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Everything posted by bluesguy

  1. A general magic system would have been nice. But the Grimoire can meet the needs for a basic/general magic system pretty well.
  2. I said that. It may only be available for people who sponsored the Kickstarter ... It is made up of a kingdom, some towns, cities, races, classes, deities and magic system. A very good starting point for a beginning GM
  3. If you have Fantasy Hero 6e, see pages 172 - 181 for a nice list of equipment and the combat effects of some of that equipment can be found on pages 189 - 226. Armor: Do not use sectional armor because it is too complex to start out with. Weapons: Limit the list of weapons that are available. Money: You have some choices on this one: Let them have the appropriate armor/weapons for their culture. Basically assume they are trained in their home cultural norm for weapons and armor. So a nomadic tribe might only have leather but a mounted knight would have chainmail or better and the same for their horse. And then have them roll xd6 for how much silver they have to start with. Generally I have the players start with 100 to 200 sp. Have them buy the right armor and weapons. For this figure out what the cost of the most basic average equipment for the party, that is your base sp. Then have the player roll xd6 for how much additional silver they have. Then let them shop for what they want Personally I go with the first approach. I also guess how much they need to survive (food & lodging) for a month (room, board, & supplies). That helps me figure out how much treasure to have them find/capture/appropriate from each adventure/job. I try to keep the players relatively broke.
  4. They just announced the print version is almost at the warehouse... That means it will be available for sale very soon.
  5. Fantasy Hero Complete, at least the Kickstarter version, came with a campaign setting. Another option is to get either the Turakian Age or Valdorian Age. Turakian Age is definitely a High Fantasy setting.
  6. I am a slave to a good story/plot and the players having a good time.
  7. Most of the groups I have run work very hard to develop their characters and the idea of letting a bad random roll 'kill' them is not fun for them or me as a GM. Is there a real threat to the characters in my games yes. They can be seriously injured. They might be captured. They might die. But when they do in my campaign it is too move the story, characters, or plot along - i.e. As a GM I make the decision (often with a conversation of the player).
  8. I really like your ideas for a pantheon. I wish I had these when I was setting up my home brew campaign....
  9. I don't own M&M - so how does that system work?
  10. Thank you these are all good suggestions. I really like this suggestion... I can think of a few things that would be also altering to the characters but not 'game mechanic' type stuff.
  11. So there is a location in my campaign world, that I expect the players will one day visit. It is a place where the god who is known as the benign god of magic, shadow, mysteries, and dreams. I would like the experience to be altering for the characters and players. The world is a high fantasy world - magic is known and has an impact on people's lives; there are magical creatures of various types; and the campaign world is 'gray morally'. A game mechanic for magic in my campaign is that magical ability comes in two flavors. One is a learned skill that allows anyone to learn a spell or two. They might be pretty good with that spell but they tend to lack the versatility and power of someone who was born with a talent for magic. Those with the talent for magic have a VPP. Those without a talent do not have a VPP (or any other framework). Here are some ideas I have: Mages with a VPP and have the xp can increase their VPP power and control pools. Mages without a VPP can increase the maximum active points of one spell by up to 2x, again they have to have the xp to do this. Potential raw and special components that could have value to a mage Allow the temporary enchantment of a single item Ideas, comments, criticisms....
  12. In the case of the adventure I am describing the armor and weapons were best given to an NPC the players needed to help them with the war against the master villain in the campaign. They couldn't use all the powers available in the weapons and armor. In exchange they were given a magical item that would help them in the upcoming war.
  13. Please post a link to his Kickstarter campaign. Some of us might want to help out
  14. I ran an adventure in my Valdorian campaign. The players pieced together an old treasure map and legend about a long dead hero who meet his demise fighting the last (or one of the last) dragons. They were primarily going so they could recover the hero's armor, shield and sword which were suppose to be magical - a very very very rare thing in the Valdorian campaign. The party found out the old lair was now inhabited by trolls and was really hard to get to. They did get in and eventually killed the trolls. Because the party knew they were going to a dragon's lair they brought mules, saddle bags, and a lot of rope. When they got inside they found They found four large chests that were burned/broken from the fight between the hero, his companions and the dragon. The coins inside had been melted into big globs. The four chests had a combined weight of about one ton ... Well they went after the one full of silver, dragged it to the lip of the cave/lair entrance and pushed it out entrance so it would crash down on the rocks below (~100'). That definitely broke it into more manageable pieces ... They found a bunch of copper ingots 'welded' to the floor, walls and ceiling - part of the after effect of the battle with the dragon. They did spend a bit of time debating how to get all the chests out or coming back. In the end they took what they could without killing their mules and left the rest. The did swear they would go back for the rest but never did once they realized how much silver they got(+10,000 sp - a huge amount in my campaign).
  15. bluesguy


    Best way too keep from hoarding: Cost Availability Fragile Spoilage Difficult to prepare into something useful Time to prepare into something useful Bulk/weight/mass
  16. I have the players roll 1d6 at the beginning of every session. I let them bank up to 10 HAP. They can use 1 HAP to re-roll any roll they want to roll - attack rolls, skill rolls, characteristic rolls, and damage rolls. It is simple and it keeps the funkiness of 'bad dice' from becoming too much of a problem.
  17. I have taught many people how to play Hero. The best advice I have for you is to figure out what your campaign norms are going to be so you can normalize on that. Then ask each player to come up with a character background. Who are they? Why do they do what they do? What is their personal history? What are they good at and not good at? Do they have any personality quirks? From there you can then sit down with them and build a basic character. I have built characters for everyone (based on their descriptions) in my current gaming group except for one person who knows Hero at least as well as I do. I explain everything as we are building the character. After we print out a copy of the character we look over the character sheet and I talk them thru what they would have to do in certain circumstances. For instance if they say "I want to sneak up on that guy over there." and I tell them "Ok make a stealth roll..." they know how to make that roll. Then we work thru combat. There are some handy 'one page' combat cheat sheets floating around on the board you can use to help them go thru the 'combat process'. In a Heroic game I generally ignore END costs unless someone has a 'power that has a high END cost' then they have to track their END. I would definitely keep STUN & BODY when it comes to damage. If you take away Stun as something to track you will have the issue of characters that use normal attacks - martial arts for instance - who basically never hurt anyone. Starting out do not use hit locations or placed shots.
  18. Are you generating the character sheets from HDC? Do you have an export for these sheets? If you do that would be awesome....
  19. This is an excellent idea Chris.
  20. When I built my current campaign and was creating an Alchemy magic school I went with the INT rule. I also made sure that every potion takes a lot of time to make and if the potion is very useful then it was potentially pretty expensive to make.
  21. One of the things I keep hearing is that Hero needs pre-built adventures, pre-built PCs, and settings. Instead of just saying this is what Hero needs to do - create them yourself and see if you can sell them as PDFs (here, drivethru, rpgnow, etc.)
  22. Thank you for this update....
  23. One of my players played a dwarf. I had a few people ask "Can I play an elf?" And I said "Well no one has seen an elf in thousands of years and most likely human's would kill an elf on sight." (Read the background material for VA). It was one of the things about the setting that I loved (I strongly dislike elves and the players who love them).
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