gear?term=a+wretched http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/80212/Master-Item-List?manufacturers_id=3203
  23. Pit trap is also a good one. 4d6 normal damage wouldn't kill anyone but would leave them hurt and potentially stuck....
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