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Everything posted by bluesguy

  1. Me too... To bad you don't live here in the Twin Cities you could game with us. Actually that goes for all the regular posters here on the forum. I would love to play in your games and have you play in mine.
  2. It is also dependent on a player who really understands how use mental powers. Mark you obviously got it. In my campaign we used LTE to "manage" the player's sorcerer (mentalist). He was much more careful about when he used his powers. Especially since he wasn't always guaranteed a good nights sleep to recover his LTE. That one change still left him very effective but not so overwhelming compared to everyone else's character.
  3. True enough since 9d6 is ~32 points of effect so for the average monster with a 10 EGO that is only +20 EGO. But if you have two ogres and Joe ogre ripped off Mike ogre and Mike ogre knows about it, and the character knows about it, maybe +20 EGO to beat up your thieving friend could happen
  4. In fact when used in a game with few other mages and mentalist the 'invisible' capability is overwhelming to the opposition. In fact the particular adventure I described ended up with a minor rebellion within the gaming group. The other players started asking "What do we need to be doing on these adventures if he can just put everyone to sleep so easily and then just walk in and kill them." The player and I had to rework his character to make it so he couldn't cast his spells so easily and often. He also agreed to back off on how he used his spells. i.e. His character had become "no fun" at that point in time. The reworking made his character more fun - mostly because he started expanding to other areas/skills. Mental powers in the hands of a clever and resourceful player are extremely effective.
  5. In that case I would say the command should be "Kill yourself" because Ego +30: Target will perform actions he is violently opposed to doing. Target will believe statements that contradict strongly held personal beliefs or principles (including Psychological Complications) or that contradict reality under direct observation. Most people are not violently opposed to sleeping. Again Ego +20 seems like go for a long walk in the woods in the middle of the night based on: Target will perform actions he is normally against doing. Target will believe any statement that doesn’t contradict strongly held personal beliefs or principles (such as Psychological Complications) Sorry my example was not complete enough. First the PC did a mind scan and found all the guards. Then he concentrated on one guard at a time and did his Mind Control on each one. Also I should have stated that the guards in question were bandits - not exactly disciplined.
  6. I thinking mental (OMCV) type attacks are very effective in a Heroic style game. If a mentalist has an OMCV of 5 they will most likely be facing opponents with a DMCV of 3. All of the attacks are LOS so there is no range modifiers. Almost every opponent will have a 10 or maybe 13 EGO and no Mental Defense without some serious justification (at least in my campaign). So the mentalist needs an mental illusion spell capable of rolling on average between 30 to 40 on their dice. That means 8.5d6 to 11d6. In my previous fantasy campaign, low magic sword & sorcery world, there was a PC sorcerer who used mental spells. The player learned how to use 6d6 Mind Control to 'influence' opponents to do what he wanted. For instance he used his mind scan to find the guards who were awake on a camp they wanted to ambush and he basically suggested the guards were really tired and wanted to go to sleep and they went to sleep. The party was able to sneak in and do what they wanted without much trouble. A player who wants to use mental powers needs to learn to be subtle and clever. If the player wants to use fireballs on their opponents they should just go for fireballs.
  7. A 30 second ad on AoS is $169,730 as per Adweek article... I 100% sure that would be years of advertising budget for Hero. And that doesn't even include actually making the ad itself. Which to do it right is going to cost a bunch of $s as well
  8. Played in or run... Silver Age themed (but not time period) Super heroes games Fantasy - various campaign worlds mostly homegrown Star Trek themed Mission Impossible styled spy campaign And when I have needed to flatten a map pilling all the Hero Game books on top of the map that worked well
  9. Do any of you have women in your gaming groups? I can tell you that the women in my gaming group like the cover. 50% of the people in world are women. How many are playing RPGs? How many would play if the people creating the games, art and miniatures would take into account their tastes and sensibilities? I can tell you that the women gamers in my group want to have fun... Killing things isn't that much fun for them. They like a good combat. But they love a good swindle, joke, and chance to outsmart their opposition.
  10. Dark Sword Miniatures... Almost all their female characters are terrible
  11. Fantasy Hero has a section on Mass Combat. It doesn't include how to run the scenario without a GM.
  12. Well I had a conversation w/ my players about that particular session and the universal response was "We hated that." just for the reasons that other folks posted. Ah my bad. Live, learn and get loves.
  13. The aliens would appear as holograms to record observations as events occurred. The aliens would make comments about the characters abilities and whether or not humanity was going to be capable of being a threat to anyone in the future. I dropped references to movies such as the Day the Earth Stood Still. The "threat assessment" had more to do with "Will humanity become something like a plague in the galaxy once they get off their planet." When the players figured that out things did change. The characters stopped trying to fight the other aliens and communicate with them the 'laboratory aliens' took notice. Also when the characters came up with a way out of their enclosure and went to another enclosure the aliens became very interested. This was a single adventure. The players/characters usually trounce most of the supervillains they run into. This time they couldn't beat the 'bad guy' (the aliens were 'bad', no more so than we study rats in a maze).
  14. Actually now come to think of it I did run an adventure where the hero team was captured. An strange artifact suddenly showed up at a local park in the middle of the winter. All around the artifact the snow had melted and grass was growing. The police had put up a protective barrier. The team went to investigate. At some point one of them touched it and they were all transported across the galaxy to be 'observed during stress tests'. The aliens that captured them treated them about the same as a human researcher would treat a rat or monkey (they needed to keep alive) to observe their reaction to 'stress'. The players were quite annoyed. It took them a while to 'escape' from their cell - think large 1950's house - only to find out the entire planet was a 'zoo' of sorts. The heroes had to deal with other aliens who had also been captured and were mad. They generally ended up fighting with those aliens. And sometimes yelled at their captors. Eventually the aliens that captured them declared humanity a minimal threat and returned the team back to earth.
  15. The players who don't like being captured really should watch the old Batman TV show. Yes it was a campy mess. But oh what wonderful death traps they had on that show.
  16. They would hate me as a GM. I sometimes ask to see character sheets to see if they are keeping track of things.... If they haven't been then I will tell them "Oh it looks like some of your $/ammo/equipment is missing or lost. Now what are you going to do?" My players keep pretty detailed records of their stuff. And since we use the Obsidian Portal for the campaign I highly encourage them to update their characters on the site with the most valuable stuff. If it is there then it is sure to be kept around.... Money tends to be fluid but some of them have a habit of stashing 10 to 30% of their $s in a 'bank'. They put that info on OP...
  17. This is a miniature (NSFW)... And there are many more just like it at the same site. I have women in my group and miniatures like this one makes the entire group mad as hell.
  18. Having GMed a few players with Mentalist characters I tend to be pretty careful about what mental powers they have and how they can be used. Mental Illusion & Mind Control require the player to wisely choose the illusion or mind control command. Over time my players have learned that being subtle is the name of the game.
  19. I do like it. I like that there is fully clothed female character front and center. And who knows maybe she is giving the dragon a neck massage and her booted foot is the only way to do it. And maybe the others are merely rearranging the dragon's lair & treasure.
  20. Another option I would suggest is that a new character is brought in with 80% of the total XP of the lowest number of XP in the current party. This is how I handle a new player in my game after the game has been going on a while. For instance: Character A has 10 XP; B has 12; C has 15; and D has 10. Character B is killed in a game and so they player creates a new character without any extra XP to start with. Once the character has been built as a new character they get an extra 8 XP to use to flesh out their character. That is 80% of 10 XP. It works pretty well. Plus in my game I we use Obsidian Portal and I give XP for writing up interesting adventure logs and helping to flesh out the campaign world.
  21. I have a feeling I am going to regret asking but what is "the rep system"
  22. I have been building a new campaign world and I intend to run it as a sandbox type campaign. I have been buying adventures that can be put into any game. I usually tweak them a bit to fit my game. Here are a few examples: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/63472/Encounters-Series-0-The-Priest-and-the-Hangman http://www.mediafire.com/download/228tceda67fc3sa/NBD-MMFF1-TheHangingGarden.pdf http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/100528/PFRPG-The-Ruins?g_sort_test_result=2 I like these products because they provide more than an plot outline and they don't assume to much about the setting. I had to create/use character/monsters from my campaign but aside from that the adventure was ready to go.
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