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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. I wasn't sure whether this belonged in Funny Pics or Creepy Pics--I suppose it's a little of both. Anyway-- "Just keep thinking happy thoughts there, Ocky-Ocky--happy, happy thoughts. . ."
  2. Nebraska Abolishes Death Penalty
  3. Ireland Approves Same-Sex Marriage
  4. Tanishq Abraham, Eleven Years Old, Graduates College In the immortal words of Stan The Man--'Nuff Said.
  5. The Japanese Giant Hornet I swear--these things are like "The Zanti Misfits" with wings.
  6. It's okay, buddy--you've heard of them now. Will any of the original Strike Force players contribute to this project? I don't know if any of them are professional RPG writers, or even if they still play Champions. Finally--will there be action figures? Maybe even a movie? I could see Chris Evans as Lightrune.
  7. Death Commando made it into 4th Edition Champions Universe (ppg. 109-110); I have no idea what happened to him in the transition from 4th to 5th Edition. Of course, with Mechassassin, Steel Commando, Devastator, Lazer, Cyclone, and the Warlord running around--to name but a very few--it becomes quite obvious that there is no shortage of super-armed and super-armored mercenaries running around the Champions Universe, no matter what edition you choose.
  8. Finally got around to seeing the season finale. Good stuff--lots of nifty fight scenes, especially with Coulson and the others against the teleporter. I hope everyone was taking notes--those strategies could come in handy. So there was good in Mr. Hyde after all. Very much of a departure from the comic version. Good to see that he, at least, got a happy ending following a trip to Tahiti. After what happened to Simmons--once more I have to go outside and scream. Looking forward to next season--we may actually have superpowered people with code names, secret identities, and--dare I say it?--COSTUMES! One quibble I have, and it's the same one I had with Avengers: Age Of Ultron--as far as I can tell, none of the Avengers knows that Coulson is alive. I would have thought they would deal with that after Winter Soldier, when every last secret SHIELD had was exposed--but apparently not. And all the movie heroes keep saying they want to appear on Agents Of SHIELD, but it never occurs. Perhaps Season Three will deal with both matters. As I said, I;m looking forward to next season. I just hope Simmons is all right.
  9. Mainly, I think, by marketing themselves to higher-income brackets. I remember my grandparents (Grandad was an eye doctor) got their catalog all the time when I was little--I saw that catalog and fell in love, especially with the Corgi Batmobile-Batboat set from the TV series. A seriously cool toy. Are there any toy stores besides Toys R Us anymore? I remember when I was little and living near Philadelphia, there was Kiddie City--they're gone now. So are Kay-Bee Toys and Circus World--you used to find one or the other in every shopping mall--sometimes both. Children's Palace is also gone--I could find some great stuff there. (I remember they had some Captain Power Powerbase playsets on clearance sale for twenty dollars--I'm still kicking myself for passing that one up. ) I guess between Toys R Us and the big box stores--Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target--there's no more need for other toy store chains. So I guess Toys R Us won. Congratulations, guys.
  10. There have been Deathstroke conversions for 6th Edition posted already, so perhaps some other characters would be in order. I don't think Alien Enemies has been done--I remember there were some interesting characters in that book. I always liked Doctor Draconis, and would like to see him 'ported over to 6th. You can find him in Champions Universe 4th Edition. The original Deathstroke adventure book also had writeups for Special American Tactics agents--there may be some interested in seeing them in 6th, especially since the writeups could also be used as elite mooks for supervillains. Then there was Doctor Death, a front villain for the Deathstroke team. I always imagined that having gotten a taste of the power and the megalomania, he decided to become a full-fledged supervillain on his own. Hope that helps.
  11. Hopefully no one will mind if I bring this up again-- Death Sentence For Boston Bomber Unsettles City He Tore Apart Excerpt-- To the amazement of people elsewhere, Bostonians overwhelmingly opposed condemning the bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, to death. The most recent poll conducted last month for The Boston Globe, found that just 15 percent of city residents wanted him executed. Statewide, 19 percent did. By contrast, 60 percent of Americans wanted Mr. Tsarnaev to get the death penalty, according to a CBS News poll last month. No one here felt sympathy for him. Rather, many thought life in prison would be a fate worse than death, especially for someone as young as Mr. Tsarnaev, who is 21. Others feared that putting him to death would make him a martyr. Still others, interviewed around the city Friday night and Saturday, reflected the region’s historical aversion to the death penalty. I remember that when Tim McVeigh went to the death chamber for the bombing of the Murrah Building and the death of 168 people, he was satisfied with what he had done. He believed he had, to paraphrase Jefferson, "refreshed the tree of liberty," that he had struck a blow against a government he considered to be tyrannical in its policies and deeds. Like John Wilkes Booth long before him, he believed he had done right--that he did it for his country. That to me was not justice. That was basically giving McVeigh what he wanted--a "hero's" death. And sending Tsarnaev to the death chamber, while it may not be giving him what he wants, will give him what he thinks is inevitable. He very likely thinks that Americans hate all Muslims and want them dead, regardless of whether they're terrorists or law-abiding citizens--so it's not a great surprise that they want him dead as well. Fulfilling Tsarnaev's worst expectations is not justice. Making a martyr of him is not justice. Keeping him in prison for the rest of his life (no parole, no pardon) would offer the one possibility that killing him would not--that of realizing he was wrong. As the years go by in his six-by-eight foot jail cell, away from any radical activist influence, with little company except his own and little to do except sit and think--he may eventually come to regret his actions, and even admit to being mistaken. And that would be a greater punishment than killing him, having realized he was wrong and having actual remorse for the deaths he caused, and being unable to do anything about it except live with that remorse and regret as he waits for the end of his life in that six-by-eight cell. Were his sentence somehow commuted to life without parole, it would very likely not happen immediately. It might not happen after ten years, or even twenty. But as long as he is alive there would always be the possibility that Tsarnaev would come to realize and regret his transgressions--and that would never happen at all if he were just killed, either peaceably by lethal injection, or violently by a convict hoping to make a name for himself. Just my thoughts on the subject--take them as you will.
  12. As I understood it, the mother was the sinister brooding presence--Norman was just the poor soul who couldn't get away from her. Ever.
  13. Department Of Extranormal Operations
  14. That was good. My only quibble was that the guy they had playing James Olsen was better suited for the role of John Henry Irons. But otherwise this is magnificent. I do hope, though, that The Man Himself will show up at some point. Definitely looking forward to this.
  15. Looked pretty friendly to me-- "Dude! I love you!" "No! I love you!" "No! I love you!" "No! I love you!" "No! I love you!" Yeah, it's closing time.
  16. Here's a plane for your PCs superteam-- Granted, you'd burn up all the fuel in under an hour, but you'd get where you're going in no time at all.
  17. Welcome To Liberland So--does anyone think they have a snowball's chance in a sauna of succeeding?
  18. Agreed--they look very sweet. But what are those weapons supposed to fire? Lasers? Particle Beams? Plasma? Something Else?
  19. It could be worse--your players could have to resort to these--
  20. Washington Teacher Tackles Armed Student A round of applause and a round of drinks for Mr. Olson. Close down the balloting--we have our Teacher Of The Year.
  21. So when you shoot your TV, you do it in the name of Elvis. In whose name do you shoot your computer? Hm?
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