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Chiba Bob

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Everything posted by Chiba Bob

  1. Re: No Frameworks? Not True. I have played in a number of Danger International campaigns some with powers and some without. Characteristics do not need to be repriced and character design was clear. A Hero campaign works fine without power frameworks. You guys need to get out more. .
  2. Re: No Frameworks? That's too bad because you are missing out. When Scott Bennie was play-testing his VIPER book, he allowed our 150 point VIPER agents with only 40 points of powers using no frameworks and we all had loads of fun. .
  3. Re: Old school champions player Resurrection if the previous body can be recovered and repaired. .
  4. Re: Help me Canadian Champions fans? What part of Canada does the campaign take place?
  5. Re: Carpenter's Tools and the Hero System Toolkit I view Hero System game mechanics as akin to gravity. When an apple falls from the tree, we can all agree or disagree what happens to the apple between our respective campaigns. When we all follow the same basic Universal laws (game mechanics), it allows use all to pool and share each others ideas on world building and character development. A Vampire created for a Fantasy Hero could be ported over to a Star Hero as is. The Real difference between Hero and other game systems is that we can see the engine, transmission, etc. and all we have to do is the bodywork. .
  6. Re: What's the best way to conquer Canada? Kidnaping the band, Rush, would not net much of a ransom except maybe from their manager. .
  7. Re: What's the best way to conquer Canada? WARRANTY! There is a warranty? I should have known. Those who steal for a living never get the extended warranty, only the Extended Haymaker. .
  8. Re: What's the best way to conquer Canada?
  9. Re: The Valdorian Age BLAST!!!!! Not those Lawn Gnomes and their ability to hide in plain sight. They are always watching me. I though I got them all last year during my late night romp with the golf club.
  10. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom I think the best use of the fire extinguisher would be to discharge it into the targets eyes which should not be too hard seeing that they are so small. I would call it a NND Flash attack, One Hex Accurate against Tiny targets. This way you get a number of charges instead of an "All-Or-Nothing Attack". .
  11. Re: Teen Spy Campaigns Section One's Farm Team comes to mind if someone wanted to run a more dark and serious game. After basic training, the Farm Team is assigned Abeyance (suicide) Missions until Section is satisfied with their performance. .
  12. Re: A-Team in Space: Merc Campaign. Would not the A-Team in space be a fugitive campaign? The "A" typical A-Team adventure usually involved them running into situations were their sense of duty, honor and justice lead them to help the locals while being hunted by the military (on a 14- or less) .
  13. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom Is this a normal or heroic level or a superhero level game?
  14. Re: Alpha Male Contest Half Joking .
  15. Re: Enterprise NC1701A vs. Imperial Star Destroyer
  16. Re: Enterprise NC1701A vs. Imperial Star Destroyer This topic should be against the law. This is a "Thought Crime" if I have ever seen one. The FBI should investigate. A death penalty show be imposed. Lapsedgamer gets the green, fuzzy, moldy cookie I have stored under the cushions of my sofa for the last 10 years because I was too afraid to touch it without the proper protective equipment. This part of the house has been off-limits until today! Yes Lapsedgamer, thats right, you get the "Great Cthulhu Cookie" TAKE D100 SANITY LOSS INFIDEL .....
  17. Re: Preprogrammed Duties - The Manchurian Star Hero What about a mental Transform?
  18. Re: Internet and cell phones Good Question? I don't see what the problem is either. Lets see, cell phones are fragile, I have broken a few in every day use let alone if a fight (a Haymaker from the Ripper is not covered by warranty). Buying a new cell after every battle could get expensive. They are awkward and slow (Extra Time, Concentration ½ DCV) to use it could be Turn 2 or 3 in a fight before someone answers. Moreover, the internet is nothing more than a home based library except that the information gained can be biased, or misleading. The Only advantage of the internet that I can see is that it is convenient. If it speeds up the investigation so we can get to the fight, I am all for it. .
  19. Re: Dark Champions Campaigns I just got my copy of Dark Campions and have started a players writeup for an Iron Age campaign. It is inspired by a couple of news paper articles and the VIPER source book. This is what I have so far: THE SERPENT'S GATE AFFAIR Abbotsford, a sleepy Canadian rural community located on the west coast of British Colombia and is rocked by drugs, murder and violence. Known as the bible-belt, this small city holds the title as the Murder Capital of Canada. Asian, East Indian, European, and Motorcycle gangs mostly coexist with each other peacefully. Most of the violence seems to be aimed at those independents who inevitability involve themselves in gang affairs, fail to pay their bills or just fail to show the proper respect for their power. This orderly coexistence of the various criminal organizations has lead some to believe that some other unknown organization controls and mediates all underworld operations throughout the Fraser Valley. If this Shadow Syndicate exists, they rule by proxy, using gangs and independents to do their dirty work. There are no other superheros or other vigilante groups (as of yet) in the campaign world, there are many others who have exceptional skills, training or maybe weird powers but these people operated in the shadows for their respective organizations and governments. The player have the distinction of being the first at whatever they decide to do. The flavor of the campaign is Iron Age with the players being extraordinary people in a more "realistic" world. A vigilant's costume is based around more practical concerns (body armor) with a touch of flair for individually (the cool factor). Characters dress in red and blue spandex with a cape would be considered very strange ... if not comical. Otherwise, the campaign world is mostly identical to our own world except for the events that involve the players. While Gun-toting vigilante groups and street justice is abhorrent to society in general. Just flashing a realistic toy gun (guns are taken very serious) is enough to have ERT (SWAT) team to come and bash in your door. Many feel that the justice system is too soft on criminals ... that the rights of the law abiding public should outweigh individual rights. It would require a series of extreme circumstances to create a costume vigilante type hero (let alone a vigilante group) and would have to keep secret identity. The local police are competent and efficient, they have no trouble in catching criminals, it is the court system that keeps them from spending time in jail (the chain of evidence is very tight). A costume vigilante in here would be viewed as a threat to the justice system (jobs could be lost), so the police would do everything in their power to catch such a vigilante. A player will have to be very careful to protect their secret identity and not leave any evidence linking them to a crime. The method the player/players use as vigilante to fight crime is left up to them. The criminals/villains will mostly use lethal force to stop the characters. The killing or torture of characters or NPCs to achieve their goals is done when needed. They are ruthless and are motivated by money and power. Those who get in their way are not human beings but trash and are discarded freely. The misunderstood criminal ("I was abused as a child") is a rare plot in this campaign world. The real difference between a vigilante and a criminal is that the vigilante cares about their friends, family and community while the criminals only care about themselves. The tone of the campaign is that the dirt sticks to costumes, blood is bloody and revenge is sweet. It is up to the players on how each of them will act in the campaign world. Welcome to the Iron Age.
  20. Re: Prefab for Herbs and Poisons Only in a Superheroic Fantasy Hero setting would "Herb Powers" be a VPP or MP; otherwise, in a Heroic level setting, the gathering and preparation of herbs should be a skill roll. .
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