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Everything posted by tombrown803

  1. Blue Bloods is still on, it hasn't been canceled
  2. Now she has a perfect reason not to allow her kids to get their driver's license in a few years, and even better a one to tell them "no" when they ask for a car
  3. tectonic plates are at least 10 times faster
  4. Did you double check that Hero Designer is set on 5th edition and not 6th edition? Buy my math in 5th your reserve should have 12 AP and 8 real points, but in 6th it should have 15 AP and 10 real.
  5. Sorry for your loss Pariah. Your in my prayers
  6. some of us haven't even had that much Cancer
  7. You always forget to buy a lottery ticket
  8. Might want to find out first. If Jason won't you would be saving yourself time and problems.
  9. That's not autocorrect, it's your wife editing you
  10. Now your going to get protests form the Apes and Monkeys! They are offended by being compared to stupid humans
  11. Duke's opening his 6e books, our work is done.
  12. Somebody failed their disguise roll
  13. But, Tjack, everybody on this site is crazy, we're gamers!
  14. When you stop trying to destroy the universe, yes
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