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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Many posts ago I put upon this thread a less-than-lethal weapon called the JPX Defender, which allowed your characters to ruin an NPC's day without killing them. Those who appreciated the weapon will undoubtedly be pleased to know there is now a four-shot version-- Hope that helps.
  2. I was thinking something along the lines of what happened with members of the Manson family--that this character was so seduced and captivated by the crimelord that she would do the most hideous and unspeakable things to other people to prove her loyalty and maintain his affection. So it wouldn't be so much what was done to her, but what she has done to others in his name--destruction, torture, mutilation and murder. There would have to be an incident at some point where she would be forced to reconsider her life and the crimes she has committed, not unlike The Bride from the Kill Bill movies discovering she was pregnant. Up to that point she would have done anything for Bill--including murder a church full of innocents. (They didn't call him Snake Charmer for nothing.) But after she found that out, she realized things had to change--that she had to leave her old life and him behind. Hope that helps.
  3. Are your heroes traveling under their own devising, or are they somehow drawn to events like this Quantum Leap--style? I ask because it occurs to me that if I were to travel freely to 1975, I would buy as much stock in 20th Century Fox and Kenner Toys as I could get my hands on, sell everything after 1983, stick the money in the most secure, highest interest-bearing account I could find, then return to the present and cash in. Just sayin'.
  4. What do you hunt with those things? Dinosaurs?
  5. Edward Rickenbacker--race-car driver turned fighter pilot. America's first super-patriot hero--Sky Racer, Sentinel Of The Air.
  6. What Bubba said--but I do wish there were names, and possibly even power descriptions, to go with the characters.
  7. This is much more creepy to anyone following The Walking Dead--and while it's based on something that happened last season, the "cookie speech" from the most recent episode (3-8) makes it that much more creepy--
  8. I admit--that did not occur to me.
  9. "Look! It's The Legion!"
  10. If you go with the notion that Faeries are miniature people (Tinkerbell, anyone?) then Shrinking is in order, so that the character can more readily interact with that "side of the family," so to speak. Hope that helps.
  11. I'd say they qualify more for the "Foods For Those Who Just Don't Care Anymore" thread. But honestly, are they that much different than the gravy and dressing sodas put out by Jones Sodas every Thanksgiving?
  12. My apologies. I missed this thread when I posted.
  13. Then again, they didn't need superpowers to be superheroic. Check out panel three on this page from Captain America-- I figure that's over a dozen Nazis that he's taken out of the fight just by swinging his arms out to the sides. You can almost hear the "falling tenpins" sound effect. Cap didn't need to fly or shoot disintegrator beams from his eyes to upend the laws of physics.
  14. So--are private police any better than public police?
  15. And to think Captain America just punched out Hitler--
  16. Think the Nazis were tough? Beware the Frog People of the Moon and their Queen, whose beauty belies her unspeakable evil--
  17. Aren't crows a nuisance as well--or do they serve some benefit that makes it worthwhile to leave food for them?
  18. Excellent jobs on the builds--but where are the Complications?
  19. How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life
  20. My apologies. I didn't look at the date and thought it was more recent.
  21. I'd at least wait to see if the voters re-elect the judge that issued the sentence--that way you'll know whether it's just the judge that's completely without a clue, or the electorate.
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